Journal #1

Welcome week was a bit overwhelming for me as I felt as though I had a lot on my plate. I had to deal with the pressures of trying to make friends, adjust to a new schedule and place, and attend many different events.

My classes are, for the most part, easier than I expected. Though I have a lot of work to complete for each class, I feel like I have plenty of time to get it done. In regards to finishing assignments, I do not feel as stressed now as I did at many points throughout high school.

I am adjusting pretty well to my new life and schedule. I do not feel like I have many more responsibilities here than I did at home, so the transition was fairly easy. My greatest struggle thus far is making new friends and finding circles where I feel comfortable. I have been trying to put myself out there and to try new things, but it hasn’t been easy, and I don’t feel like I’ve really gotten anything from doing so yet. I just try to remember that I have a lot of time ahead of me to meet new people and try new things and that change will not be instant.

I didn’t have very many expectations going into my first week because I don’t think I truly comprehended what was about to happen. I knew that everything would be different, but I didn’t really expect anything in particular. One thing I didn’t really expect was how many people would be from around the area. Even though most people did not know each other, they had an understanding of where everyone was from and went to school. I think that aspect of things has made it a little more difficult for me because I don’t immediately have something in common with most of the people around me to talk about.

Though it has been difficult adjusting to such a foreign environment, the Scholars program has already helped me familiarize myself with a lot of people. Because of the living situations and classes, I see a lot of the same people everyday. It acts as a constant, so I can ground myself. Even though I haven’t necessarily become friends with any of them, I know that I can go to any of them if I need something.

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