Social Sculpture (Cricket Museum Project)

  Social Scuplture is an installation for house crickets in a cricket museum. The small 2′ x 2′ x 2′ museum is an exhibit in an actually musuem (PEM). The cricket installation is based off how human perspective and cricket perspective correlates to one another in an installation for crickets. The way the installation is designed is also based on the movement, interaction, likes and dislikes of the house crickets.

The aluminum screen consists of multiple layers of flexible and manipulated aluminum door screen, suspended in the air. The layers of screen are connected at points to guide circulation, both vertically and horizontally through the site, as well as provide destination areas formed by hills and depressions. The result is a social sculpture relating to form, levitation, height, shadow and light.


Material Studies 2   Material Studes 1


CIMG0613    CIMG0626    CIMG0614


Window blog     Cricket persepective blog     Webcam_Perspective


CIMG0659       CIMG0661     CIMG0664


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