Capturing ultrafast processes with ultrashort flashes of light
Refereed Publications (last 10 years)
T. Driver, et al, “Attosecond delays in molecular ionization”, Nature 632 (8026), 762-767, (2024)
L. Ortmann and A.S. Landsman, “Understanding attosecond streaking”, Reports on Progress in Physics 87(8), 086401, (2024)
S. Walker, A.S. Landsman, “Above-threshold ionization with X-ray free-electron lasers”, Communications Physics 7(1), 353, (2024)
A. Schimmoller, S. Walker, A.S. Landsman, “Photonic angular momentum in intense light-matter interactions”, Photonics 11 (9), 871, (2024)
J. Kim, H. Hang, U. Eu, D. Kim, F. Haberstroh, T. Sidiropoulos, T. Steinle, M. Baudisch, L. Ortmann, A.S. Landsman, J. Biegert, A. Chacon, D.E. Kim, “Tunable UV-IR frequency comb generation via high-order sideband generation”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 63(8), 082003, (2024)
A. AlShafey, X.Y. Jia, Y.M. Lu, S.S. Gong, G. McCaul, D. Bondar, M. Randeria, T. Oka, A.S. Landsman, “Extracting correlation length in Mott insulators by strong-field driving”, JOSA B 41(6), B26-B31, (2024)
I.A. Ivanov, A.S. Kheifets, S. Schimmoller, A.S. Landsman, K.T. Kim, “Evidence for nonzero electron velocity at the tunnel exit in strong-field atomic ionization”, Physical Review Research 6(2), 023049, (2024)
S. Li, Y. Tang, L. Ortmann, B. Talbert, C. Blaga, Y. Lai, Z. Wang, Y. Cheng, F. Yang, A.S. Landsman, P. Agostini, L.F. DiMauro, “High-order Harmonic Generation from a Thin Film Crystal Perturbed by a Quasi-Static Terahertz Field”, Nature Communications 14(1), 2603, (2023)
A. AlShafey, G. McCaul, Y.M. Lu, X.Y. Jia, S.S. Gong, Z. Addison, D. Bondar, M. Randeria, A.S. Landsman, “Ultrafast laser-driven dynamics in metal/magnetic-insulator interfaces”, Physical Review B 108(14), 144434, (2023)
H. Pasquinilli, A. Schimmoller, S. Walker, A.S. Landsman, “Determining the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Vortex Beam Using Strong Field Ionization”, Photonics 10(12), 1322, (2023)
B. Grafstrom and A.S. Landsman, “Attosecond Time Delay Trends across the Isoelectronic Noble Gas Sequence”, Atoms 11(5), 84, (2023)
F. Peronaci, S. Ameli, S. Takayoshi, A.S. Landsman, T. Oka, “Mott memristors based on field-induced carrier avalanche multiplication”, Physical Review B 107 (7), 075154, (2023)
A. Schimmoller, H. Pasquinilli, A.S. Landsman, “Does Carrier Envelope Phase Affect the Ionization Site in a Neutral Diatomic Molecule?”, Atoms 11(4), 67, (2023)
X.Z. Gao, A.S. Landsman, H. Cao, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Fu, L.W. Pi, “Influence of initial tunneling step on the return energy of high-order harmonic generation”, Physical Review A 106 (5), 053105, (2022)
D. Kim, D. Shin, A.S. Landsman, D.E. Kim, A.Chacon, “Theory for all-optical response in topological materials: the velocity gauge picture”, Physical Review B 106 (21), 214314, (2022)
L. Ortmann, A. AlShafey, A. Staudte, and A.S. Landsman, “Tracking the Ionization Site in Neutral Molecules”, Physical Review Letters 127 (21), 213201, (2021)
X.Z. Gao, A.S. Landsman, H. Wang, P. Huang, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Cao, Y. Fu, L.W. Pi, “Analysis of a higher-energy structure in nanotip enhanced fields”, New Journal of Physics 23, 113017, (2021)
M. Eidi, M. Vafaee, H. Koochaki Kelardeh, A.S. Landsman, “High-order harmonic generation by static coherent states method in single-electron atomic and molecular systems”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 42, 1312, (2021)
L. Ortmann, C. Hofmann, I.A. Ivanov, A.S. Landsman, “Controlling quantum numbers and light emission of Rydberg states via the laser pulse” Physical Review A 103, 063112, (2021)
L. Ortmann, and A.S. Landsman, “High-harmonic generation in solids”, Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70, 103-156, (2021)
S. Biswas, B. Foerg, L. Ortmann, J. Shoetz, W. Schweinberger, T. Zimmermann, L. Pi, D. Baykusheva, H. Masood, I. Liontos, A.M. Kamal, N.G. Kling, A. Alharbi, M. Alharbi, A. Azzeer, G. Hartmann, H.J. Woerner, A.S. Landsman, M.F. Kling, “Probing molecular environment through photoemission delays”, Nature Physics 16, (2020)
S. Han, L.Ortmann, H. Kim, Y. Kim, T. Oka, A. Chacon, B. Doran, M. Ciappina, M. Lewenstein, S.W. Kim, S. Kim and A.S. Landsman, “Extraction of higher-order nonlinear electronic response in solids using high harmonic generation”, Nature Communications 10, 1-6 (2019)
K. Amini, et al, “Symphony on Strong field approximation”, Reports on Progress in Physics 82, 116001, (2019)
C. Hofmann, A.S. Landsman, U. Keller, “Attoclock revisited on electron tunnelling time”, Journal of Modern Optics 66, 1052-1070, (2019)
J. Vos, L. Cattaneo, S. Patchkovskii, T. Zimmermann, C. Cirelli, M. Lucchini, A. Kheifets, A.S. Landsman, U. Keller, Science 360, 6395, (2018)
I. A. Ivanov, C. Hofmann, L. Ortmann, A.S. Landsman, C.H. Nam, K.T. Kim, “Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative”, Communications Physics 1(1), 1-9 (2018)
L. Ortmann, C. Hofmann and A.S. Landsman, “Dependence of Rydberg-state creation by strong-field ionization on laser intensity”, Physical Review A, 98(3), (2018)
N. Suarez, A. Chacon, E. Pisanty, L. Ortmann, A.S. Landsman, A. Picon, J. Biegert, M. Lewenstein, M.F. Ciappina, “Above-threshold ionizaiton in multicenter molecules: The role of the initial state”, Physical Review A 97, 033415, (2018)
M. Eidi, M. Vafaee, A.S. Landsman, “Static Coherent States Method: One and Two-electron laser-induced systems with classical nuclear dynamics”, Applied Sciences 8, 1252 (2018)
L.W. Pi, A.S. Landsman, “Attosecond time delay in photoionization of noble-gas and halogen atoms, Applied Sciences 8, 322, (2018)
C. Hofmann, A.S. Landsman, U. Keller, “Disentangling long trajectory contributions in two-colour high harmonic generation”, Applied Sciences 8, 341 (2018)
L. Ortmann and A.S. Landsman, “Analysis of the higher-energy structure in strong-field ionization with inhomogeneous electric fields”, Physical Review A 97, 023420, (2018)
A.S. Landsman, “High-harmonic generation: The bright side of downsizing”, Nature Physics, 4131, (2017)
E. Osika, A. Chacon, L. Ortmann, N. Suarez, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, B. Szafran, M. Ciappina, F. Sols, A.S. Landsman and M. Lewenstein, “Wannier-Bloch Approach to Localization in High-Harmonic Generation in Solids”, Physical Review X, 7, 021017, (2017)
M.F. Ciappina, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, A.S. Landsman, W. Okell, S. Zherebtsov, L. Seiffert, T. Fennel, T. Shaaran, R. Guichard, A. Zair, J.W.G. Tisch, J.P. Marangos, T. Witting, L. Roso, P. Hommelhoff, M. Kling, F. Krausz and M. Lewenstein, “Attosecond physics at the nanoscale”, Reports on Progress in Physics, 80, (2017)
A. Chacon, L. Ortmann, F. Cucchietti, N. Suarez, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, M.F. Ciappina, A.S. Landsman, and M. Lewenstein, “Double-electron ionization driven by inhomogeneous fields”, Applied Physics B, 123:116, (2017)
S. Kumar, A.S. Landsman, D.E. Kim, “Terawatt-isolated attosecond x-ray pulse using a tapered X-ray Free Electron Laser, Applied Sciences, 7(6), 614, (2017)
L. Ortmann, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, M.F. Ciappina, J. Schoetz, A. Chacon, G. Zeraouli, M.F. Kling, L. Roso, M. Lewenstein, A.S. Landsman, “Emergence of a higher energy structure in strong field ionisation with inhomogeneous electric fields”, Physical Review Letters, 119(5), 053204, (2017)
A.S. Landsman and M.F. Kling, “Viewpoint: Ionization Delays That Stand Out”, Physics 9, 98, (2016)
H. Yanagisawa, S. Schnepp, C. Hafner, M. Hengsberger, D.E. Kim, M. Kling, A.S. Landsman, L. Gallmann, J. Osterwalder, “Delayed electron emission in strong-field tunneling from a metallic nanotip”, Scientific Reports 6, 35877, (2016)
S. Kumar, Y. Parc, A.S. Landsman, and D. Kim, “Temporally-coherent terawatt attosecond XFEL synchronised with a few cycle laser”, Scientific Reports 6, 37700 (2016)
C. Choi, M.F. Ciappina, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, A.S. Landsman, S.C. Kim, Y.J. Kim, and D. Kim, “Active tailoring of nano-antenna plasmonic field using few-cycle laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. A 93, 021405(R), (2016)
C. Hofmann, T. Zimmermann, A. Zielinski and A.S. Landsman, “Non-adiabatic imprints on the electron wavepacket in strong field ionisation with circular polarisation”, New Journal of Physics 18(4), 043011, (2016)
T. Zimmermann, S. Mishra, B.R. Doran, D. Gordon and A.S. Landsman, “Tunneling time and weak measurement in strong field ionisation”, Phys. Rev. Letters 116, 233603, (2016)
M.F. Ciappina, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, A.S. Landsman, T. Zimmermann, M. Lewenstein, L. Roso, and F. Krausz, “Carrier-wave Rabi flopping signatures in high-order harmonic generation for alkali atoms,” Phys. Rev. Letters 114, 143902, (2015)
M. Lucchini, A. Ludwig, T. Zimmermann, L. Kasmi, J. Hermann, A. Scrinzi, A.S. Landsman, L. Gallmann, and U. Keller, “Attosecond quantum beat spectroscopy of helium excited states”, Physical Review A, 91, 063406, (2015)
D.F. Gordon, B. Hafizi, and A.S. Landsman, “On Amplitude and Probability Fluxes in the Finite Volume Scheme for the Schrodinger Equation,” Journal of Computational Physics, 280, 457-464, (2015)
A.S. Landsman, M. Weger, J. Maure, R. Boge, A. Ludwig, S. Heuser, C. Cirelli, L. Gallmann, U. Keller, “Ultrafast Resolution of Tunneling Time”, Optica, Vol. 1, No. 5, (2014)
C. Hofmann, A.S. Landsman, A. Zielinski, C. Cirelli, A. Scrinzi, and U. Keller, “Interpreting electron momenta distributions and non-adiabaticity in strong field ionization”, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 043406, (2014)
A.S. Landsman, C. Hofmann, A. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, U. Keller, “A unified approach to probing Coulomb effects in tunnel ionization for any ellipticity of laser light”, Phys. Rev. Letters, 111, 263001, (2013)
R. Boge, C. Cirelli, A.S. Landsman, S. Heuser, A. Ludwig, J. Maurer, M. Weger, L. Gallmann, U. Keller, “Probing non-adiabatic effects in strong-field tunnel ionization”, Phys. Rev. Letters, 111, 103003, (2013)
A.S. Landsman, A.N. Pfeiffer, M. Smolarski, C. Cirelli, and U. Keller, “Rydberg states and momentum bifurcation in tunnel ionization with elliptically polarized light”, Springer Series in Chemical Physics: Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII, Vol. 41, 02018, (2013)
C. Cirelli, A.N. Pfeiffer, A.S. Landsman, M. Smolarski, L.Madsen, and U. Keller, “Probing the longitudinal momentum spread of the electron wave packet at the tunnel exit”, Springer Series in Chemical Physics: Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII, Vol. 41, 02017, (2013)
A.S. Landsman, A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Hofmann, M. Smolarski, C. Cirelli, and U. Keller, “Rydberg state creation by tunnel ionization”, New Journal of Physics 15, 013001, (2013). Selected by New Journal of Physics as Highlight of 2013
Selected by IOP as Highlight of 2013