Foundational Framework

Scholars will learn how to develop a system to practice awareness and improve understanding about the diverse circumstances and experiences communities and their constituents endure or participate in. The LSS Foundational Framework allows Law and Society Scholars to gain the necessary knowledge, wisdom, and confidence to navigate challenges and create positive impact.

The basic components of this framework include:

  1. Learning the value of introspection in shaping future goals and achievements,
  2. Leadership development through relationship building and listening,
  3. Expansion of diversity awareness to encourage equitable thought and action, and
  4. Development and management of service profiles to reflect individual desires and explore interests.

This framework is introduced during 1Y LSS Seminar – Autumn Semester.

In Autumn 2023, this framework was accompanied by literary discussions inspired by the book entitled, “No Country for Eight-Spot Butterflies,” written by Chamorro indigenous rights and environmental justice lawyer, Julian Aguon, from Guam.

In Autumn 2024, this framework will be accompanied by literary discussions inspired by the book entitled, “Range,” written by David Epstein.

Additionally, the Honors & Scholars Center provides guidance for Scholars to utilize PebblePad, ePortfolio, and the H&S Workbook to digitally document their Buckeye journeys. Law and Society Scholars will add to their H&S Workbooks with reflections about their experiences in the Program. Scholars must familiarize themselves with the following resources:

This framework was independently designed and authored by Program Manager, Devika L. Carr, Esq. ’06. All material appears in the public domain, but unless otherwise noted, may not be reproduced, copied, or otherwise distributed for a fee without express and written permission from the author. Citation of the source is appreciated.

LSS Framework Presentation by Devika L. Carr, Esq.