Module 3- Communicating & Collaborating

The most useful thing I learned in this module was how I spent my time. I have to admit, I have a lot of things that I found useful was how to add in specific things to where I am going to need them. I have a lot going on this month with friend’s birthdays, moving, and the holidays. There is so much to do and I didn’t realize how much I truly need to keep up with not only these extracurricular activities, but also be able to balance school and work. It is a tough transition being able to take everything on, but it also makes things more fun.

Something I had noticed was how I incorporated Google calendar from the last module into this module. I had to take a lot into consideration and even writing this blog post, I have to understand and come to terms that balance is everything. Utilizing what is on that Google calendar and even my time tracking sheet, only goes to show how organized you can be and how busy this time is.

From a student who works at a corporate office, I’d like to direct my blog to students who are transitioning into being young professionals. It is a tough transition, but no matter how stressed you become, remember—there are always resources to help you balance your time.

Good luck!


Module 7: Final Blog Post

Somethings I have learned the most in this course have been easier resources on how to search for things via internet. These resources have applied within the final few weeks of the semester for class projects. I also never really knew about Google Calendar and that has helped tremendously. I had a co-worker who is younger than me, help me out with how it sync’s to my phone, and the different things I could add to it (alarms, color scheme, etc). In another module, a focused topic was on listening strategies. I have always struggled with some of the points on listening in lectures and trying to pay attention to what the lecturers main points would be. That was always hard for me, and I always thought I always had some type of learning disability. This lecture, module 7, helped me realize how I am as a student who is learning and the preferences that go into it. I feel as though module 7 should have been the first topic we focused on and I could have applied these resources sooner.

What I have learned about myself is how I learn. I’ve always been interested in self awareness because I think it truly has an impact on your approach, thought processes, and reactions. It was very interesting to learn about myself in those areas, as I can even take them into account when I land that first job out of college. The quiz we had taken in this module stated I my learning preferences were geared more towards being intuitive and visual. Although you can be more creative or analytical, I think these were very important because I am creative, but it seems that I learn more analytically.

My most meaningful experience in this course were these reflection posts. As I write each new post, I can recognize how much I like to blog and post about numerous topics, hopefully to help those who read my posts take my advice on my experiences in college. It has been a long ride. I’ve learned quite a bit and continue to still do so. Just because I am graduating, does not mean we stop learning.

With this, I can take into account and apply my experience in this course into future jobs by making sure I am able to consider how I learn, make sure I am applying my skills and knowledge of managing my time, and try hard every day to not give up on something I am challenged on. Although graduation is my ultimate goal, I am finally almost there and I have never been more excited to finally be there. The next adventure is landing that first job and showing them I am capable of the hard work I have been given. Most often, millennials are referred to as wanting to be “CEOs tomorrow”. I don’t want to be associated with that reference. I am a senior and I took this course to graduate, but I learned a lot from it thinking the complete opposite. Making sure that I am staying organized and putting my time management skills and learning preferences first, I can succeed in the job I am most hopeful and strive for and work harder than ever at it.


Thank you,



Module 6 Searching & Researching

The most useful thing I have learned in this module is the accuracy of sources when researching an article. I have never used Ohio State’s library website, so that was very interesting as well. When I searched for an article on the site, I had no idea that the citations were readily there for you in APA  formatting. I am currently writing a final paper right now and that is actually very helpful.

Some things I could put into practice from this module for future practices, would be knowing what exactly I am clicking on when searching for information via Google. I had no idea what some of the embedded criteria on the links even meant. Advice I would give to future students, would be to be very careful and patient on what exactly you are looking for and typing in on the search box. I think this is very important as there are many ways you can make mistakes along the way to try and find what exactly you are looking for. When I was searching for a specific topic for a class, I had mistakenly found an article under the same name, but completely different content. When I had refined my search criteria under a specific area, I found I had the most success in researching and found even more information surrounding the article.