Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

I have so many hobbies, and it can be very detrimental to my ability to get work done because often I’d rather work on those projects then do boring and interesting homework. Often the only reason I do any assignment is that I don’t want to fail the class, very little does it happen where I am actually excited to do an assignment (although I always bite off a little bit more then I can chew on these).  This week, however, we discussed ideas and ways to improve time management, one of my favorite ways was to ask yourself just 3 questions. The 3 questions are Where are you? What do you want to accomplish? and How will you fell when it is done? I believe that these questions will not only invalidate my current activity but also prove to motivate me to switch the more important task and give me reasons to do it. I mean after all, if an assignment takes 20 minutes to do before the due date, why not just get it done with now and not have to worry about it later. Furthermore, we discussed ways to stay on track and even tracked our entire week on a spreadsheet, news flash I spend a lot of time sleeping and working on various projects. However, I did like one of the methods we discussed which was to use a task manager, I already use the carmen calendar for school work and absolutely love getting assignments crossed off but this does very little for everything else I do in my life and so I feel adding a task manager to my life will improve my focus as I’ll have yet another thing to look forward to at end of assignment.


Take care,




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