Homework 11
Does the work fulfill the criteria of the modules? I believe my work done these past few modules has been satisfactory of the criteria within the modules. I liked Module 4 over Module 5 significantly, however I did find that…
Homework 8
Upon completing my module 3 sketches and looking back at my work, I feel that I was successful in creating perspective and a semi-accurate sense of depth. For me, it is challenging to recreate every item of subject within the…
Homework 7 — Vincent Van Gogh
Homework 7 GE writing
Homework 6
Parallel perspective — towards a single vanishing point on the horizon line. Using a horizon line to represent the horizon, creating distance. Angular perspective — using 2 vanishing points on the horizon line to see the subject at an angle rather…
Homework 5
Art Homework 5 I really enjoyed looking into these artists, heres my feedback and summary of how those artists and their work made me feel.
Homework #3
value schemes. I found these to be very helpful. Using many different values helps to create the illusion of dimension. George Seurat, trees. I found this sketch to be very good at creating dimension with. charcoal. The trees in the…
Homework #2
1/14/21 Homework 2 The secret of Drawing 1 – the Line of Enquiry
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