Michele Bachelet vs Evelyn Matthei

As we come upon our own election in the US, I have seen videos showcasing foreign female heads-of-state to remind Americans that a female president is not an unheard-of phenomena (see this awesome video where Samantha Bee interviews President Bachelet,…

Photo taken from NPR News Article "Venezuela's Economic Implosion Exacerbates Inequality", http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/07/07/485058730/venezuelas-economic-implosion-exacerbates-inequality

Does that really reduce inequality? Examining the economic crisis in Venezuela

  Inequality and the survival of democracy are thought to be inextricably linked. And, of course, politicians hoping to stay in power can mobilize the poor by making efforts to redistribute income. Yet, the case of Venezuela seems to suggest…

Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo continue to protest in 1991 - 8 years after the junta transitioned to democracy

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo and Democratization – after the dirty wars and today

This week, I read “The Personal is Political – Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo” along with Chapter 3 – “The Military – Heading for the Exits?” Particularly relevant to Navarro article was the focus on the human rights abuses…