Concept: Creating unique spatial experiences for humans and crickets through the interactive use of light and shadow.
Spatial experiences are constructed through the deliberate placement of light and bubblewrap to create shadows. These projected shadows are controlled through lighting fixtures on the ceiling of the installation. This interactive installation stimulates humans and Acheta domesticus through a shared medium, the bubblewrap. The crickets interact with the bubblewrap while the humans interact with light which in turn interacts with the bubblewrap, creating a joined interaction through sensory stimulation.
Material Study: Bubble Wrap
Through the material study of the bubble wrap, it was discovered that the combination of light and bubblewrap created a unique shadow experience.
Our design is constructed using three different lights on three separate axes. The humans in the actual museum can interact with the individual lights on the top, to cast shadows through the bubble wrap within the insect museum, and in turn interact with crickets.
Final Model Pictures:
From the museum perspective:
From the webcam perspective:
From the cricket perspective: