Lather, Patti (2014, 27 Feb.) To Give Good Science: Doing Qualitative Research in the Afterward. Education Policy Analysis Archives 22(10). (open access journal,
Lather, Patti (2013) Methodology -21: What Do We Do in the Afterward? Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(6), 634-645.
Lather, Patti (2012, 23 October) The ruins of neo-liberalism and the construction of a new (scientific) subjectivity. Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Lather, Patti (2012) “Becoming Feminist”: An Untimely Mediation on Football. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 12(4), 357-360.
Moss, Pamela, D.C. Phillips, Frederick Erickson, Robert Floden, Patti Lather and Barbara Schneider (2009) Learning from our Differences: A Dialogue Across Perspectives on Quality in Education Research. Educational Researcher, 38(7), 501-517.
Lather, Patti (2009) Getting Lost: Social Science and/as Philosophy. Educational Studies, 45(4), 342-357.
Lather, Patti (2009) Getting Lost: Feminist Efforts Toward a Double(d) Science. Frontiers, 30(1), 222-230
Lather, Patti (2008) To Appear Other to Itself Anew: Response Data. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 8(3), 369-371.
Lather, Patti (2008) (Post) Feminist Methodology: Getting Lost OR A Scientificity We Can Bear to Learn From,” International Review of Qualitative Research, 1(1), 55-64. Reprinted in Adjusting Reality, Dorthe Staunaes and Jette Kofoed, eds. Copenhagen: The Danish University of Education, 2007, 269-278. Reprinted in Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Evidence, Norm Denzin and Michael Giardina, eds. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press, 2008, 182-194.
Lather, Patti (2006) Foucauldian Scientificity: Rethinking the Nexus of Qualitative Research and Educational Policy Analysis. Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(6), 783-791.
Lather, Patti (2006) The Foundations/Cultural Studies Nexus: An Emerging Movement in the Education Field. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. Summer, 25-40.
Lather, Patti (2006) Paradigm Proliferation as a Good Thing to Think With: Teaching Qualitative Research as a Wild Profusion. Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(1), 35-57.
Lather, Patti and Pam Moss. 2005. Introduction: Implications of Scientific Research in Education Report for Qualitative Inquiry, special issue of Teachers College Record, 1-3.
Lather, Patti. 2004. Scientific Research in Education. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20(1), 14-30. Joint publication with British Educational Research Journal, 30(6), 759-772, 2004.
Lather, Patti, 2004, This IS Your Father’s Paradigm: Governmental Intrusion and the Case of Qualitative Research in Education. Qualitative Inquiry., 10(1), 15-34. Reprinted in The Disciplining of Education: New Languages of Power and Resistance, J. Satterthwaite and Elizabeth Atkinson, eds. England: Trentham, 2004, 21-36 and Qualitative Inquiry and the Conservative Challenge, Norman Denzin and Michael Gjardina, eds. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press, 2006, 31-56. Reprinted in Qualitative Research Methods in Education, Harry Torrance, ed. London: Sage, 2010, 293-312.
Lather, Patti, 2003, “Applied Derrida: (Mis)Reading the Work of Mourning in Educational Research,” Journal of Philosophy and Education, 35(3), 257-270. Reprinted in Derrida, Deconstruction and Education: Ethics of Pedagogy and Research, Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters, eds. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, 3-16.
Lather, Patti, 2002, “Postbook: Working the Ruins of Feminist Ethnography.” Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 27(1), 199-227.
Lather, Patti, 2001, “The Staging of Qualitative Research”: A Response to Kathleen Gallagher,” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(3), 157-162.
Lather, Patti, 2000, “Against Empathy, Voice and Authenticity.” In Transgressive Methodology,” special issue of Women, Gender and Research, V. 4. Copenhagen, 16-25. Reprinted in Voice in Qualitative Inquiry, Alecia Youngblood Jackson and Lisa Mazzei, eds. London: Routledge, 2009, 17-26.
Lather, Patti, 2000, “Reading the Image of Rigoberta Menchu,” Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(2), 153-162.
Lather, Patti, 1999, “The Places in Which We Thought Then,” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 15(2), 133-138.
Lather, Patti, 1999, “To Be of Use: The Work of Reviewing, Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 2-7.
Lather, Patti, 1998, “Critical Pedagogy and Its Complicities,” Educational Theory, 48(4), 487-497.
Lather, Patti, 1997, “Drawing the Line at Angels: Working the Ruins of Feminist Ethnography,” Qualitative Studies in Education, 10(3), 285-304. Reprinted in Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructural Theory and Methods in Education, Elizabeth St. Pierre and Wanda Pillow, eds. (NY: Routledge, 2000, 284-311), and Gender and Research, Sara Delamont and Paul Atkinson, eds. (London: Sage, 2008).
Lather, Patti, 1996, “Troubling Clarity: The Politics of Accessible Language,” Harvard Educational Review, 66(3), 525-545.
Lather, Patti, 1996, “Telling Data: ‘We’re Supposed to be a Support Group,” Qualitative Studies in Education, 9(3), 1-3.
Lather, Patti, 1995, “The Validity of Angels: Interpretive and Textual Strategies in Researching the Lives of Women With HIV/AIDS,” Qualitative Inquiry, 1(1) 41-68. Reprinted in Ethnographic Discourse, Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, eds. London: Sage, 2008.
Lather, Patti, 1994, “Textual Strategies and the Politics of Interpretation in Educational Research, Australian Educational Researcher, 21(1), 41-63.
Lather, Patti, 1993, “Fertile Obsession: Validity After Poststructuralism,” Sociological Quarterly, 34(4), 673-693. Reprinted in Power and Method: Political Activism and Educational Research, Andrew Gitlin, editor. (New York: Routledge, 1994, 36-60); The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Vol. 3, Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln, eds. (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2001); Social Research Methods: A Reader, Clive Seal, ed. (NY: Routledge, 2004).
Lather, Patti, 1992, “Critical Frames in Educational Research: Feminist and Poststructural Perspectives,” Theory into Practice, 31(2), 87-99. Reprinted in Perspectives and Approaches for Research in Education and the Social Sciences, Kathleen deMarrais and Stephen Lapan, editors (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, 203-216.)
Lather, Patti, 1991, “Post-Critical Pedagogies: A Feminist Reading,” Education and Society, 9(1-2), 100-111. Reprinted in Postmodernism, Postcolonialism and Pedagogy, Peter McLaren, ed. ( Albert Park, Australia: James Nicholas Publishers, 1995, 167-186), Feminisms and Radical Pedagogy: A Reader, Carmen Luke and Jennifer Gore, editors (London: Routledge, 1992, 120-137), and Foundations of Educational Thought, Eugene F. Provenzo, ed. (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2008).
Lather, Patti, 1991, “Deconstructing/Deconstructive Inquiry: The Politics of Knowing and Being Known,” Educational Theory, 41(2), 153-173.
Lather, Patti, 1990, “Postmodernism and the Human Sciences,” Humanistic Psychology, 18(3), 64-84. Reprinted in Psychology and Postmodernism, Steinar Kvale, editor (Newbury Park CA: Sage, 1992, 88-109).
Lather, Patti, 1989, “Postmodernism and the Politics of Enlightenment,” Educational Foundations, 3(3), 7-28. Reprinted in Revista de Educacion 297, March-April, 1992, Madrid, 7-24.
Lather, Patti, 1989, “Ideology and Methodological Attitude,” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 9(2), 7-26. Reprinted in Contemporary Curriculum Discourses: Twenty Years of JCT, William Pinar, ed. (NY: Peter Lang, 1999, 246-261).
Lather, Patti, 1988, “Feminist Perspectives on Empowering Research Methodologies,” Women’s Studies International Forum, 11(6), 569-581. Reprinted in Debates and Issues in Feminist Research and Pedagogy, edited by Janet Holland and Maud Blair (Clevedon England: Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1995, 292-307).
Lather, Patti, 1987, “Patriarchy, Capitalism and the Nature of Teacher Work,” Teacher Education Quarterly, special issue on Women and Teacher Education. 14(2), 25-38. Reprinted in The Education Feminism Reader, Lynda Stone, editor (New York: Routledge, 1994, 242-251). Reprinted in Education Feminism: Classic and Contemporary Readings, edited by Barbara Thayer-Bacon, Lynda Stone and Katherine M. Sprecher. Albany: SUNY Press, 2013, 151-162.
Lather, Patti, 1986, “Research as Praxis,” Harvard Educational Review, 56(3), August, 257-277. Reprinted in the 1987 volume of EVALUATION STUDIES REVIEW ANNUAL (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage), Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Expanding Perspectives, Clifton F. Conrad, Jennifer Haworth and Lisa Lattuca, eds. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2001, and Culture/Power/Pedagogy, Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez, Heather Harding and Tere Sorde-Marti, eds., Harvard University Press, 2004, 41-60. Reprinted in Qualitative Research Methods in Education, Harry Torrance, ed. London: Sage, 2010, 181-204.
Lather, Patti, 1986, “Issues of Validity in Openly Ideological Research: Between a Rock and a Soft Place,” Interchange, 17(4), 63-84. Reprinted in Yvonna Lincoln and Norman Denzin, eds. Turning Points in Qualitative Research. Rowman and Littlefield, 2003, 185-215.
Lather, Patti, 1984, “Critical Theory, Curricular Transformation and Feminist Mainstreaming,” Journal of Education, 66(1), 49-62.
Lather, Patti, 1981, “Re-educating Educators: Sex Equity in Teacher Education,”Educational Horizons, 60(1), 36-40.
Lather, Patti, 2010. Engaging Science Policy: From the Side of the Messy. NY: Peter Lang. “Critics Choice” Book Award, American Educational Studies Association, 2011.
Lather, Patti, 2007. Getting Lost: Feminist Practices Toward a Double(d) Science. Albany NY: SUNY Press. “Critics Choice” Book Award, American Educational Studies Association, 2008.
Lather, Patti and Chris Smithies, 1997. Troubling the Angels: Women Living With HIV/AIDS. Boulder: Westview/HarperCollins. A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book of the Year, 1998.
Lather, Patti, 1991. Getting Smart: Feminist Research and Pedagogy With/in the Postmodern. New York: Routledge. “Critics Choice” Book Award, American Educational Studies Association, 1991.
Book chapters
Lather, Patti (2013) An Intellectual Autobiography: The Return of the (Feminist) Subject? In Leaders in Gender and Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits, 117-128. Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower and Christine Skelton, eds. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Patti Lather (2012) Foucauldian Scientificity: Qualitative Methodology -21. Pp. 555-56 in Critical Qualitative Research Reader, Shirley Steinberg and Gaile Cannella, eds. NY: Peter Lang.
Lather, Patti and John Kitchens (in press) Applied Benjamin: Educational Thought, Research and Pedagogy. In Essays for Education in Poststructuralist Veins, Lynda Stone and James Marshall, eds. Rotterdam: Sense Publications.
Lather, Patti (2011) Dear Bill: “Grokking Education.” In Bill Gates and the Future of U. S. Public Schools, ed. by Philip E. Kovaks. NY: Routledge, 186-190.
Lather, Patti, and Julie Clemens (2011) “Postmodern Studies in Education.” In Stephen Tozer , Bernardo Gallegos, Annette Henry, Mary Bushnell Greiner and Paula Groves Price (Eds.) Handbook on Research in the Social Foundations of Education.NY: Routledge, 179-194,
Lather, Patti (2010) Response to Jennifer Gilbert: The Double Trouble of Passing on Curriculum Studies. Curriculum Studies Handbook: The Next Moment. Eric Malewski, ed. NY: Routledge, 73-77
Gershon, Walter, Patti Lather and Chris Smithies (2009) Troubling the angels redux: Tales of collaboration towards a polyphonic text. In The Collaborative Turn: Working Together in Qualitative Research, Walter Gershon, ed. Rotterdam: Sense Publishing, 3-34.
Lather, Patti (2009) Scientism and Scientificity in the Rage for Accountability. Pp. 113-126 in Rafe St. Clair, ed. Education Science: Critical Perspectives. Rotterdam: Sense Publications.
Lather, Patti (2008) Getting Lost: Critiquing Across Differences as a Methodological Practice. Pp. 219-231 in The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research, Kathleen Gallagher, ed. NY: Routledge.
Lather, Patti, 2007. “Front-stage/Back-stage: What Performance Where?” In Feminist Research Practice: A Primer, Sharlene Hess-Biber and Patricia Lina Leavy, eds. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 102-108.
Lather, Patti, 2007, “Validity, Qualitative.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, George Ritzer, ed. Oxford: Blackwell Pub, 5161-5165. 300 word version published in Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2008.
Lather, Patti, 2005, “From Competing Paradigms to Disjunctive Affirmation: Teaching Research Methodology in Education.” In Charles Hancock and Peter Paul (eds.), Essays on the Role and Nature of Research within the PH.D Program in Education. Ohio State University, 92-117.
Lather, Patti, 2004. “How Research can be Made to Mean: Feminist Ethnography at the Limits of Representation.” Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Curriculum and Research. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco and Erica Meiners, eds. NY: Routledge, 181-188.
Lather, Patti, 2004. “Foucauldian ‘Indiscipline’ as a Sort of Policy Application.” In Dangerous Coagulations? The Uses of Foucault in the Study of Education, Bernadette Baker and Katy Heyning, eds. NY: Peter Lang Publishers, 279-304.
Lather, Patti, 2001. “Ten Years Later, Yet Again: Critical Pedagogy and Its Complicities. In Feminist Engagements: Reading, Resisting, and Revisioning Male Theorists in Education and Cultural Studies, Kathleen Weiler, ed. NY: Routledge, 183-195.
Lather, Patti, 2001. “Validity as an Incitement to Discourse: Qualitative Research and the Crisis of Legitimation.” Handbook of Research on Teaching, Fourth Edition, Virginia Richardson, editor. Washington DC: AERA, 241-250.
Lather, Patti, 2001. “Postmodernism, Poststructuralism and Post(Critical) Ethnography,” Handbook of Ethnography, Paul Atkinson et al, editors. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 477-492.
Lather, Patti, 2000. “From Competing Paradigms to Disjunctive Affirmation. Higher Education in Finland, September 9-10, 1999 Conference Proceedings. University of Jyvaskyla, Koulutuksen Tutkimuslaitos, Finland, 30-39.
Lather, Patti, 2000. Responsible Practices of Academic Writing: Troubling Clarity II. In Revolutionary Pedagogies: Cultural Politics and Discourse of Theory, P. Trifonas, ed. NY: Routledge, 289-311.
Lather, Patti,1998. “Naked Methodology.” Pp. 136-154 in Revisioning Women: Feminist Cultural and Technoscience Perspectives, Virginia Olesen and Adele Clarke, editors. New York: Routledge.
Lather, Patti, 1997. “Creating a Multi-Layered Text: Women, AIDS and Angels. In Representation and the Text, William Tierney and Yvonna Lincoln, editors. Albany: SUNY Press, 233-258.
Lather, Patti, 1996. “Postcolonial Feminism in an International Frame: From Mapping the Researched to Interrogating Mapping.” In Social Cartography: Mapping Ways of Seeing Education and Social Change, Rolland G. Paulston, editor. New York: Garland, 357-373.
Lather, Patti, 1994, “Critical Inquiry in Qualitative Research: Feminist and Poststructural Perspectives: Science ‘After Truth.'” In Exploring Collaborative Research in Primary Care, edited by Benjamin Crabtree et al. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 103-114. Reprinted in Foundations for Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences, edited by Kathleen B. deMarrais and Stephen Lapan (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003).
Lather, Patti, 1994, “Staying Dumb? Feminist Research and Pedagogy With/in the Postmodern.” In After Postmodernism, Herb Simons and Michael Billings (eds.). Thousand Oaks: Sage, 101-132. Listed in Philosophical Abstracts, 1995, p. 157.
Lather, Patti, 1992, contribution to “History of Post-Structuralism in Curriculum Studies: Genealogical Notes.” In Understanding Curriculum as Phenomenological and Deconstructed Texts, Wm. Pinar and Wm. Reynolds, editors. NY: Teachers College Press, 252-257.
Lather, Patti, 1990, “Reinscribing Otherwise: The Play of Values in the Practices of the Human Sciences.” In The Paradigm Dialog: Options for Social Science Inquiry, Egon Guba, editor. Sage, 315-332.
Lather, Patti, 1989, commentary to section on critical inquiry in 1989 Yearbook, Alternative Modes of Inquiry in Home Economics Research, Francine Hultgren and Donna Coomer, editors. Teacher Education Section, American Home Economics Association, 251-254.