The Ohio State University
National Sovereignty and Latin America

National Sovereignty and Latin America

Can national sovereignty coexist with international institutions? Is national sovereignty critical to the international system anymore? While international institutions stress the importance of national sovereignty, this principle has evolved since the creation of the United Nations post-WWII. Under the definition…

Military and Authoritarianism in Latin America

In Collier’s piece, he presents an argument that attempts to explain the rise of authoritarian and military regimes in specific areas of Latin America. Collier presents analysis from Guillermo O’Donnell in which three elements (regime qualities, nature of the politically…

Perspectives on Underdevelopment and Regime Change in Latin America

Cycle One (1900-1939) was characterized by widespread oligarchy in Latin America. The move away from oligarchy seems to have left lasting effects until it completely disappeared. The elites maintained political power and control, while working class and middle class individuals…