Vibhor Krishna, MBBS

As a surgeon-scientist, I have an expertise in the translational applications of neuromimaging relevant to neuromodulation and functional neurosurgery. I investigate both the imaging-based therapies (specifically focused ultrasound and image-guided deep brain stimulation) and imaging-guidance to improve patient outcomes after neuromodulation procedures. We are primarily focused on discovering neuroimaging correlates of efficacious neurostimulation. The imaging modalities of interest include – diffusion tensor imaging (quantitative, deterministic and probabilistic tractography) and functional magnetic resonance imaging. This translational work has direct implications for precise localization of therapeutic targets for neurostimulation, guide stimulation titration and potentially improve patient selection. It has tremendous potential for broadening the application of neurostimulation to indications where the clinical effects are not immediate; most notably dystonia, epilepsy and disorders of behavior & cognition. This work will also improve our understanding of brain function and its modulation for functional restoration.

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