
The G in G.O.A.L.S stands for global awareness. Being globally aware means that you have an appreciation for different cultures and an appreciation for other individuals and their differences. Students can work on this section by studying abroad, being involved in cultural organizations, and by taking courses that expand their global perspective. I’ve shown global awareness by traveling to different places and experiencing different cultures and lifestyles. Over the summer I traveled to Mexico and got to experience the diverse culture there. This experience taught me about how people in other parts of the world live their daily lives.

The O in G.O.A.L.S stands for original inquiry. Original inquiry means that students are using their own curiosity in order to come up with original questions. Students can work on this section by learning about the research process and by developing their own, uniques ideas. This can be done by doing research and advanced coursework.

The A in G.O.A.L.S is for academic enrichment. Academic enrichment is shown through excellence in advanced and rigorous academic classes.

The L stands for leadership development. Leadership development is shown by developing leadership skills both in and out of the classroom that will benefit the students throughout their lives. Students can work on this section by taking on leadership roles in the community, classroom, and work. I have shown leadership development by taking on a leadership position in the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo teen volunteer program during my senior year of high school. This experience helped me become a better leader and taught me valuable skills like communication and organization.

The S stands for service engagement. This is contributing to the community through volunteering and service projects. On November 17th of 2019, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Columbus Hot Chocolate Run with some of my fellow Scholars members. Before the run started, we helped set up one of the many water/energy drink stations along the course. This included setting up the tables and filling the cups before the runners got to the station. When the runners arrived at our station, we handed out the cups of water and cheered them on. We also helped tear down the water station after the race was over. I had a lot of fun cheering the runners on and assisting them by handing out water during the event.

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