10 Hour Project

For my 10 hour project, I decided to learn the details of the stock market, and how to really invest in them and understand how they work.  I started by reading Wall Street Journals Guide to Money and Investing and using the app Invstr to use fake money and invest in the market with a real time simulation so I could see the success that I had.  It was really interesting and the subject brought upon a lot of information, although I did learn that it definitely will take more than just 10 hours to really understand all of the specifics of this system.  I am glad to have understood the basics of the stock market and I can’t wait to learn more!

Second Semester 10 Hour Project

For this semester’s 10 hour project I propose to learn how to invest in stocks.  I will do this by reading a book which explains the logistics of how stocks function (Wall Street Journals Guide to Money and Investing) along with following share trends of companies and using an app called Invstr which follows the real-time stock exchange market and allows people to invest in  “fantasy” stocks using artificial money.  I am learning this because I think it is interesting to know how the companies and economic society around us are doing and stocks follow everything that is going on in the environment.

Diversity Post

Last week I attended the Diwali event held by the Indian Students Association.  Being an Indian raised in America, it is really nice to see that people still embrace their culture in college while they’re all so busy.  Personally, I have grown with my culture and have learned about the Indian and Hindu culture as well as the American culture.  I found this beneficial since it opened up my eyes to see how people around the world celebrate their culture and society throughout the world.  I did not go into the event trying to fulfill my diversity assignment but as an opportunity for me to meet other people like me so I can connect back to my roots.  Currently I am the freshman representative of the Indian American Association, which does have close ties to the Indian Student Association, therefore I did know the opportunities and events that take place relating to the Indian culture and in fact I have started to help organize, market and fundraise by being a part of the executive board.

This student organization did not require an appointment or rsvp to attend the event, it was an open invite, encouraging more people to come.  Since it was a gathering, there was no wait or line, other than for the good food.

Going to this event I was hoping to meet more people since it has been difficult to make new friends as a commuter.  When I went there, I realized I already knew a lot of the people since a lot of them also went to the Indian events I did as a child as well as went to my high school, or I knew them in some other way.  Although, I was able to meet some new people including some of my friends’ roommates and a lot of international students who are studying here but came from India.  Being able to connect with them was really nice since it was like talking to my family in India.

I think the biggest thing this event could have used is more marketing.  A lot of the people there seemed to be from the same few “cliques” I see at other Indian cultural events and I can tell that many people are interested in these cultural events and want to come.  Another problem I can see is that the events are open invite, therefore people of all cultures and ethnicities are welcome to come, a concept which I believe is miscommunicated with a lot of these events.  If this was more known, more people would come, and more people are able to learn more about other cultures!

I really enjoyed going to this event because diversity was not forced, and it was more of just having fun and enjoying Diwali, the Festival of Lights. I appreciated how everyone got together and treated everyone else as friends and a community since every student really does connect to each other in one way or another. This is a great way to learn about my own culture but in the future I would want to go to other cultural events as well.

Campus Resource

I went to BuckeyeLink recently to fix issues that I had with my my account.  The first thought I had once I was going to BuckeyeLink was that it was far.  Just kidding, I thought it would be interesting to see what other amenities OSU had to offer it its students.  I was astonished looking at all the campus resources I could go to, but I thought that BuckeyeLink was the most beneficial to me and efficient at the time.  Personally, I did not realize that OSU had so many career and internship planning services which I thought would also be very useful in the future to help guide my path.  When I went to BuckeyeLink I chose to walk-in since they did not require any appointments.  At first I thought I would have to wait, but the amount of people they had once I got there was very beneficial since I could get my questions answered. I was glad that there were so many people knowledgeable on all things OSU related even though a lot of the questions I was were not based off of academia.  I had many questions regarding financial information with my account and my student status and I did in fact get all the answers for my questions.  I do not think many people know that BuckeyeLink is there to help if there is any need, or they don’t know where to go for help so the only growth I could see with this service is advertising the source more so more people can go as well.  Once you are there, most of the workers should be able to answer a variety of questions about the Ohio State so I was very glad this was organized very well.  It was a perfect place even for incoming or transfer students to ask questions and easily get assimilated into the Ohio State University atmosphere.  This is something really helpful that many people who do move here from somewhere else don’t always know about but would definitely be helpful.  I came for the first time to BuckeyeLink in high school for helping with my college credit plus class.  My schedule planner and my account had a few problems so I decided to stop by to get help on how it work it then.  They were able to teach me, in high school, how the best way to plan my college credit (or Ohio State Academy) classes would work.  I have not seen many other colleges offer as much as OSU, I don’t believe that OSU is missing a big support service from what I know everything is very helpful!  I do sometimes see that there’s colleges that offer a lot of support to students’ mental health, especially during exam seasons when everyone is very stressed like having activities or support dogs to just calm people down.  OSU currently does offer mental health services but this could become a wider range since more people can use it that do not.  Other than this small thing, I do not see what more OSU can do to offer its students!


I went to a Physical Chemistry Seminar about molecular dynamic simulations of bio molecular crystals. I went alone, hoping to gain more experience in how research and research presentations are executed.  As I entered into the lecture I was surprised to see the myriad of students, professors, and faculty that was present at the seminar.  Most of the people there were graduate students in the physics and chemistry field. I ran upon a couple other STEM EE scholars students at the seminar but other than that, I don’t believe I saw many other undergraduate students.  It made me feel a little out of place since I was very uneducated about the mechanisms of the systems that were presented and since I was younger than many other people.  I was almost intimidated by the older audience since they all seemed to understand the entire lecture.  I was not able to talk with the speaker but I did talk to some graduate students that were sitting around to ask questions that I had since many of them were well educated and interested in the topic present.  I understood the basics of the lecture since it went over some of the things that I have learned previously in my chemistry and physics classes.  Also some of the information went along with what I was learning and the future topics of my chemistry class here at OSU.  It was interesting to see how this one person’s job is so concentrated on just one small section of science and how much time they dedicate to learn that much on that topic.  It really made me see how diverse science and math as a whole is and how one person can really do anything within it since there was so much information in just a small topic about physical chemistry. Second semester, I will be joining and helping out with research in the field of neuroscience and radiology, which doesn’t have much chemistry in the study so it didn’t help me see much into the research I will be doing but it did help me realize how much time, effort, people, and resources go into research.  I did not expect to see that it was so well done without any “mistakes” and how research really does travel the world.  The researcher who was speaking came from Michigan State University, which in reality is not too far from where we are but it is very interesting to see how impactful research is since the world really does move another step from where it is when something new is discovered. There is a lot of merit in being active in this academic community as an undergraduate student since one can get more exposure into the “real world” and they will understand if they really are interested in a topic or not.  Along with this, being more educated in a subject is mostly always beneficial to understanding more about anything academia related.  I think this helps with networking as one student can communicate with more speakers, professors, faculty, and graduate students.  I personally would not believe it would be a waste of time since so much can be achieved if the time and resources  in the lectures is used wisely.

Academic Resource


I attended a review session with the Neuroscience Tutoring program to help me prepare for my exam in Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience.  Initially, I did not have many questions and I wanted to study by myself since I thought that would be better for me since it would be at my own pace.  I decided to end up going since they could clear up my final questions and even give me some practice problems to prepare more for the examination the next day.

I did like the experience of seeking help because it was nice to know that there was an entire program for tutoring specifically for my major so if I ever needed more help in the future I know where to go.  I didn’t think there was a stigma since everyone was the same there, we were all just students trying to do well in our course.  I think it was more encouraged to go to this session since most of the students taking the class were freshman so it would be a good experience to see how a “college” examination was.  Personally, since I knew a good amount of the subject that was being tutored I did not think that the session helped me a tremendous amount but in future scenarios when I very confused (which I am sure will happen plenty of times) I will for sure use that resource to help me for my homework or studying.

This was the first time I have ever went to a tutoring session but I used to take extra math classes outside of school when I was younger.  It was definitely not the same experience but I enjoyed having it.

I think help-seeking helps students success since one can learn so much more even if they believe they know “everything”.  But going to these sessions can increase ones boundaries and grow their curiosity limitlessly.

The session began with people splitting up into groups based on what they struggled the most with or had the most questions on.  Once they were in the groups a few tutors led each group and gave a quick summary of the topic they were helping on.  After this a round of questions from students began and the tutors answered them one by one in each group separately.  This was helpful since we were introduced to questions that I wasn’t thinking of.  After some example questions and study tips were also provided.  This is helpful because students almost can get a one on one interaction with a tutor and answer any doubts they have about anything.

I have been a tutor in my high school and I enjoyed being able to help other people.  In the future I may think about also being a tutor in college so it would help me help others and myself at improving my teaching and communicating skills  Since I liked it in high school  I believe I would still like it in college as well. Also, I am still a freshman so I am mostly still new to most of the subjects, so once I am well learned I will try to tutor then.

Student Organization: BuckeyeThon!

The first student organization I attended was a BuckeyeThon general body member meeting.  BuckeyeThon is a student led philanthropic organization that raises awareness, money, and fights for the end of pediatric cancer.  Last year, Ohio State almost raised two million dollars throughout the year, all for the kids!  I, personally, started a club similar to this and through Ohio State in my high school my sophomore year.  I have been to the events as a high schooler and I was eager to learn how to involve myself even more in college.  I took some of my new and old friends with me since they were also interested in getting involved.  Being a part of BuckeyeThon, I believe one can really learn to be passionate about the cause and along with that be able to fight against it and raise awareness.  I decided to continue it because I also really learned to be more grateful for what I have and really pursue the opportunities that I am given instead of taking them for granted.  The student leaders dedicate so much time and effort into fundraising, spreading awareness, and creating unforgettable events for the kids.  I applied to be a part of the general body of this club, this includes working with the logistics, finance, and marketing of the events.  Since I have been able to be a part of the events, I am excited to (maybe) be able to see how the back end works.  I don’t think time management should be a problem because I know that I am passionate about the cause, no number of hours I put in will ever be enough for me.  With so many members at this meeting I was only able to interact with some of the general body members I already knew.  Hopefully soon, I will start being able to build a strong professional network from this organization.  This organization definitely follows my interests but I hope to find more similar to grow my diversity in networks.  I think if I started a new organization it would definitely not be similar to this since I already love it so much, I would start one with one of my hobbies like painting or dancing.  Ohio State University is wonderful because it gives everyone so many opportunities in so many different areas.  No matter what your interest is, you will easily be able to find a club that suits it, and if not you can always start a club yourself as well.  This is a good impact on students because it lets them grow from just the academic side of college, whether the club is suiting ones career field or something like squirrel watching, students can always enjoy their time.  I know I will be able to enjoy my time and part being in BuckeyeThon even if it is not directly related to the career choice I want to go into I have fun, I get to meet new people, and also enjoy being with the kids!