ESEPSY 1159 Module 7 or You’re Almost There!

Motivation is the success, any success. Whether it’s at work, at learning, or in personal affairs, being motivated is the first step to succeeding. There’s no point to putting off certain tasks, eventually they will need to be done, and the regret that comes with not having it done before and the lack of effort often put in means that the quality will suffer, leading to more regret. So it’s time to stop holding out on whatever important task that needs to be done and do it now.

Find a spot to work in. Preferably quiet but sometimes a little noise helps out. Listen to music if needed. Do whatever it takes to get focused. Sometimes the problem is not just the space but other factors like websites and browsing. Consider getting an app like Freedom (ironically named) where certain sites can be blocked during work time. Put the phone away. Put it on silence or airplane mode. Do something with it to prevent it from being a distraction.

More seriously, if motivation has been a problem for quite some time, consider seeing a doctor. There’s a chance that depression has developed and medication is needed. Even if it’s not that bad, the doctor will have some advice as well. Do what it takes to get the ball rolling.

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