The Ohio State University

Skim Two

Quentin Sciulli Skim two           Nutella on the black market?   The Venezuelan problems continue to escalate. They are an oil rich country but the global price of oil being so low has really hurt the…

Skim 1

Quentin Sciulli Skim one A case of the blame game A landslide in Columbia over the weekend has sparked mass devastation and controversy. It sent mud and rocks plummeting into the town of Mocoa and swept towns away that stood…

Clientelism in Latin America

Two of these articles look to tackle clientelism and why it occurs. This is the idea that politicians trade things to voters in exchange for their support. Auyero states that politicians use two methods to keep the public dependent on…

Neoliberalism and Poverty. The unfortunate duo

This article by Holzner brings up some concerning pieces of information on the implementation of neoliberal policies. It suggests that while policies of free markets and electoral representation exist, it may still in the end equate to less representative democracy….

Transitions to democracy

O’Donnell talks a lot about the transition a country makes to democracy and how to go about it. He points out the difficulties involved in doing this and even when you intend to instill democracy, the policies that you may…