

Global Awareness encompasses growing as a student through diverse and unique personal experiences and immersions. I plan to follow the course schedule that is planned out for either a chemistry or a biochemistry major. Whether it be in a country where I can work on my abilities with the Spanish language, or somewhere where I can participate in research, I would be very interested in studying abroad. I have become involved in club soccer on campus, and am planning on getting involved in more clubs. I am interested in joining a club that has a service focus, specifically volunteering and helping with local schools, and I am also interested in joining student government in the spring. Additionally, I am interested in joining the chemistry or biochemistry club as I feel I would really benefit from the experiences and people I would meet. Original Inquiry deals with exposure to the research process through exposure and learning experiences. My current curriculum will hopefully help introduce me to a specific area of the science that really peaks my interest and hopefully leads to research that I am really interested in. I would love to take the one credit hour biochem research course that allows exposure to different kinds of research, I think I would really benefit from this immersion in research and it would help me decide what kind of research most intrigued me. Academic Enrichment seems to emphasize the importance of the classes taken to be relevant and helpful to the future of the student. I am interested in possibly going into the field of pharmacology or some type of lab research in biology. While my aspirations are quite broad presently, a major in chemistry or biochemistry would be extremely useful in directing me to something in this field that I could really enjoy. Leadership is an extremely important skill. Being a leader is so important in developing people skills and learning how to work in a more professional environment. I have not necessarily entered any roles as a leader yet on campus, but I hope to move closer to such role through the multiple clubs I am in. Service deals with individual commitment to bettering the community. I was previously involved in  habitat for humanity in high school and would be interested in continuing on with that kind of service, as well as participating in service that reaches out to the local community in more of a personal interactive way