

  • Lather, Patti, and Julie Clemens, in press, “Postmodern Studies in Education.” In Annette Henry and Stephen Tozer (Eds.) Handbook on Research in Social Foundations of Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers. (pdf)
  • Lather, Patti and John Kitchens (in press) Applied Benjamin: Educational Thought, Research and Pedagogy. In Handbook of Poststructuralism and Education, Lynda Stone and James Marshall, eds. Rotterdam: Sense Publications. (pdf)
  • Lather, Patti (in press) Response: The Double Trouble of Passing on Curriculum Studies. Curriculum Studies: The Next Moment, Eric Malewski, ed. NY: Routledge.
  • Lather, Patti (2008) Getting Lost: Critiquing Across Differences as a Methodological Practice. Pp. 219-231 in The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research, Kathleen Gallagher, ed. NY: Routledge. (pdf)


  • Lather, Patti, 2007. “Front-stage/Back-stage: What Performance Where?? In Feminist Research Practice: A Primer, Sharlene Hess-Biber and Patricia Lina Leavy, eds. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 102-108.
  • Lather, Patti, 2007, “Validity, Qualitative.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, George Ritzer, ed. Oxford: Blackwell Pub, 5161-5165. (pdf)


    Lather, Patti, 2005, “From Competing Paradigms to Disjunctive Affirmation: Teaching Research Methodology in Education.” In Charles Hancock and Peter Paul (eds.), Essays on the Role and Nature of Research within the PH.D Program in Education. Ohio State University, 92-117.


  • Lather, Patti, 2004. “How Research can be Made to Mean: Feminist Ethnography at the Limits of Representation.” Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Curriculum and Research. Francisco Ibanez- Carrasco and Erica Meiners, eds. NY: Routledge, 181-188.
  • Lather, Patti, 2004. “Foucauldian ‘Indiscipline’ as a Sort of Policy Application.” In Dangerous Coagulations? The Uses of Foucault in the Study of Education, Bernadette Baker and Katy Heyning, eds. NY: Peter Lang Publishers, 279-304.


  • Lather, Patti, 2001. “Ten Years Later, Yet Again: Critical Pedagogy and Its Complicities. In Feminist Engagements: Reading, Resisting, and Revisioning Male Theorists in Education and Cultural Studies, Kathleen Weiler, ed. NY: Routledge, 183-195.
  • Lather, Patti, 2001. “Validity as an Incitement to Discourse: Qualitative Research and the Crisis of Legitimation.” Handbook of Research on Teaching, Fourth Edition, Virginia Richardson, editor. Washington DC: AERA, 241-250.
  • Lather, Patti, 2001. “Postmodernism, Poststructuralism and Post(Critical) Ethnography,” Handbook of Ethnography, Paul Atkinson et al, editors. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 477-492.

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