After my first semester, I decided that I needed to my best in order to improve my GPA significantly. As of right now, I have a 4.0 GPA this semester. Early on in the semester, I had the great opportunity to work with the OSU football team. I had to work extra hard on the weekends to get all my homework done ahead of time in order to be able to make it to practices. I loved that volunteer opportunity, it was worth waking up at 4:00 a.m. in order to make it to practice some days. I did not make the cut for the spring-ball volunteer list. I was very upset about this but I could not dwell on the past. I just hoped that I could get the same opportunity next year. Around that time, I started to play more basketball with my mount friends since the weather became better. One day, I landed awkwardly on my leg. I didn’t think it was much at first. I already tore my ACL once so I hoped I didn’t do the same. While on break, I got my knee examined and I did indeed tear my ACL. I had surgery on the 22nd of March. I had to stay home for about a week in order to recoup. I am now in the process of making up work and catching up on notes. As the semester winds down, it will make it harder but I am ready for the challenge. I will have to balance homework and physical therapy.
Month: March 2019
Equipment Manager Position at The Ohio State University
Over the past winter (February 2019), I had the opportunity to work with the Ohio State football team as an equipment manager. I helped the other managers set up drills and tear them down. We also did laundry and organize the players’ and coaches’ gear. It may not seem to be the most appealing job to some but i enjoyed every minute that I got to spend volunteering with the team. It made me further realize the importance football has in my life and how much I miss playing it. It taught me the importance of teamwork and communication, both of which are very important in any workplace. Through the volunteering opportunity, I met great people and I was able to see what it is like behind the scenes of a football team. I am leaning towards a career in the sports industry either as a coach or a front office worker, so this was an invaluble experience. I hope to continue with next year and hopefully become a full time manager.