

  • Lather, Patti, 2000, “Against Empathy, Voice and Authenticity.” In Transgressive Methodology,” special issue of Women, Gender and Research, V. 4. Copenhagen, 16-25. Reprinted in Voice in Qualitative Inquiry, Alecia Youngblood Jackson and Lisa Mazzei, eds. NY: Routledge, in press.
  • Lather, Patti, 2000, “Reading the Image of Rigoberta Menchu, Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(2), 153-162.


  • Lather, Patti, 1999, “The Places in Which We Thought Then, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 15(2),133-138.
  • Lather, Patti, 1999, “To Be of Use: The Work of Reviewing, Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 2-7.


  • Lather, Patti, 1998, “Critical Pedagogy and Its Complicities,” Educational Theory, 48(4), 487-497.


  • Lather, Patti, 1997, “Drawing the Line at Angels: Working the Ruins of Feminist Ethnography,” Qualitative Studies in Education, 10(3), 285-304. Reprinted in Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructural Theory and Methods in Education, Elizabeth St. Pierre and Wanda Pillow, eds. (NY: Routledge, 2000, 284-311) and Reader in the Sociology of Education, Stephen Ball, ed. (NY: RoutledgeFalmer, in 2004).


  • Lather, Patti, 1996, “Troubling Clarity: The Politics of Accessible Language,” Harvard EducationalReview, 66(3), 525-545.
  • Lather, Patti, 1996, “Telling Data: ‘We’re Supposed to be a Support Group,” Qualitative Studies in Education, 9(3), 1-3.


  • Lather, Patti, 1995, “The Validity of Angels: Interpretive and Textual Strategies in Researching the Lives of Women With HIV/AIDS,” Qualitative Inquiry, 1(1) 41-68. Reprinted in Ethnographic Discourse, Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, eds. London: Sage, 2008.


  • Lather, Patti, 1994, “Textual Strategies and the Politics of Interpretation in Educational Research, Australian Educational Researcher, 21(1), 41-63.


  • Lather, Patti, 1993, “Fertile Obsession: Validity After Poststructuralism,” Sociological Quarterly, 34(4), 673-693. Reprinted in Power and Method: Political Activism and Educational Research, Andrew Gitlin, editor. (New York: Routledge, 1994, 36-60); The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Vol. 3, Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln, eds. (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2001); Social Research Methods: A Reader, Clive Seal, ed. (NY: Routledge, 2004).


  • Lather, Patti, 1992, “Critical Frames in Educational Research: Feminist and Poststructural Perspectives”, Theory into Practice, 31(2), 87-99. Reprinted in Perspectives and Approaches for Research in Education and the Social Sciences, Kathleen deMarrais and Stephen Lapan, editors (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, 203-216.)


  • Lather, Patti, 1991, “Post-Critical Pedagogies: A Feminist Reading,” Education and Society, 9(1-2), 100-111. Reprinted in Postmodernism, Postcolonialism and Pedagogy, Peter McLaren, ed. ( Albert Park, Australia: James Nicholas Publishers, 1995, 167-186) and Feminisms and Radical Pedagogy: A Reader, Carmen Luke and Jennifer Gore, editors (London: Routledge, 1992, 120-137). Reprinted in Foundations of Educational Thought, Eugene F. Provenzo, ed. (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2008).
  • Lather, Patti, 1991, “Deconstructing/Deconstructive Inquiry: The Politics of Knowing and Being Known,” Educational Theory, 41(2), 153-173.

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