Vaccines are an extremely important part of our society. They function in many important ways, but the most critical role they play in our society is protecting everyone from certain diseases. Without vaccines, our society would be in extreme danger, which is why getting vaccinated is extremely important. Although many people may believe that autism and vaccines are related, this correlation has been proven incorrect by many different studies and has been disproven by the government as well. It is important that we properly education everyone on the importance of vaccinations and how they benefit our society.
Five resources to help understand why it is important to be vaccinated:
1. Video-
Should You Get Vaccinated? (Link-
Description of Source: This video, written by Dwayne Godwin and Jorge Cham is a little insight into why vaccines are so important to the health of us as individuals, communities and the world. This video was created in 2013, but because it is a short video clip, all of the information in the video is still relevant and accurate today. This video is a very useful resource when trying to explain why everyone should get vaccinated. It uses language that even most children would understand. It also clearly states that although many people still believe this, vaccines do not cause autism.
2. Recent News Article-
Vaccine Fast Facts (Link-
Description of Source: This recent source is from CNN health and very clearly outlines the history of vaccines with a well organized timeline of events. Similar to the video above, this source also talks about how at one point it was thought that the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine was causing autism, but that claim has been rejected. The timeline goes on to show many recent outbreaks of measles which is fought via vaccine. The rise of measles is said to be from the lack of vaccinated individuals due to the anti-vaccination movement still going on today due to the unfounded claim that vaccines can lead to autism.
3. A Book-
Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
Description of Source: This book by Dr. Paul Offit, published in 2010, outlines the ongoing battle between parents that refuse to allow their children to get vaccinated and doctors that are scared for their patients because they aren’t vaccinated. Drr. Offit is an expert on infectious diseases. Due to the fact he is an expert on this topic, this book is extremely credible and worth the read for anyone that is interested in this topic or that is unaware of the dangers of not getting vaccinated.
4. Professional Organization Website Link-
Link to the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC):
Description of Source: The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) is a very useful and informative site for anyone that has any question about a vaccine whether it be something as small as when to get your flu shot to the importance of getting vaccinated. Some interesting features of this site include a list of 1000 questions that are answered by experts on the topic of vaccinations and immunizations, the ability to submit your own individual question and so many resources on why vaccines are so important. This site is constantly updated with information from experts at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
5. Academic Journal Article-
Vaccines and Autism: Evidence Does Not Support a Causal Association (Citation- DeStefano, F. (2007). Vaccines and autism: evidence does not support a causal association. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 82(6), 756-759.)
Description of Source: This academic journal article by Frank DeStefan in 2007 is a very important and factually based article about the evidence against the causal relationship between vaccines and autism. This academic journal article has been cited by over 150 different academic journal articles, giving it an immense amount of credibility. Throughout the article, DeStefan also cites many other credible studies on the effects of MMR and thimerosal on neural cells. These studies showed that both of these vaccines, had no effect on the neural cells meaning these vaccines do not have the capability of causing autism.