After my first semester, I decided that I needed to my best in order to improve my GPA significantly. As of right now, I have a 4.0 GPA this semester. Early on in the semester, I had the great opportunity to work with the OSU football team. I had to work extra hard on the weekends to get all my homework done ahead of time in order to be able to make it to practices. I loved that volunteer opportunity, it was worth waking up at 4:00 a.m. in order to make it to practice some days. I did not make the cut for the spring-ball volunteer list. I was very upset about this but I could not dwell on the past. I just hoped that I could get the same opportunity next year. Around that time, I started to play more basketball with my mount friends since the weather became better. One day, I landed awkwardly on my leg. I didn’t think it was much at first. I already tore my ACL once so I hoped I didn’t do the same. While on break, I got my knee examined and I did indeed tear my ACL. I had surgery on the 22nd of March. I had to stay home for about a week in order to recoup. I am now in the process of making up work and catching up on notes. As the semester winds down, it will make it harder but I am ready for the challenge. I will have to balance homework and physical therapy.
Year in Review
Year in Review
My first semester as a college student was one of much transition. It started off well. I was able to do well on my coursework and still be able to work out. My mind and body were both sharp. However, as the coursework started to ramp up in the middle of the semester, I started to struggle. Despite the struggles, I worked as hard as I could; most of the time it did not work out but this did not deter me from continuing my efforts. I finished out the semester strongly. My grades were not as good as I hope they would be. This was the first time in my life that I really struggled in school. I would try my hardest yet sometimes to no avail. This has given me a sense of empathy for those who struggle in school. Before this semester, I did not see how people could fail if they tried their best to succeed. I have much more perseverance than I did before college. College has also prepared me for a life of my own. It’s a great step into the life of an adult. I have also made a lot more friends through my classes and Mount. I have also strengthened some relationships from high school. I used to be much more into video games before school started but then I did not have enough time to play games so I lost some interest in video games. I gained some new interests like listening to music and watching TV shows. I am going to work even harder this semester and now that I have a semester under my belt I believe I am prepared to have a very successful semester.