AESA, Charlottesville VA, November 2-6, 2005
- Foucauldian Scientificity (pdf)
AERA 2005
- Scientism and Scientificity in the Rage for Accountability: A Feminist Deconstruction (pdf)
- The Foundations/Cultural Studies Nexus: An Emerging Movement in the Education Field (pdf)
- Ethics Now: White Woman Goes to Africa and Loses Her Voice (pdf)
- Getting Lost: Feminist Efforts Toward a Double(d) Science (pdf)
- Response to Peters and Burbules, Poststructuralism and Educational Research (pdf)
Articles 2004
- Scientific research in education: a critical perspective (pdf)
AERA 2003
- This IS Your Father’s Paradigm: Government Intrusion and the Case of Qualitative Research in Education (pdf)
- Applied Derrida: (Mis)Reading the Work of Mourning in Educational Research (pdf)
AERA 2002
- Critique Across Differences (pdf)