

Quadrature weights and points for a triangle


Q = quadtriangle(d)
Q = quadtriangle(d,Name,Value)


Q = quadtriangle(d) returns the weights and points of a Gauss–Jacobi product rule of degree d for numerically integrating over a (default) triangle defined by the vertices (-1,-1),(1,-1) and (-1,1). The output is stored as a structure Q with the following fields:
  • Q.Points = the n quadrature points in an array of size n×2, where Q.Points(:,1) and Q.Points(:,2) are the x and y coordinates, respectively.
  • Q.Weights = the corresponding quadrature weights stored in a column vector of length n.
  • Q.Properties = contains (sub)fields describing the .Degree (the input value d), the .Type (see description below) and the .Domain of integration of the quadrature rule.
Q = quadtriangle(d,Name,Value) same as above but with additional control over the type of rules returned. Options include specification of the following Name-Value pair arguments:
‘Domain’ — Triangular domain
[ -1 -1; 1 -1; -1 1 ] (default) │ [ x1 y2; x2 y2; x3 y3 ][ ]
The triangular domain over which the weights and points are defined, specified as a 3×2 array of the (x,y) vertices of the triangle, i.e., T = [x1 y2; x2 y2; x3 y3], or as an empty array.
In the case of the latter option, the returned quadrature points consist of the first two barycentric (or area) coordinates, and the returned quadrature weights are scaled such that they sum to 1. (Note: The third barycentric coordinate for the points can easily be computed as 1-Q.Points(:,1)-Q.Points(:,2).)
‘Type’ — Type of quadrature rule
‘product’ (default) │ ‘nonproduct’
The type of quadrature rule may be specified as ‘product’ (default), in which case the points and weights of a Gauss–Jacobi product rule are returned, or as ‘nonproduct’. Product rules can be of arbitrary degree, while nonproduct rules are currently only available up to degree 25.
The following additional Name-Value pairs are available for nonproduct rules:
‘Symmetry’ — Symmetry of the quadrature rule
‘full’ (default) │ ‘allowAsymmetric’
The ‘full’ (default) value requires the quadrature rule to be fully symmetric. The value ‘allowAsymmetric’ allows asymmetric quadrature rules of lower point count than the full symmetry rules to be returned when available. (Note: Some quadrature rules possess so-called partial symmetry, though no distinction is made here between asymmetric and partially symmetric rules, i.e., a rule is classified as either fully symmetric or asymmetric.)
‘Weights’ — Quadrature weight conditions
‘positive’ (default) │ ‘allowNegative’
The ‘postive’ (default) value requires all quadrature weights to be positive. The value ‘allowNegative’ allows quadrature rules with negative weight(s) of lower point count than the positive weight rules to be returned when available.
‘Points’ — Location of quadrature points
‘inside’ (default) | ‘allowOutside’
The ‘inside’ (default) requires all points to be inside the triangle. The value ‘allowOutside’ allows quadrature rules with point(s) outside the triangle of lower point count than the quadrature rules with all points inside to be returned when available.
Note: The default Name-Value pairs for nonproduct rules are set such that the minimal-point, fully symmetric so-called PI rule (that is, all weights are Positive and all points are Inside the triangle) of degree d is returned. Fully symmetric PI rules are generally preferred among practitioners.


Example 1 The derivation of product rules for the triangle
One method of applying quadrature over a triangle involves a (nonlinear) transformation of the triangular domain to a square as shown below.
This allows one to construct a so-called product rule (the default type of rule for the quadtriangle function) formed from Gauss–Jacobi quadrature rules applied in each η direction.Note that this transformation introduces a “weight function” of as shown in the integral above. This requires the use of a Gauss–Jacobi quadrature rule of weight in the direction, which can be paired with a Gauss–Jacobi quadrature rule of weight (equivalently, standard Gauss–Legendre quadrature) in the direction.
This example demonstrates how the triangle products rules are computed within the quadtriangle function using the (one-dimensional) quadGaussJacobi function and the transformations illustrated in the figure above. Consider a product rule of degree 4 obtained using the quadtriangle function, which has the following 9 points:
Qtriangle = quadtriangle(4);
ans = 9×2
-0.7946 -0.8228
-0.8669 -0.1811
-0.9521 0.5753
-0.0886 -0.8228
-0.4095 -0.1811
-0.7877 0.5753
0.6174 -0.8228
0.0480 -0.1811
-0.6232 0.5753
This point set was constructed in three steps: 1) By obtaining two 3-point (degree 4) Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules — one of weight in the direction and one of weight in the direction, i.e.,
Q1 = quadGaussJacobi(3,0,0);
Q2 = quadGaussJacobi(3,1,0);
2) Taking their Cartesian product using the meshgrid function
[eta1,eta2] = meshgrid(Q1.Points,Q2.Points);
and then 3) Applying the transformation from the square (η cooridates) to the triangle (ξcoordinates) , i.e.,
[ 1/2*(1+eta1(:)).*(1-eta2(:))-1,eta2(:) ]
ans = 9×2
-0.7946 -0.8228
-0.8669 -0.1811
-0.9521 0.5753
-0.0886 -0.8228
-0.4095 -0.1811
-0.7877 0.5753
0.6174 -0.8228
0.0480 -0.1811
-0.6232 0.5753
which is equilvalent to the point set above.
The weights for the product rule are obtained by taking the Kronecker product of the two weight sets (scaled by 1/2), i.e.,
ans = 9×1
which is equivalent to
ans = 9×1
Example 2 The advantages and disadvantages of using product quadrature rules
The main advantage of using product rules for the triangle is the abiliy to easily construct quadrature rules of arbitrary degree. Two disadvantages are the use of a greater number of points than necessary for a given degree and the “clustering” of points near the top vertex, which is “collapsed” when transforming from the square back to the triangle. Nonproduct rules, which are specifically designed for directly integrating over the triangle, do not possess these two disadvantages.
(Note: The main disadvantage of nonproduct rules is that there is no simple, direct method of constructing them for arbitary degrees, though rules up to quite a high degree can be found in the literature and rules up to degree 25 are included in the quadtriangle function).
Consider, for example, the bipolymonial defined as an anonymous function:
P = @(x,y) 2*x.^8 + x.^3.*y.^4;
integrated over the default triangle, which has an exact value of . This can be computed using a product rule of degree 8
Qp = quadtriangle(8,‘Type’,‘product’)
Qp = struct with fields:
Points: [25×2 double]
Weights: [25×1 double]
Properties: [1×1 struct]
which has 25 points, or a nonproduct rule
Qnp = quadtriangle(8,‘Type’,‘nonproduct’)
Qnp = struct with fields:
Points: [16×2 double]
Weights: [16×1 double]
Properties: [1×1 struct]
which has only 16 points. In either case, applying the quadrature rule, it is found:
Ip = dot(Qp.Weights, P(Qp.Points(:,1), Qp.Points(:,2))) % Product rule
Ip = 0.4000
Inp = dot(Qnp.Weights,P(Qnp.Points(:,1),Qnp.Points(:,2))) % Nonproduct rule
Inp = 0.4000
which are both exact.
Using the quadplot function, it can be observed that a number of the product quadrature points are clustered near the top vertex:
while the nonproduct quadrature points are more evenly distributed over the triangle:
The latter is generally viewed as being more favorable.

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