The Ohio State University

Are Political Parties Key to Democracy? The reading by Juan Pablo Luna uses O’Donnell’s essays to form an argument that is quite intriguing for the reasoning behind Latin Americas lack of success. Luna uses O’Donnell’s ideas of a horizontal and vertical accountability. O’Donnell states that…

Mothers Run the World Through Quiet Revolutions

Los Madres de Plaza de Mayo is an interesting read, given the background and history that Argentina has. At the time of their founding they were not trying to be political or even confrontational in any aspect. They were just…

Industrialization: Authoritarianism or Semi – Democracy?

I believe that O’Donnell’s findings, within the reading, are interesting to interpret. For example his idea about industrialization and the development of the populist and gaining support through the creation of initial phase of industrialization, which he classifies as consumer…