The Ohio State University

Relationship between Democratization and Development, is there a need for causation?

Even if the waves of democratization in Latin America raise important questions regarding the endurability of democracy versus the other regime types, Fukuyama, Valenzuela and Valenzuela, and Smith, also consider questions about the relationship (whether causal or not) between democracy…

Perspectives on Underdevelopment and Regime Change in Latin America

Cycle One (1900-1939) was characterized by widespread oligarchy in Latin America. The move away from oligarchy seems to have left lasting effects until it completely disappeared. The elites maintained political power and control, while working class and middle class individuals…

The Race of the World Economy

Although the perspectives of modernization and dependency contradict each other on basically everything, one can see merit in both. The bias in both is obvious as well. Given the fact that modernization was an outside perspective and that dependency is…


Welcome to the PS 4240: Latin American Politics blog. Students will use this medium throughout the semester to post reflections on the course content and current events in the region.