1. Books and Monographs
1991 Place, Migration, and Development in the Third World: An Alternative View, with Particular Reference To Population Movements, Labor Market Experiences, and Regional Change in Latin America. London and New York: Routledge.
1981 Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective. London and New York: Methuen. Chosen as a Classic in Human Geography, 2006, Progress in Human Geography
1968 Diffusion Dynamics: A Review and Revision of the Quantitative Theory of the Spatial Diffusion of Innovation. Lund: Gleerup, Lund Studies in Geography B-29.
1968 Diffusion Processes and Location: A Conceptual Framework and Bibliography. Philadelphia: Regional Science Research Institute.
2. Edited Collections
2005 Geography Section, Encyclopedia of the Midwest. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, ed. with John Hudson
1975 Studies in Spatial Diffusion Processes, 2: Conceptual Considerations, ed., Worcester: Economic Geography Special Issue.
1974 Studies in Spatial Diffusion Processes, 1: Empirical Considerations, ed., Worcester: Economic Geography Special Issue.
1971 A Perspective on Urban Spatial Structure, ed., with Eric G. Moore. Worcester: Economic Geography Special Issue.
2014 Organizationally-Led Migration, Individual Choice, and Refugee Resettlement in the U.S.: Seeking Regularities, with Tamar Mott Forrest, Geographical Review, 104, forthcoming.
2014 The City in 2050: A Kaleidoscopic Perspective, Applied Geography, , Special Issue: New Urban Worlds: Application, Policy, and Change, 49, 4-11.
2013 Are Foreclosures Contagious? An Exploratory Space-Time Analysis of Ohio’s Franklin County, 2001-2008, with Alan Murray, Julia Koschinsky, Yin Liu, Sergio J. Rey, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 4, 19-36.
2013 Housing Foreclosure as a Geographically Contingent Event: Columbus Ohio 2003-2007, with Su-Yeul Chung and Michael D. Webb, Urban Geography 34, 764-794.
2012 Racial/Ethnic Intermixing in Intra-Urban Space: Columbus Ohio and Milwaukee Wisconsin, with Madhuri Sharma, Urban Geography 33: 317-47.
2012 Home Ownership, Minorities, and Urban Areas: The American Dream Writ Local, with Michael Webb, The Professional Geographer 64, 332-57.
2010 Metropolitan Context and Racial/Ethnic Intermixing in Residential Space: US Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1990-2000, with Madhuri Sharma, Urban Geography 31: 1-28.
2008 Market-Led Pluralism: Rethinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities, with Su-Yeul Chung, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98: 180-212.
2007 Racial/Ethnic Residential Sorting in Spatial Context: Testing the Explanatory Frameworks, with Su-Yeul Chung, Urban Geography, 28: 312-39
2007 Immigrant Profiles of US Urban Areas and Agents of Resettlement, with Tamar E. Mott and Edward J. Malecki, The Professional Geographer 59: 56-73.
2006 Classics in Human Geography Revisited: Brown, L.A.: Innovation Diffusion: a New Perspective. Author’s Reply. Progress in Human Geography 30: 487-94.
2006 Spatial Segregation, Segregation Indices, and the Geographic Perspective, with Su-Yeul Chung, Population, Space, and Place (formerly International Journal of Population Geography) 12: 125-43.
2004 E. Willard “Will” Miller (1915-2002), Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94: 662-73.
2000 Urban System Evolution at the Ecuador Amazon Frontier, with R. Ryder, Geographical Review 90: 511-35.
2000 The GIS/SA Interface for Substantive Research(ers): A Critical Need, Journal of Geographical Systems 2, 43-47.
1999 Macrolevel Theory and Local-Level Inequality: Industrial Structure, Institutional Arrangements, and the Political Economy of Redistribution, 1970 and 1990, with Linda Lobao and Jamie Rulli, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89, 571-601.
1999 Towards a GeoEd Research Agenda: Observations of a Concerned Bystander, Professional Geographer 51: 562-71.
1999 Employment in Boom Towns of the Ecuador Amazon, with R. Ryder, 1998 Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 60: 75-104.
1999 Change, Continuity, and the Pursuit of Geographic Understanding, Presidential Address, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89: 1-25.
1998 Gender, Migration, and the Organization of Work Under Economic Devolution: Ecuador 1982-90, with Firooza Pavri and Victoria A. Lawson, International Journal of Population Geography 4: 259-274.
1997 Regional Change as the Interplay of Global and Local, with Linda Lobao, The Korean Journal of Applied Geography 20: 107-134.
1994 Frameworks of Urban System Evolution in Frontier Settings and the Ecuador Amazon, with Scott Digiacinto, Rodrigo Sierra, and W. Randy Smith, Geographical Research Forum 14: 72-96.
1994 Urban System Evolution in Frontier Settings, with Rodrigo Sierra, Scott Digiacinto, and W. Randy Smith, Geographical Review 84: 249-265.
1990 Innovation Diffusion: Retrospect and Prospect, Geography 42: 153-164.
1989 Migrant Fertility Differentials in Ecuador, with Franz-Michael Rundquist, Geografiska Annaler B 71: 109-123.
1988 Reflections on Third World Development: Ground Level Reality, Exogenous Forces, and Conventional Paradigms, Economic Geography 64: 255-278.
1988 Policy Aspects of Development and Individual Mobility: Migration and Circulation from Ecuador’s Rural Sierra, with Jorge A. Brea and Andrew R. Goetz, Economic Geography 64: 147-170.
1987 Migration, Human Resource Transfers, and Development Contexts: A Logit Analysis of Venezuelan Data, with Janet E. Kodras, Geographical Analysis 19: 243-263.
1987 Structural Tension, Migration, and Development: A Case Study of Venezuela, with Victoria A. Lawson, Professional Geographer 39: 179-188.
1985 Circulation and Migration in Third World Settings: A Comparison in Ecuador, with Jorge Brea and Daniel Wagner, Revista Geografica 101: 97-113.
1985 Migration in Third World Settings, Uneven Development, and Conventional Modeling: A Case Study of Costa Rica, with Victoria A. Lawson, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 75: 29-47.
1976 Acquaintance Circles and Communication: An Exploration of Hypotheses Relating to Innovation Adoption, with Edward J. Malecki and Aron Spector, Professional Geographer 28: 267-276.
1976 Cones of Resolution in Spatial Diffusion Studies: A Perspective, with R. Keith Semple, Professional Geographer 28: 8-16.
1975 The Market and Infrastructure Context of Adoption: A Spatial Perspective on the Diffusion of Innovation, Economic Geography 51: 185-216.
1974 The Diffusion of Cable Television in Ohio: A Case Study of Diffusion Agency Location Patterns and Processes of the Polynuclear Type, with Susan Gross, Edward J. Malecki, R. Keith Semple, and Mohan Shrestha, Economic Geography 50: 285-299. Abridged as The Diffusion of Cable Television in Ohio, in Bulletin of Business Research, Center for Business and Economic Research, The Ohio State University, 49-6: 1-3, 7-8.
1972 Behavioral Approaches in Geography: An Overview, with Reginald G. Golledge and Frank Williamson, Australian Geographer 12: 59-79.
1972 Diffusion Through an Urban System: The Testing of Related Hypotheses, with Robert Q. Hanham, Tijdshrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 64: 388-392.
1972 Facility Location Under a Maximum Travel Restriction: An Example Using Day Care Facilities, with John Holmes and Forrest B. Williams, Geographical Analysis 4: 258-266.
1971 Empirical Regularities in the Diffusion of Innovation, with Kevin R. Cox, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 61: 551-559. Reprinted in Roger Selya, ed., Introduction to Human Geography II: Patterns of Political and Cultural Diversity. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1992.
1971 Employment Structure as an Indicator of Shifts in the Space Economy: The Case of the Central American Common Market Region, with Frank E. Horton and Ronald Sheck, Revista Geografica 75: 49-72.
1970 On the Use of Markov Chains in Movement Research, Economic Geography 46: 393-403.
1970 Migration, Functional Distance, and the Urban Hierarchy, with John Odland and Reginald G. Golledge, Economic Geography 46: 472-485.
1970 Migration Flows in Intra-Urban Space: Place Utility Considerations, with David B. Longbrake, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 60: 368-384.
1970 The Intra-Urban Migration Process: A Perspective, with Eric G. Moore, Geografiska Annaler Series B 52: 1-13. Reprinted in Yearbook of the Society for General Systems Research 15 (1970): 109-122 and in Vaughan Robinson, ed., Geography and Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996. Abridged in Larry S. Bourne, ed., Internal Structure of the City: Readings on Space and Environment, First Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, 200-209.
1970 Functional Distance: An Operational Approach, with Frank E. Horton, Geographical Analysis 2: 76-83.
1967 Search, Learning and the Market Decision Process, with Reginald G. Golledge, Geografiska Annaler, Series B 48: 117-125. Reprinted in Wayne K. Davies, ed., The Conceptual Revolution in Geography. London: University of London Press, 1972, 381-393.
2015 Population Composition, Urban Neighborhoods, and Future Scenarios: A Crystal Ball Perspective, From Past to Future, Annals in Regional Science, Special Issue, forthcoming
2012 Neighborhood Change in an Era of Promoting the American Dream, with Michael Webb, Regional Science Police and Practice 4: 509-34.
2010 The Market and Infrastructure Perspective: A Missing Link in Understanding in the Diffusion of Broadband Adoption in Oklahoma, Annals of Regional Science 45: 235-238.
2005 Continuity Amidst Restructuring: The US Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990, with Sang-Il Lee, Linda Lobao, Su-Yeul Chung, International Regional Science Review 28: 271-301.
1998 Development Context, Regional Differences Between Young Women, and Fertility: The Ecuadorean Amazon, with Linda M. Lobao, Social Forces 76: 819-849.
1997 Development Models, Economic Adjustment, and Occupational Composition: Ecuador 1982-90, with Jennifer L. Mandel and Victoria A. Lawson, International Regional Science Review 20: 183-209.
1996 Continuity and Change in an Old Industrial Region: The Ohio River Valley, 1980-90, with Linda Lobao and Anthony L. Verheyen, Growth and Change 27: 175-205.
1995 The Uprooting of People, Migration, and Labor Force Experiences: Ecuador 1982 and 1990, with Victoria A. Lawson and Jennifer L. Mandel, Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik, 11: 331-348.
1994 Frontier Migration as a Multi-Stage Phenomenon Reflecting the Interplay of Macro Forces and Local Conditions: the Ecuador Amazon, with Rodrigo Sierra, Papers in Regional Science 73: 267-288.
1992 Complementary Perspectives as a Means of Understanding Regional Change: Frontier Settlement in the Ecuador Amazon, with Rodrigo Sierra, Douglas Southgate, and Linda Lobao, Environment and Planning A 24: 939-961.
1991 The Causes of Tropical Deforestation in Ecuador: A Statistical Analysis, with Rodrigo Sierra and Douglas Southgate, World Development 19: 1145-1151.
1989 Location, Social Categories, and Individual Labor Market Experiences in Developing Economies: The Venezuelan Case, with Kim V.L. England and Andrew R. Goetz, International Regional Science Review 12: 1-28.
1989 Polarization Reversal, Migration Related Shifts in Human Resource Profiles, and Spatial Growth Policies: A Venezuelan Study, with Victoria A. Lawson, International Regional Science Review 12: 165-188. Reprinted in H.S. Geyer and T.M. Kontuly, eds., Differential Urbanization: Integrating Spatial Models. London: Edward Arnold, 1996, pp. 216-238.
1987 Development Related Contextual Effects and Individual Attributes in Third World Migration Processes: A Venezuelan Example, with Andrew Goetz, Demography 24: 497-516.
1986 The Field of Family Planning: A Review and New Conceptual Framework, with Frederick A. Day, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 20: 207-218.
1986 Rural-Nonfarm Employment and Migration: Evidence From Costa Rica, with Rita Schneider-Sliwa, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 20: 79-93.
1985 Cross-National Tests of a Third World Development-Migration Paradigm, With Particular Attention to Venezuela, with Richard C. Jones, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 19: 357-361.
1985 Rural Destined Migration in Third World Settings: A Neglected Phenomenon?, with Victoria A. Lawson, Regional Studies 19: 415-432.
1985 Spatial Variation in Migration Processes and Development: A Costa Rican Example of Conventional Modeling Augmented by the Expansion Method, with John Paul Jones III, Demography 22: 327-352.
1984 Development Aspects of Migration in Third World Settings: A Simulation, with Implications for Urbanization, with Frank C. Stetzer, Environment and Planning A 16: 1583-1603. Reprinted in H.S. Geyer and T.M. Kontuly, eds., Differential Urbanization: Integrating Spatial Models. London: Edward Arnold, 1996, pp. 264-290.
1982 A Simulation Model of Migration and Development, with Frank C. Stetzer, Modeling and Simulation 13: 1253-1258.
1982 Information Source Usage in the Migration Decision, with Susan G. Philliber, Edward J. Malecki, and Karen Walby, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 16: 321-330.
1981 Place Utility, Attribute Trade Off, and Choice Behavior in an Intra-Urban Migration Context, with Douglas S. Bible, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 15: 37-44.
1980 Simulating the Spatial Diffusion of Innovation: A Gaming Experimental Approach, with C. Samuel Craig, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 14: 167-179.
1980 Market Penetration and Locational Conflict in Franchise Systems, with Dale D. Achabal and Richard E. Zeller, Decision Sciences 11: 58-80.
1980 A Spatial View of Intra Urban Migration Search Behavior, with Douglas S. Bible, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 14: 19-23.
1979 Diffusion Agency Establishment: The Case of Friendly Ice Cream and Public Sector Diffusion Processes, with Judith A. Meyer, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 13: 241-249.
1979 Innovation Diffusion and Development in a Third World Setting: The Cooperative Movement in Sierra Leone, with Rita Schneider, Milton E. Harvey, and J. Barry Riddell, Social Science Quarterly 60: 249-268.
1978 The Community Innovation Process: A Conceptualization and Empirical Analysis, with John A. Agnew and J. Paul Herr, Urban Affairs Quarterly 13: 3-30. Reprinted in John A. Agnew, ed., Innovation Research and Public Policy. Syracuse: Syracuse Geographical Series, 1980, 215-241.
1978 Spatial Diffusion of Innovation: A Gaming Approach, with C. Samuel Craig, Simulation and Games 9: 29-52.
1977 PROMAR: The New Product Marketing Game, with C. Samuel Craig and Richard E. Zeller, Computer Applications 4: 677-767.
1977 Strategies for the Promotion and Diffusion of Consumer Goods and Services: An Overview, with R. Keith Semple and Marilyn A. Brown, International Regional Science Review 2: 91-102.
1977 Diffusion Agency Strategies and Innovation Diffusion: A Case Study of the Eastern Ohio Resource Development Center, with Marilyn A. Brown and Gaybrielle E. Maxson, Regional Science Perspectives 7: 1-26.
1977 Place Attributes in a Migration Decision Context, with Susan O. Gustavus, Environment and Planning A 9: 529-548.
1977 Comments on Landscape Evolution and Diffusion Processes, with Edward J. Malecki, Regional Studies 11: 211-223.
1977 The Diffusion of a Population Related Innovation: The Planned Parenthood Affiliate, with Susan O. Gustavus, Social Science Quarterly 57: 215-228.
1977 Awareness Space Characteristics in a Migration Context, with Susan O. Gustavus and Edward J. Malecki, Environment and Behavior 9: 335-348.
1976 Adopter Categories in a Spatial Context: Alternative Explanations for an Empirical Regularity, with Edward J. Malecki and Aron Spector, Rural Sociology 41: 99-118.
1976 Diffusion Waves Within the Context of Regional Economic Development, with Robert Q. Hanham, Journal of Regional Science 16: 65-71.
1976 SIMMAR: A Markov Chain Based Program for the Diffusion of Innovation, with Richard E. Zeller, Computer Applications 3: 441-484.
1974 The Location of Urban Population Service Facilities: A Strategy and its Applications, with John Holmes, Karen Walby, Forrest B. Williams, and Carl E. Youngmann, Social Science Quarterly, 54: 784-799. Reprinted in Larry S. Bourne, ed., Internal Structure of the City: Readings on Urban Form, Growth, and Policy, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982, 370-382.
1973 Innovation Diffusion in a Developing Economy: A Meso-Scale View, with Barry Lentnek, Economic Development and Cultural Change 21: 274-292. Reprinted in Revista Geografica 82 (1975): 109-130.
1972 Rejoinder to Casetti’s Critical Notes on an Alleged Operationalization of the Concept of Spatial Utility, Demography 9: 705-707.
1971 The Delimitation of Functional Regions, Nodal Regions, and Hierarchies by Functional Distance Approaches, with John Holmes, Journal of Regional Science, 11: 57-72. Reprinted in Ekistics 32 (1971): 387-391. Reprinted in Portuguese in Speridiao Faissol, ed., Urbanizacao e Regionalizacao: Relacoes Com O Desenvolvimento Economico. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, 1975, 227-247; also reprinted in N. Hansen, K.J. Button, and P. Nijkamp, eds., Modern Classics in Regional Science, Volume 6: Regional Policy and Regional Integration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1997.
1971 Search Behavior in an Intra-Urban Migration Context: A Spatial Perspective, with John Holmes, Environment and Planning A 3: 307-326.
1971 Intra-Urban Migrant Lifelines: A Spatial View, with John Holmes, Demography 8: 103-122. Unauthorized Version in Review of Regional Studies 1: 67-78.
1970 Urban Acquaintance Fields: An Evaluation of a Spatial Model, with Eric G. Moore, Environment and Planning A 2: 443-454.
1970 Social Area Change: An Empirical Analysis, with Frank E. Horton, Urban Studies 7: 271-288.
1970 On Place Utility and the Normative Allocation of Intra-Urban Migrants, with Frank E. Horton and Robert I. Wittick, Demography 7: 175-183.
1969 Diffusion of Innovation: A Macro-View, Economic Development and Cultural Change 17: 189-209.
2014 Diffusion: Geographical Aspects, in James D. Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, forthcoming.
2009 Diffusion: A Thematic Account, in Rob Kitchen and Nigel Thrift, eds., International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford UK.
2004 Reaching In; Continuity and Change: Geographical Societies in the Mid to Late 1800s; The G in GIS — Getting It Right; Continuity and Change: Carl Sauer, The Education of a Geographer; Continuity and Change: Rediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society; in M. Duane Nellis, Janice Monk, and Susan L. Cutter, eds., Presidential Musings from the Meridian: Reflections on the Nature of Geography by Past Presidents of the Association of American Geographers. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, pp 61-64, 126-29, 160-63, 163-66, 218-21.
2003 Old Industrial Regions and the Political Economy of Development: The Ohio River Valley, with Linda Lobao and Jon Moore, in W. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickameyer, eds, Communities of Work: Rural Restructuring in Local and Global Contexts. Athens: Ohio University Press, 3-30.
2002 Diffusion: Geographical Aspects, in Neil Smelser and Paul Baltes, eds., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Pergamon.
1999 Urban Development at the Ecuador Amazon Frontier: Boom Towns or Gloom Towns?, with R. Ryder, in Harvey Lithwick and Yehuda Gradus, eds., Developing Frontier Cities: Global Perspectives — Regional Contexts. Kluwer Scientific, 313-43.
1999 Economic Restructuring and Migration in an Old Industrial Region, with Linda Lobao and Scott Digiacinto, in Kavita Pandit and Suzanne Davies-Withers, eds., Migration and Restructuring in the U.S.: A Geographic Perspective. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, chapter 3.
1997 The GeoEd Research Agenda: What It Is, What It Might Be, What …?, in Richard G. Boehm and James F. Petersen, eds., The First Assessment: Research in Geographic Education. San Marcos: Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education, 235-243.
1996 Urban System Development, Ecuador’s Amazon Region, and Generalization, with Scott Digiacinto, Rodrigo Sierra, and W. Randy Smith, in Yehuda Gradus and Harvey Lithwick, eds., Frontiers in Regional Development. Totowa: Rowman Littlefield, 99-124.
1989 Population Geography, with Stephen E. White, William A.V. Clark, Patricia Gober, Richard Jones, Kevin McHugh, and Richard L. Morrill, in G.L. Gaile and C.J. Willmott, eds., Geography In America. Columbus: Merrill Publishing, 258-289.
1985 The Dissemination of Public Sector Innovations with Relevance to Regional Change in the United States, with Janet E. Kodras, in A.T. Thwaites and R.P. Oakey, eds., Regional Economic Impact of Technological Change. London: Frances Pinter, 195-214.
1981 Towards a Development Paradigm of Migration in Third World Settings, with Rickie L. Sanders, in Gordon F. DeJong and Robert W. Gardner, eds., Migration Decision Making: Approaches to Micro Level Theory. Oxford: Pergamon, 149-185. Reprinted in Spanish in Terra 5 (1981): 39-73.
1981 On the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration Processes in Third World Settings, with Rickie S. Gilliard, in Tom Martinson and Gary Elbow, eds., Geographic Research in Latin America: Benchmark 1980. Muncie: Ball State University, 357-373.
1981 Innovation Diffusion and Entrepreneurial Activity in a Spatial Context: Conceptual Models and Related Case Studies, with Marilyn A. Brown and C. Samuel Craig, in Jagdeth N. Sheth, ed., Research in Marketing, Volume 4. Greenwich: JAI Press, 69-115.
1980 The Innovation Diffusion Process in a Public Policy Context, in John A. Agnew, ed., Innovation Research and Public Policy. Syracuse: Syracuse Geographical Series, 13-73.
1980 Perspectives on Innovation Diffusion, in Ian M. Newman, ed. Dissemination and Utilization of Alcohol Information: A Conference Proceedings. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, Nebraska Alcohol Information Clearinghouse, 43-50.
1978 The Innovation Diffusion Process in a Public Policy Context, in Michael Radnor, Irwin Feller, and Everett Rogers, eds., The Diffusion of Innovations: An Assessment. Evanston: Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Science and Technology, Northwestern University.
1978 Pesquisas de Difusao Em Geografia, with Evangelina X. Gouveia de Oliveira, in Speridiao Faissol, ed., Tendencias Atuais Na Geografia Urbano/Regional: Teorizacao E Quantificacao. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia E Estatistica, 259-294.
1976 The Diffusion of Bankamericard in a Rural Setting: Supply and Infrastructure Considerations, with Marilyn A. Brown, Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers 8: 74-78.
1974 Diffusion in a Growth Pole Context: A Comment: in Frederick N. Helleiner and Walter B. Stohr, eds., Proceedings of the Commission on Regional Aspects of Economic Development of the International Geographical Union, Volume II: Spatial Aspects of the Development Process. Toronto: Allister, 243-257.
1973 Growth Poles, Diffusion, and Development: Comments on Interrelated Work, in A. David Hill, ed., Latin American Development Issues. East Lansing: CLAG Publications, 25-31.
1971 On Rural Settlement in Israel and Model Strategy, with Melvin Albaum, in Harold McConnell and David Yaseen, eds., Northern Illinois University Perspectives in Geography, I. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 65-82.
1971 Diffusion of Innovation in Latin America: A Geographer’s Perspective, in Barry Lentnek, Robert L. Carmin, and Tom L. Martinson, eds., Geographic Research in Latin America: Benchmark 1970. Muncie: Ball State University, 1971, 324-332.
1970 Urban Activity Systems in a Planning Context, with John Holmes and John F. Jakubs, EDRA 2: Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association Conference. Stroudsburg: Halstead, 102-110.
1969 On the Implementation of Place Utility and Related Concepts: The Intra-Urban Migration Case, in Kevin R. Cox and Reginald G. Golledge, eds., Behavioral Problems in Geography: A Symposium. Evanston: Northwestern University Studies in Geography, 169-196.
1969 Diffusion Research in Geography: A Perspective, with Eric G. Moore, in Christopher Board, Richard J. Chorley, Peter Haggett, and David R. Stoddart, eds., Progress in Geography 1. London: Edward Arnold, 119-157.
1985 Data Resources for NSF Supported Study on the Interrelationships Between Development-Urbanization-Migration in Ecuador, 1970 and 1980 Round Data, with Daniel F. Wagner, Victoria A. Lawson, Jorge A. Brea, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 30, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 The Rural-Urban Interface in Third World Settings: A Discussion of Current Issues, with Victoria A. Lawson, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 17, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1982 Data Resources for NSF Supported Study on The Interrelationships Between Migration and Development in Latin America, with E. Helen Berry, Rita Schneider, Darrick Danta, Victoria A. Lawson, and Frank Stetzer, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 2, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1979 Innovation Diffusion in a Public Policy Context, in Marilyn A. Brown, ed., Case Studies and a Dialogue on the Role of Geographic Analysis in Public Policy, Occasional Publication Number 12, Department of Geography, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1977 Technical Change in the Agricultural Sector: A Problem in Developing Countries, with Ronald L. Mitchelson and Jeffrey P. Osleeb, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 56, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Diffusion Research in Geography: A Thematic Account, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 53, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 An Economic History Perspective on Innovation Diffusion, with Matthew Sagers, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 51, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Innovation Establishment in a Rural Setting: Four Case Studies with Reference to a Theoretical Framework, with Marilyn A. Brown, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 44, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF-G-36829).
1975 Infrastructure Growth and Adoption: The Diffusion of Cable Television Within a Community, with Edward J. Malecki and Robert R. Seiling, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 33, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1975 The Provision of Innovation Within the Context of Geographical Diffusion Theory, with Robert Q. Hanham, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 29, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 An Experimental Approach to the Study of Diffusion Agency Establishment Processes, with C. Samuel Craig, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 12, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Annotated Bibliography of Geographic Diffusion Studies, with Linwood M. Harton, Jr. and Claire L. Parkinson, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 11, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Adopter Categories in a Spatial Context: Artificial Insemination in Southern Sweden, with Edward J. Malecki and Aron Spector, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 5, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Choice Mechanisms in the Migration Decision, with Susan O. Gustavus, Edward J. Malecki, and Karen Walby, Ohio State University Research Foundation, Final Report on Ford Foundation Grant Number 719-0023.
1971 CENTRO: A Program for Centrographic Measures, with John Hultquist and John Holmes, Discussion Paper Number 21, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.
1970 Population and Migration in an Urban Context: A Spatial Perspective, ed., Discussion Paper Number 13, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.
1969 TRANSMAP: A Program for Planar Transformation of Point Distributions, with Eric G. Moore and William Moultrie, Discussion Paper Number 3, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.
1967 GAC: A Computer Program for Analysis of Linear Covariance, with Stanley Kneipp, Frank E. Horton, and Harold McConnell, Discussion Paper Number 6, Department of Geography, University of Iowa.
1965 A Bibliography for Spatial Diffusion Research, Discussion Paper Number 5, Department of Geography, Northwestern University.
1965 Models for Spatial Diffusion Research: A Review, Technical Report Number 3, ONR Spatial Diffusion Study (ONR Task No. 389-140), Department of Geography, Northwestern University.
1963 The Diffusion of Innovation: A Markov Chain Type Approach, Discussion Paper Number 3, Department of Geography, Northwestern University.
1988 Place, Population Processes, and Third World Development: New Perspectives, with Particular Reference to Migration, Labor Market Experiences, and Regional Change in Latin America, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 37, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1988 Reflections on Third World Development: Ground Level Reality, Exogenous Forces, and Conventional Paradigms, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 36, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1987 Development, Geography, and Societal Processes: With Particular Reference to Migration, Labor Force Experiences, and Regional Change In Latin America, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 35, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1986 Gender, Location, and Human Resource Experiences in Developing Economies: The Venezuelan Case, with Kim England and Andrew Goetz, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 32, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1985 Development Related Contextual Effects and Individual Attributes in Third World Migration Processes: A Venezuelan Example, with Andrew Goetz, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Migration and Development in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 27, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Circulation and Migration in Third World Settings: A Comparison in Ecuador, with Jorge Brea and Daniel Wagner, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 26, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Structural Tension, Migration and Development: A Case Study of Venezuela, with Victoria A. Lawson, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 24, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Rural-Nonfarm Employment and Migration: Evidence From Costa Rica, with Rita Schneider-Sliwa, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings. Discussion Paper Number 23. Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Amplifications Toward a Third World Development-Migration Paradigm, with Richard C. Jones, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 22. Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Migration, Human Resource Transfers, and Development Contexts: A Logit Analysis of Venezuelan Data, with Janet E. Kodras, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 21, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1984 Migration, Planned Growth, and Human Resource Variations Within Third World Urban Systems: A Venezuelan Study, with Victoria A. Lawson, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 20, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1983 Rural Destined Migration in Third World Settings: A Neglected Phenomenon?, with Victoria A. Lawson, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 14, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1983 Development Effects upon Migration in Third World Settings: Conventional Modeling with Spatially Varying Parameters Via the Expansion Method, with John Paul Jones III, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 13, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1983 Migration in Third World Settings, Uneven Development, and Conventional Modeling: A Case Study of Costa Rica, with Victoria A. Lawson, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 12, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1982 Development Aspects of Migration in Third World Settings: A Model, with Implications for Urbanization, with Frank C. Stetzer, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 6, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1981 Toward a Development Paradigm of Migration: With Particular Reference to Third World Settings, with Rickie L. Sanders, Studies on the Interrelationships Between Development and Migration in Third World Settings, Discussion Paper Number 1, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF SES-8024565).
1979 Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 60, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 The Innovation Diffusion Process in a Public Policy Context, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 58, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Simulating the Spatial Diffusion of Innovation: A Gaming Experimental Approach, with C. Samuel Craig, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 55, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Innovation Diffusion and Development in a Third World Setting: The Cooperative Movement in Sierra Leone, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 54, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Agency Establishment in a Mononuclear Setting: The Case of Friendly Ice Cream, with Judith W. Meyer, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 48, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 Spatial Diffusion: A Gaming Simulation Approach, with C. Samuel Craig, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 42, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1977 PROMAR: The New Product Marketing Game, with Richard E. Zeller and C. Samuel Craig, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 41, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1976 The Diffusion of a Population Related Innovation: The Planned Parenthood Affiliate, with Susan O. Gustavus, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 37, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1975 The Diffusion of Community Innovations: A Conceptualization and Empirical Analysis, with J. Paul Herr and John A. Agnew, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 31, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1975 Adopter Categories in a Spatial Context Revisited: Alternative Explanations for an Empirical Regularity, with Edward J. Malecki and Aron Spector, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 30, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1975 Diffusion Agency Strategy and the Adoption of Infra-Structure Independent Innovations: A Case Study of the Eastern Ohio Resource Development Center, with Marilyn A. Brown and Gaybrielle E. Maxson, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 25, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 The Adoption of Credit Card Services by Banks: A Case Study of Innovation Diffusion in a Polynuclear Setting with Central Propagator Support, with Edward J. Malecki, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 20, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829),
1974 Diffusion Waves Within the Context of Regional Economic Development, with Robert Q. Hanham, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 19, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Propagator Supported Diffusion Processes: Agency Strategies and the Innovation Establishment Interface, with R. Keith Semple and Marilyn A. Brown, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 18, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Innovation Diffusion in a Developing Economy: A Mesoscale View, with Barry Lentnek, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 14, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Acquaintance Circles and Communication: An Exploration of Hypotheses Relating to Innovation Adoption, with Aron Spector and Edward J. Malecki, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 9, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 SIMMAR: A Markov Chain Based Program for the Diffusion of Innovation, with Richard E. Zeller, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 7, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 The Diffusion of Cable Television in Ohio: A Case Study of Diffusion Agency Location Patterns and Processes of the Polynuclear Type, with Susan Gross, Mohan Shrestha, Edward J. Malecki, and R. Keith Semple, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 4, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Diffusion in a Growth Pole Context: A Comment, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 3, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 Cones of Resolution in Spatial Diffusion Studies: A Perspective, with R. Keith Semple, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 2, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1974 The Market and Infrastructure Context of Adoption: A Perspective on the Spatial Diffusion of Innovation, Studies in the Diffusion of Innovation, Discussion Paper Number 1, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. (NSF G-36829).
1972 Day Care Centers in Columbus: A Locational Strategy, with John Holmes, Karen Walby, Forrest B. Williams, and Carl E. Youngmann, Discussion Paper Number 26, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.
1970 Search Behavior in an Intra-Urban Migration Context: A Spatial Perspective, with John Holmes, in Lawrence A. Brown ed. Population and Migration in an Urban Context: A Spatial Perspective, Discussion Paper Number 13, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.
1969 Spatial Properties of Urban Contact Fields: An Empirical Analysis, with Eric G. Moore, Discussion Paper Number 52, Department of Geography, Northwestern University.
1968 Diffusion Research in Geography: A Perspective, with Eric G. Moore, Discussion Paper Number 9, Department of Geography, University of Iowa.
Papers have been presented as a guest lecturer at the majority of Geography Departments with graduate programs, and at many Population Study-Research Centers and Departments of City and Regional Planning, of the United States and Canada. In addition,
1. Papers Presented
2014 Population Composition, Urban Neighborhoods, and Future Scenarios: A Crystal Ball Perspective, From Past to Future. Western Regional Science Association, San Diego.
2013 Organizationally-led migration, individual choice, and conventional models: Refugees to the U.S. European Regional Science Association, Palermo Italy.
2013 Population Composition, Urban Neighborhoods, and Future Scenarios. Workshop on The Future of the ‘New Urban World’: Economic, Social and Spatial Transformation of Cities, Naples Italy.
2013 Race, Ethnicity, and Place in “Post Urban” America: Continuing the San Juan Discussion. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles.
2013 Organizationally-led migration, individual choice, and conventional models: Refugees to the U.S. Western Regional Science Association, California
2012 Race, Ethnicity, and Place in a “Post Urban” America: Panel Discussion. Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference, San Juan Puerto Rico.
2012 Agency-Led Migration, Individual Choice, Tensions, and Outcomes: Refugees to the US. International Geographical Union, Cologne Germany.
2012 The Entrepreneurial City 2050. European Regional Science Association, Bratislava Slovak Republic.
2012 Racial/Ethnic Intermixing and Economic Context: Columbus Ohio and Milwaukee Wisconsin. Regional Science Association International, Timisoara Romania.
2012 Racial/Ethnic Intermixing in Intra-Urban Space and Socio-Economic Context: Columbus Ohio and Milwaukee Wisconsin. Western Regional Science Association, Hawaii.
2011 Racial/Ethnic Intermixing in Intra-Urban Space and Socio-Economic Context: Columbus Ohio and Milwaukee Wisconsin. North American Regional Science Association, Miami
2011 Metropolitan Context and Racial/Ethnic Intermixing in Intraurban Space: Columbus Ohio and Milwaukee Wisconsin. IGU Global Conference on Economic Geography, Seoul Korea
2011 Housing Foreclosure in a Population Vulnerability Context. VI International Conference on Population Geographies, Umea Sweden
2011 The American Dream In Situ: Local Impacts of National Policies, Columbus Ohio 2000-2007. Association of American Geographers, Seattle
2011 Housing Ownership Changes in an Era of Promoting the American Dream: The View from Within. Western Regional Science Association, Monterrey
2010 The American Dream In Situ: Local Impacts of National Policies, Columbus Ohio 2000-2007. North American Regional Science Association, Denver
2010 Housing Policy in Geographic Context: The American Dream Writ Local. Race, Ethnicity, and Place V, Binghamton
2010 Housing Policy in Geographic Context: The American Dream Writ Local. European Regional Science Association, Jonkoping Sweden
2010 Housing Policy and Neighborhoods: The American Dream Writ Local?? Association of American Geographers, Washington
2010 Housing Policy in Geographic Context: The American Dream Writ Local. Western Regional Science Association, Sedona
2009 Housing Policy, To What Degree Success?: A Modest Appraisal. North American Regional Science Association, San Francisco
2009 Population Vulnerability in a Contemporary Setting: Housing Foreclosure in Columbus Ohio, 2003-2007. European Regional Science Association, Lodz Poland.
2009 Population Vulnerability in a Contemporary Setting: Housing Foreclosure in Columbus Ohio, 2003-2007. Association of American Geographers.
2009 Housing Foreclosures in Columbus, Ohio: Risk-Taking or Vulnerability?, Western Regional Science Association.
2008 Housing Foreclosures in Columbus, Ohio: Risk-Taking or Vulnerability?, Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference IV, Miami Florida.
2008 Race, Ethnicity, and Residential Intermixing in US MSAs: Differences, but Why?, European Regional Science Association, Liverpool UK.
2008 Housing Foreclosures in Columbus Ohio: Where, Who, Why, Association of American Geographers, Boston Massachusetts.
2008 Race, Ethnicity, and Residential Intermixing in US MSAs, Western Regional Science Association, Kona Hawaii.
2007 Racial/Ethnic Inter-Mixing Among U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1990 and 2000, North American Regional Science Association, Savannah Georgia.
2007 Racial/Ethnic Residential Sorting in Spatial Context: Testing the Explanatory Frameworks, European Regional Science Association, Paris France.
2007 Race, Ethnicity, and Residential Intermixing in US MSAs, Fourth International Conference of Population Geographies, Hong Kong.
2007 Racial/Ethnic Mixing Among and Within US Metropolitan Areas, Association of American Geographers.
2007 Racial/Ethnic Residential Sorting in Spatial Context: Testing the Explanatory Frameworks, Western Regional Science Association.
2006 Racial/Ethnic Mixing Among and Within US Metropolitan Areas, Regional Science Association International and North American Regional Science Council.
2006 Market-Led Pluralism: Re-Thinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities; also Immigration Profiles of US Urban Areas and Agents of Resettlement; Immigration Profiles of U.S. Urban Areas and Agents of Resettlement; AAG Conference on Race, Ethnicity, and Place, Texas State University at San Marcos.
2006 Vulnerable Immigrants, Refugees, and the Population Profiles of US Urban Areas: With Particular Attention to Agents of Resettlement and Mid-Size MSAs, International Geographical Congress, Brisbane Australia.
2006 Market-Led Pluralism: Re-Thinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities, Third International Conference on Population Geography, Liverpool England.
2006 Immigration Reflections in the Population Profiles of US Urban Areas: Pattern and Process with Particular Attention to Mid-Size MSAs, Population Association of America.
2006 Immigration Reflections in the Population Profiles of US Urban Areas: With Particular Attention to Mid-Size MSAs, Association of American Geographers.
2006 Immigration Reflections in the Population Profiles of US Urban Areas: Pattern and Process with Particular Attention to Mid-Size MSAs, Western Regional Science Association.
2005 International Migration: Its New Dynamic, International Festival of Geography, St. Die France.
2005 Market-Led Pluralism: Re-Thinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities: Columbus Ohio MSA, 1990-2000, European Regional Science Association.
2005 Re-Thinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities: Columbus Ohio MSA, 1990-2000, Association of American Geographers.
2005 Re-Thinking Our Understanding of Racial/Ethnic Spatial Patterning in US Cities: Columbus Ohio MSA, 1990-2000, Population Association of America.
2005 The Racial/Ethnic Fabric of US Cities in Local Perspective: Residential Patterns and Process in Columbus Ohio MSA 1990-2000, Western Regional Science Association.
2004 Small Town Survival: Local Development Trajectories Amidst Global Forces, A Tale of Three Towns, Regional Science Association International and North American Regional Science Council.
2004 Racial/Ethnic Clustering at an Intra-Urban Scale: Columbus Ohio MSA, 1990 and 2000, AAG Conference on Race, Ethnicity, and Place, Howard University.
2004 Local Development Trajectories Amidst Global Forces and Population Effects, Second International Conference on Population Geography, St. Andrews Scotland.
2004 Local Development Trajectories Amidst Global Forces, Association of American Geographers.
2003 Spatial Segregation Indices, Research Issues, and the Geographic Perspective, Regional Science Association International, Philadelphia.
2003 Spatial Segregation Indices, Research Issues, and the Geographic Perspective , European Regional Science Association, Helsinki Finland.
2003 Postcard: New Orleans, Association of American Geographers.
2002 Continuity Amidst Restructuring: The US Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990, International Geographical Congress, Durban South Africa.
2002 Spatial Segregation Indices, Research Issues, and the Geographic Perspective, First International Conference on Population Geography, St. Andrews Scotland.
2002 Change, Continuity, and the Pursuit of Geographic Understanding: A Fieldwork Essay, University of Maryland Distinguished Lecture in Geography, College Park Maryland.
2001 Change, Continuity, and the Pursuit of Geographic Understanding: A Fieldwork Essay, National Association of Geographers, India, Sagar India.
2001 Continuity Amidst Restructuring: The US Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990, European Regional Science Association, Zagreb Croatia.
2001 Persistance of Migrant Labor in South Africa, with Kevin R. Cox, Society of South African Geographers, Capetown South Africa.
2000 Continuity Amidst Restructuring: The US Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990, International Geographical Congress, Seoul Korea.
1999 The GIS/SA Interface for Substantive Research(ers): A Critical Need, NCGIA-Project Varenius, Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis, Santa Barbara California.
1998 Geographic Information Sciences and the Frontiers of Substantive Research: How Strong a Connection, How Strong a Need, European Regional Science Association, Vienna Austria.
1998 The Economic Structure of Amazon Urban Places: Boom towns or Gloom Towns?, Negev Center for Regional Development, Conference on Urban Development: A Challenge for Frontier Regions, Beer Sheva Israel.
1998 Change, Continuity, and the Pursuit of Geographic Understanding, Presidential Address, Association of American Geographers.
1997 Regional Change as the Interplay of Global and Local, Globalization and Regional Study Plenary Panel, Sungshin University, Republic of Korea
1996 Fieldwork — Through the Ages, Around the Globe, Israeli Geographical Society, Plenary Session.
1996 Epistemological Shifts, Empirical Research, Ground-Level Reality, Generalization Versus Idiosyncracy, Association of American Geographers.
1995 Net Migration in the Context of Recent Economic Change: The Ohio River Valley, Regional Science Association, Presidential Address.
1995 Migration-Induced Change in Place Demographic and Economic Structure: The Ohio River Valley, Population Association of America.
1994 The Amazon Frontier Today; Ohio Yesterday: Classroom Teachers Share Ideas for Incorporating a Current Research Theme into Student Activities, National Council for Geographic Education.
1994 New Labor Market Niches in Geography and Programmatic Implications, Conference of Applied Geographers and Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers.
1994 Place, Individual Attributes, and Fertility: An Ecuador Study, Association of American Geographers.
1993 Frontier Settlement, Sub-Regional Coalescence, and Evolution of a Space Economy: The Ecuador Amazon, Negev Center for Regional Development, Conference on Regional Development: The Challenge of the Frontier, Beer Sheva Israel.
1993 Urban System Evolution in Frontier Settings: The Ecuador Amazon, Association of American Geographers.
1992 Frontier Settlement as a Migration, Pioneer, and Regional Development Phenomenon: The Ecuador Amazon Case, Association of American Geographers.
1990 Frontier Settlement in the Ecuador Amazon: Levels of Explanation Towards Understanding Regional Change, Regional Science Association.
1990 Development Paradigms: An Alternative Perspective and Exemplary Case Studies, Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan.
1990 Innovation Diffusion: Retrospect and Prospect, Plenary Session Address, Korean Geographical Society, Taegu, Republic of Korea.
1990 Development Paradigms: An Alternative Perspective and Exemplary Case Studies; Departments of Geography; Seoul, Chonnam, and Keongbuk National Universities, Republic of Korea.
1990 Migration, Development, and Place Characteristics: Statistical Approaches, Korea Transportation Institute, Republic of Korea.
1990 Frontier Directed Migration to Ecuador’s Amazon Region: Ground Level Reality Versus General Frameworks, Population Association of America.
1990 Frontier Settlement in the Ecuador Amazon, Association of American Geographers.
1989 Overview of Spatial Diffusion Studies and Future Research Directions, International Conference on Diffusion of Technologies and Social Behavior, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
1989 Development and Population Processes in Third World Settings: Research Directions, Association of American Geographers, Population Specialty Group, Major Directions in Population Geography, Annual Lecture and Commentary.
1988 Policy Aspects of Development and Individual Mobility: Migration and Circulation from Ecuador’s Rural Sierra, Regional Science Association.
1988 Macro Economic Forces, National Policy, Third World Development: Argument and Implications, Association of American Geographers.
1988 Third World Development as the Local Articulation of World Economic Conditions, Donor Nation Actions, and Government Policies: A Rationale and Research Implications, Golledge Distinguished Lectureship in Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara.
1987 What Is Development?, Association of American Geographers.
1986 Innovation Diffusion, Regional Impacts, and Urban Systems: A Framework Applicable to Change in Regional Economies, Conference on Innovation Diffusion, Venice, Italy.
1986 Gender Differences in Wage Rates and Educational Attainment in Third World Space Economies: A Venezuelan Analysis, Association of American Geographers.
1985 Educational Attainment and Wages in Third World Settings: Spatial Variation in the Role of Geographic Place and Individual Attributes in Venezuela, Regional Science Association.
1985 The Relative Roles of Development, Community, and Individual Effects in Third World Migrations: A Venezuelan Case Study, Association of American Geographers.
1984 The Relative Roles of Development, Community, and Individual Effects in Third World Migrations: A Venezuelan Case Study, Regional Science Association.
1984 Keynote Address: Research Frontiers and Problems of Migration in Third World Countries, Israeli Geographical Association.
1984. Ben Gurion and Hebrew Universities, Israel.
1984 Human Resource Transfers, Regional Labor Markets, and Development Processes: Logit Analyses of Venezuelan Migration, Population Association of America.
1983 Development Aspects of Migration in Third World Settings: A Simulation with Implications for Urbanization, Regional Science Association.
1982 Migration Development, and Urbanization; A Gordian Knot, International Geographical Union, Latin American Regional Conference.
1982 Migration in a Growth Context: The Role of Economic Disparities, Modeling and Simulation Conference.
1982 A Simulation Model of Migration and Development, Modeling and Simulation Conference.
1981 The Geographer’s Sense of Place and Social Science Research: With Special Reference to Migration in Third World Settings, Association of American Geographers.
1980 Inter-University Workshop on Rural-Urban Problems of the Developing World. University of Toledo Department of Geography.
1980 Lund University Geography Institute.
1980 Towards A Development Paradigm of Migration: With Particular Reference to Third World Settings, Regional Science Association.
1980 Panel on Economic Geography in a Latin American Context, Conference of Latin American Geographers.
1980 United States-United Kingdom Workshop on Regional Development, Manchester University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1980 Northwestern University Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Science and Technology.
1980 Association of American Geographers Visiting Geographer Program, Bradley University.
1979 Conference on the Dissemination and Utilization of Alcohol Information, Nebraska Alcohol Information Clearinghouse.
1979 East West Center Tenth Summer Seminar in Population, Workshop on Micro Level Approaches to Migration Decisions.
1978 Panel on New Product Growth Models, Institute of Management Science and Operations Research Society of America.
1978 Panel on Migration Studies in Geography, Association of American Geographers.
1978 Panel on the Role of Geographic Analysis in Public Policy, University of Illinois.
1978 The Diffusion of an Innovation in a Developing Economy: The Case of the Cooperative Movement in Sierra Leone, Association of American Geographers.
1977 NSF Supported Conference on the Diffusion of Technology and Public Policy, Northwestern University.
1977 Syracuse University Symposium on Public Policy and the Diffusion of Innovation.
1977 Panel on Migration Studies in Geography, Southeastern Association of American Geographers.
1976 Diffusion Agency Strategy and the Adoption of Infra-Structure Independent Innovations: A Case Study of the Eastern Ohio Resource Development Center, Regional Science Association, Mid Continent Section.
1976 The Diffusion of Bankamericard in a Rural Setting: Supply and Infrastructure Considerations, Association of American Geographers.
1976 Mini Course: Diffusion Research in Geography: A Twenty Year Perspective, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
1975 Diffusion Research in Geography: A Twenty Year Perspective, Association of American Geographers.
1975 Place Characteristics in a Migration Decision Context, Population Association of America.
1975 The Diffusion of Population Related Innovations: The Cases of Planned Parenthood and Zero Population Growth, Southwest Social Science Association.
1974 Information Source Usage in the Migration Decision, Population Association of America.
1972 Diffusion Processes: Recent Developments and Applications to Growth Pole Theory, International Geographical Union, Conference on Regional Aspects of Economic Development.
1972 Metropolitan Spatial Injustice: Some Comments on the Research Perspective, Association of American Geographers.
1972 The Location of Population Planning Facilities: Some Typical Cases and a Locational Strategy, Population Association of America.
1971 Growth Poles, Diffusion, and Development: Comments on Interrelated Work, Conference of Latin American Geographers.
1971 Observations on Spatial Search Behavior, Association of American Geographers.
1970 On the Use of Markov Chains in Movement Research, University of Chicago, Regional Analysis Workshop.
1970 Urban Activity Systems in a Planning Context, Environmental Design Research Association.
1970 NSF Conference on Models of Urban Spatial Structure and Ecology.
1970 Diffusion Research in a Latin American Context, Conference of Latin American Geographers.
1970 Markov Chain Analysis and Migration Differentials, Population Association of America.
1970 Search Behavior in an Intra-Urban Migration Context: A Spatial Perspective, Population Association of America.
1970 Intra-Urban Migrant Lifelines: A Spatial View, Southeastern Regional Science Association, Urban Issues Section.
1969 On Behavioral Research and Urban Modeling, McGill University, Urban Studies Conference.
1969 Spatial Competition, Information Flows, and Opinions: A Model, American Political Science Association, Political Geography Panel.
1969 Diffusion Models in a Two Opinion Context, International Geographical Union, Symposium on Quantitative Methods.
1969 A Functional Distance Approach to Urban Hierarchies, Regional Science Association, Mid-Continent Section.
1969 On Place Utility and the Normative Allocation of Intra-Urban Migrants, Population Association of America, Migration Models Session.
1969 On Migration, Functional Distance, and the Urban Hierarchy, Population Association of America, Population Geography Session.
1968 Migration Flows in Intra-Urban Space: Place Utility Considerations, Association of American Geographers, Behavioral Models Session.
1967 On the Spatial Diffusion of Innovation, Association of American Geographers, Cultural Geography Session.
2. Sessions Organized
1997 Association of American Geographers, Presidential Plenary Session, Change, Continuity, and Discourse: The Challenge TO and FROM Geography.
1995 Population Association of America, Geographic Perspectives in Applied Demography.
1994 National Council for Geographic Education, The Amazon Frontier Today; Ohio Yesterday: Classroom Teachers Share Ideas for Incorporating a Current Research Theme into Student Activities.
1990 Population Association of America, Migration and Settlement in LDC Frontiers.
1990 Population Association of America, Migration and Development in LDCs.
1985 Population Association of America, Migration and Urbanization in Developing Economies.
1984 Association of American Geographers, Migration, Regional Structure, and Development in Latin America.
1983 Regional Science Association, Migration, Regional Structure, and Development in Latin America.
1983 Population Association of America. Internal Migration and Development Interrelationships in Third World Areas.
1982 Regional Science Association, The Interrelationships Between Migration and Development Processes in Third World Settings.
1982 Association of American Geographers, Interrelationships between Migration and Development Processes in Latin American Settings.
1978 Regional Science Association, Development Issues in Third World Nations.
1977 Population Association of America, Diffusion of Population Related Innovations.
1976 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Geographic Contributions to Knowledge of Innovation Diffusion Processes.
1973 Population Association of America, Population Geography.
1971 Association of American Geographers, Approaches to Behavioral Analysis in Geography.
1970 Population Association of America, Population and Migration in an Urban Context: A Spatial Perspective.
1969 Association of American Geographers, Towards the Understanding of Change in Urban Spatial Structure.