Qualities of a Good Clinical Instructor

What qualities make a good clinical instructor?

Personal Skills

Works well within a team

Respect for all professions

Adept interpersonal communication styles


Problem-solving capabilities

Positive attitude


Professional Skills

Extensive medical and clinical knowledge

Reliable and dependable

Accountable for their actions

Professionalism (timeliness, proper attire, etc.)

Attention to deadlines

Critical thinking skills

Multicultural sensitivity


Teaching Skills

Enthusiasm for teaching

Fosters a positive environment that encourages learning

Establishes meaningful connections with students

Adapts to needs of students

Be a role model

Knowledge of teaching methods for different learning styles

Patience and understanding that students have different backgrounds and experiences


  • Among these skills, I believe I am in possession of many of the more innate qualities, such as: a positive attitude, integrity, respect for inter-professional team members, and adept inter-personal communication skills. In terms of professional qualities,  I am a reliable and accountable health care provider who: 1) acts according to deadlines and professional expectations, 2) exemplifies professionalism in my conduct, and 3) practices cultural sensitivity. Although I am proud of my critical thinking skills and clinical knowledge, I believe that these areas are constantly changing and expanding  — and so the growth in these two domains is continually evolving.
  • In terms of teaching skills, I consider myself as being an enthusiastic resource for others and I possess a desire to help and guide students and new hires. An example of this is my participation in the James Advanced Practice Provider Fellowship Program — not only as a fellow, but now as a professional who is creating a mentorship program for this year’s new cohort of fellows (2019-2020).
  • I do consider myself a “learner” in many of the other domains I have listed in this category. I am hoping that completing the required courses for the Nurse Educator program at OSU will aid me in my endeavors to achieve these qualities.