Lather, Patti (2014, 27 Feb.) To Give Good Science: Doing Qualitative Research in the Afterward. Education Policy Analysis Archives 22(10). (open access journal,
Lather, Patti (2013) Methodology -21: What Do We Do in the Afterward? Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(6), 634-645.
Lather, Patti (2012, 23 October) The ruins of neo-liberalism and the construction of a new (scientific) subjectivity. Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Lather, Patti (2012) “Becoming Feminist”: An Untimely Mediation on Football. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 12(4), 357-360.
Moss, Pamela, D.C. Phillips, Frederick Erickson, Robert Floden, Patti Lather and Barbara Schneider (2009) Learning from our Differences: A Dialogue Across Perspectives on Quality in Education Research. Educational Researcher, 38(7), 501-517.
Lather, Patti (2009) Getting Lost: Social Science and/as Philosophy. Educational Studies, 45(4), 342-357.
Lather, Patti (2009) Getting Lost: Feminist Efforts Toward a Double(d) Science. Frontiers, 30(1), 222-230
Lather, Patti (2008) To Appear Other to Itself Anew: Response Data. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 8(3), 369-371.
Lather, Patti (2008) (Post) Feminist Methodology: Getting Lost OR A Scientificity We Can Bear to Learn From,” International Review of Qualitative Research, 1(1), 55-64. Reprinted in Adjusting Reality, Dorthe Staunaes and Jette Kofoed, eds. Copenhagen: The Danish University of Education, 2007, 269-278. Reprinted in Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Evidence, Norm Denzin and Michael Giardina, eds. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press, 2008, 182-194.
Lather, Patti (2006) Foucauldian Scientificity: Rethinking the Nexus of Qualitative Research and Educational Policy Analysis. Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(6), 783-791.
Lather, Patti (2006) The Foundations/Cultural Studies Nexus: An Emerging Movement in the Education Field. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. Summer, 25-40.
Lather, Patti (2006) Paradigm Proliferation as a Good Thing to Think With: Teaching Qualitative Research as a Wild Profusion. Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(1), 35-57.
Lather, Patti and Pam Moss. 2005. Introduction: Implications of Scientific Research in Education Report for Qualitative Inquiry, special issue of Teachers College Record, 1-3.
Lather, Patti. 2004. Scientific Research in Education. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20(1), 14-30. Joint publication with British Educational Research Journal, 30(6), 759-772, 2004.
Lather, Patti, 2004, This IS Your Father’s Paradigm: Governmental Intrusion and the Case of Qualitative Research in Education. Qualitative Inquiry., 10(1), 15-34. Reprinted in The Disciplining of Education: New Languages of Power and Resistance, J. Satterthwaite and Elizabeth Atkinson, eds. England: Trentham, 2004, 21-36 and Qualitative Inquiry and the Conservative Challenge, Norman Denzin and Michael Gjardina, eds. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press, 2006, 31-56. Reprinted in Qualitative Research Methods in Education, Harry Torrance, ed. London: Sage, 2010, 293-312.
Lather, Patti, 2003, “Applied Derrida: (Mis)Reading the Work of Mourning in Educational Research,” Journal of Philosophy and Education, 35(3), 257-270. Reprinted in Derrida, Deconstruction and Education: Ethics of Pedagogy and Research, Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters, eds. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, 3-16.
Lather, Patti, 2002, “Postbook: Working the Ruins of Feminist Ethnography.” Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 27(1), 199-227.
Lather, Patti, 2001, “The Staging of Qualitative Research”: A Response to Kathleen Gallagher,” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(3), 157-162.