Shape Grammar

Analog version of Shape Grammar
Digital Iteration of Shape Grammar

Project Statement

The two design principles that I utilized for this project are movement and rhythm, which help us get a sense of the motion in the images. The sensation I am seeking for these elements is energy. I get the feeling that the forms of this are darting back and forth off to the distance, then they both come back towards the viewer.  This also gives the viewer a sense of escalation and the infinite sensation of moving up and down. I chose to use equilateral triangles to maintain symmetry and provide a clean design with a consistent pattern. The use of negative space allows the images to maintain their integrity yet also be free-flowing. 


View detailed project process at Shape Grammar Process


Overall, the use of geometric shapes provides an engaging platform for design purposes, because the eye allows the shapes to go in different directions than even the designer intended.  I was compelled by the design opportunities in this project because I was able to utilize both analog and digital and see the impact of each on the differing concepts. The use of contrast also allowed the image to take on life. The one area I need to work on is my craftsmanship and attention to detail, and that is something I will continue to work toward improvement. 


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