A Chronology (’57-76)


  • Battle of Algiers
  • Independence of Ghana
  • The Sputnik


  • Return of de Gaulle; the Fifth Republic
  • European Economic Community (EEC)


  • The Cuban Revolution
  • Urban renewal in New Haven


  • Sino-Soviet split
  • First sit-ins, Greensboro, N.C.
  • A student sit-in conference at Shaw College, N.C., becomes the start of the Student Noviolent Coordinating Committee


  • John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as President of the United States
  • Lumumba, the radical Congolese leader, is murdered
  • Invasion of Cuba at Bay of Pigs, a dismal failure
  • Generals’ putsch in Algiers (OAS)
  • Gagarin becomes the first man in space
  • The first Freedom Ride buses (organized by CORE) are burned in Alabama
  • Interstate Commerce Commission desgregates bus and train stations
  • The Berlin Wall
  • Joseph Heller’s Catch 22


  • Student for a Democratic Society (SDS): the Port Huron Statement
  • Algerian independence
  • Pope John XXIII opens Vatican Council II
  • The Beatles hit England with Love Me Do
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis
  • John Glenn, first American to orbit Earth in space


  • King’s Letter From a Birmingham Jail
  • Assasssination of Medger Evers, NAACP, Miss.
  • Massive civil rights March on Washington: “I have a Dream”
  • Balck rebellion in Birmingham, Ala., after church bombing
  • Fall of Ngo Dinh Diem in Saigon
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • Lacan is excluded from the French Psychoanalytic Society


  • Malcom X leaves the Nation of Islam after a schism
  • Free Speech Movement begins at Berkely
  • Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man
  • Stanley Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove
  • Freedom Summer in Mississippi
  • Gulf of Tonkin “incident”
  • Khrushchev falls, enter Kosygin and Brezhnev
  • Congress passes the Civil Rights Act
  • King receives the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique


  • First regular US combat troops in Vietnam
  • US intervenes with 20,000 troops in the Dominican Republic
  • The first teach-ins at the University of Michigan
  • Large-scale bombins of North Vietnam
  • Anti-war March on Washington
  • Riots in the Watts ghetto in Los Angeles
  • The Voting Rights Act is signed
  • The Great Society Program
  • Malcolm X is assassinated
  • Bob Dylan goes electric with Bringing it all back home
  • Cultural Revolution begins in China
  • Sukarno is overthrown in Indonesia; hundreds of thousands of Communists are murdered in the aftermath


  • King comes out against the war in Vietnam
  • Mao, Quotations of Chairman Mao
  • Jefferson Airplane has its first record success
  • The National Organization for Women (NOW)
  • The Black Panther Party is founded in Oakland, Cal.
  • Louis Althusser’s For Marx appears in France
  • The Great Coalition (CDU-SPD) in West Germany


  • The Shanghai Commune
  • Military takes over in Greece
  • Black uprisings in the United States, e.g., Detroit
  • Six-Day War; Israel occupies the West Bank, Sinai and the Gaza Strip
  • de Gaulle visits Quebec
  • Psychedelic summer of love in San Francisco
  • Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
  • Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia
  • Siege of Pentagon
  • NOW adopts the Bill of Rights for Women


  • The Tet Offensive in Vietnam
  • The Prague Spring
  • Student uprisings in Warsaw and Mexico City
  • Student uprising at Columbia University, New York
  • Founding of the March 22 Movement in Paris
  • May ’68 in France
  • King is assassinated
  • Eldridge Clever, Soul On Ice
  • Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated
  • Democratic Convention in Chicago
  • Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
  • Nico Pulantzas’ Political Power and Social Classes is published in France
  • Tommie Smith and John Carlos make a Black Power solute while receiving their medals at the Mexico City Olympics


  • End of Cultural Revolution
  • Armed clases along the border of the Soviet Union and China
  • Breakup of the SDS
  • Woodstock and Altamont music festivals
  • Leage of Black Revolutionary Workers founded in Detroit
  • The Red Stocking Manifesto, and the Bitch Manifesto
  • Repression against the Black Panthers; murder of Fred Hampton et al.
  • US puts man on the moon
  • Rudi Dutscheke is shot in Berlin
  • Days of Rage in Chicago
  • Dennis Hopper, Easy Rider
  • Willy Brandt and the SPD come to power in West Germany
  • Beginning of civil rights movement in Northern Ireland
  • Trial of the Chicago Eight
  • Richard Nixon


  • Kate Millet, Sexual Politics
  • Hawaii, Alaska and New York, first states to liberalize abortion laws
  • Cambodian invasion; Kent State murders
  • Black September in Jordan
  • The October Crisis, Quebec
  • Strike in Gdansk
  • Senate holds ERA-hearings, the first since 1956


  • Attica Prison rebellion
  • New York Radical Feminists stage Speakout Against Rape
  • Fourth World Manifesto by Detroit feminists and Indochinese women


  • Common Program, Socialist and Communist Parties in France
  • National Conference of Puerto Rican Women founded
  • McGovern becomes the Democratic nominee and is defeated by Nixon
  • Women make up 40% of Democratic Convention (13% in 1968)
  • Judy Chicago, Miriam Shapiro and others open Womanhouse, exhibition at the California Institute of the Arts


  • Wounded Knee
  • Benjamin Spock denounces his early childcare books as sexist
  • Last US troops leave Vietnam
  • Allende is overthrown and killed in Chile
  • Yom Kippur War; the oil crises
  • National Balck Feminist Organization is formed


  • Revolution in Portugal
  • The Three Marias are freed in Portugal after international feminist campaign
  • Symbionese Liberation Army kidnaps Patricia Hearst


  • Liberation of Siagon
  • Independence of Angola and Mozambique


  • Soweto rebellion
  • Victory of Partie Quebecois
  • Mao dies, and so does Zhao, in Peking

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