Career Exploration

I believe that I am in the career implementing part of the career process. I have found a career that I enjoy and have always wanted to do. I have gone through the other parts of the process and have decided on a career I love. The process for me was very quick since I have done a lot research in the fields that I am interested in. I know that I want a career where I am outside a lot, have the ability to make new discoveries, and has the satisfaction of all the hard work I put into it. I also know that I definitely want to do something science based. From the workshops I learned about the major characteristics that I have. I found out that I am realistic, investigative, and enterprising. These characteristics definitely match me and are a true showing of who I am.

Some of the careers that O*Net gave me were commercial pilot, soil and water conservationist, range manger, forester, mining and geological engineer, and environmental restoration planner. The career that I want is something in paleontology. The career I want is very similar to the mining and geological engineer career that O*Net gave me. The mining and geological engineering career is something that I have thought about doing and definitely interests me. I have a love for fossils and paleontology though, so I don’t plan on changing my plans as of now. I am majoring in Earth Sciences which is something that most of my suggested careers are involved with. I am also minoring in Evolution and Ecology which is something else that many of my suggested careers have in common.

My plans now involve completing my bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in Earth Sciences to become a paleontologist. In the near future I hope to join a research group and try to get some internships in careers in the Earth Sciences to ensure that paleontology is where I want to focus. I have known that I wanted to be a paleontologist since I was about 5 years old. I fell in love with dinosaurs and all the other ancient creatures that once roamed the Earth. Their fossils and the rocks they are preserved in are all that remains of the history of life on the Earth. I know that I will enjoy paleontology and I am very excited to begin my journey to what will hopefully become my career.

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