After my first semester, I decided that I needed to my best in order to improve my GPA significantly. As of right now, I have a 4.0 GPA this semester. Early on in the semester, I had the great opportunity to work with the OSU football team. I had to work extra hard on the weekends to get all my homework done ahead of time in order to be able to make it to practices. I loved that volunteer opportunity, it was worth waking up at 4:00 a.m. in order to make it to practice some days. I did not make the cut for the spring-ball volunteer list. I was very upset about this but I could not dwell on the past. I just hoped that I could get the same opportunity next year. Around that time, I started to play more basketball with my mount friends since the weather became better. One day, I landed awkwardly on my leg. I didn’t think it was much at first. I already tore my ACL once so I hoped I didn’t do the same. While on break, I got my knee examined and I did indeed tear my ACL. I had surgery on the 22nd of March. I had to stay home for about a week in order to recoup. I am now in the process of making up work and catching up on notes. As the semester winds down, it will make it harder but I am ready for the challenge. I will have to balance homework and physical therapy.