My First Week at OSU

My first week at OSU has been strikingly hot and sweaty (weather-related). It has forced me to talk to people I’ve never seen before and find buildings on a big college campus I’d only previously been to three times. I tried my hardest to come into this experience without any preconceived notions or expectations about what my experience would be like. I’m really glad that I (arguably) succeeded at that, because I really was not expecting my dorm to have cockroaches. I was very unpleasantly surprised when one almost crawled into my shower on my second night in Baker East. 🙁

However, I was also not expecting to live in the same hallway as some really awesome upperclassmen who were more than happy to answer all of my freshman questions, serious or otherwise. I was definitely not expecting to love every single one of my professors (even my zany Calculus professor, Dr. Snapp). Most of all, I was not expecting to feel like this place, this community, is my second home and that choosing to come to OSU has been the best decision of my life thus far.