Skimm #2
The Story
Wild Fire in Chile
Chile is seeking help after the worst wildfires hit the country.
Who did this?
More than 100,000 hectares of land have been destroyed by wildfires in Chile. The story was reported in the Telegraph News Article of January 23rd, 2017 (Associated Press , 2017). The fire that was the greatest in the entire history of the country forced the government to seek help from the International Organization (Associated Press , 2017). The agriculture minister of the country was appealing to bodies of aid on the international political scene to come together and assist the country in fighting the wildfires that wreaked havoc destroying lives and leaving may people dead and much more injured (Associated Press , 2017). The hardest-hit part of the country is the southern part of the country in the region of O’Higgins.
What is next?
The President of the country asked for help from countries around the world that had the experience of in dealing with wildfires. The country is on the verge of dealing with wildfires in the wake of the new age of technology and innovation. Smoke from the fires engulfed the city and blurred the vicinity of the entire area (Rothwell, 2017). The national forestry corporation said that there were more than 129 wildfires that ravage through the city at the same time.
Read after me
Is the ISIS group going to recruit young people from Latin America? Well according to intelligence collected by the OAS group there is a growing wave of ISIS recruitment taking place among young people in the world. One of the places most affected by the ongoing wave is the Latin American region (Oppennheimer, 2016). OAS chief says that there is an impending and an ever growing wave of people getting recruited to become ISIS terrorist’s operators. The Chief said that there were already young people who have been recruited by the world’s most feared terrorist group. Of all the young people that were recruited by the terrorist group, 75 were from the Latin American region (Rothwell, 2017). The President of Brazil expressed his fear for how many young people were joining the terrorist group making it hard for operations to exterminate the group from the Latin America. The news has caused fresh fears for the operations of the terrorist group in the recent years (Oppennheimer, 2016).
What to say to people talking about poverty in the world
Latin America is one of world areas that is most affected by poverty. According to a report by the Associated Press, there are more than 130 million people in the Latin American and the Caribbean regions that are stuck in poverty and in surviving on less than a dollar a day. The World Bank calls the poverty in the country Chronic and need of urgent attention. The World Bank says that there are more people living below the poverty line today more than there has ever been in all of the histories of Latin America (Rothwell, 2017).
Associated Press . (2017, January 23). Chile seeks international aid amid some of worst wildfires in its history . Retrieved March 20, 2017, from Chile seeks international aid amid some of worst wildfires in its history :
Oppennheimer, A. (2016, April 1). Will ISIS strike in Latin America? Retrieved March 20, 2017, from Will ISIS strike in Latin America?:
Rothwell, J. (2017, March 9). Brazilian president Michel Temer attacked for praising housekeeping skills in International Women’s Day speech . Retrieved March 20, 2017, from Brazilian president Michel Temer attacked for praising housekeeping skills in International Women’s Day speech :