Business Management

Business Management (suggested course sequence)

Business students at Ohio State ATI gain knowledge and skills in the key business areas of accounting, marketing and sales, business finance, and management, providing students with the tools they need to be successful in business.

Ohio State ATI offers an Associate of Applied Science in business management. Technical courses include accounting, personnel management, advertising and promotion, human resource management, and small business management. Business courses such as personal selling, business law, and economics are also an integral part of the curriculum.

Students in the business management program complete an internship experience consisting of full-time employment. Students are paid for their employment, graded on their job performance, and awarded academic credit. Recent internship employers include:

• Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
• Wayne Mutual Insurance
• Hawks Nest Golf Course

Career Prospects
Graduates in business management usually enter the work force as management trainees and then advance to the position of assistant manager, manager, sales representative, or marketing

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