Conceal and Reveal

The unlit book that represents rock in the musical sense.
The lit book that represents rock in the geological sense.

Project Statement

The objective of this project was to take a homonym and represent the dual meanings through form and light. The foreground is a pop-out book that showcases the first homonym and when light is revealed in the back it shows another one. The homonym I chose was the word “rock.” Merriam-Webster defines the auditory sense of rock as “popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements” and in the geological sense as “a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak or concreted mass of stony material.” Using the silhouette of the crowd and the flowing music I wanted to create a sense of exciting energy of rock music. The main focus of the piece is the band, and I emphasized that by putting it on a pedestal with stage light coming out the back to continue the theme of bursting energy. In contrast, I wanted a jagged look for the geological rock. The last layer is made of rock to create a sense of a stage to play into the rock and roll theme. The hidden image when light hits the rear of the rock showcases the arches of Utah and creates another natural backdrop of the rock concert.

View detailed project process at Conceal and Reveal Process Post


This project was one of the most challenging for me at first, because I felt I was not completely clear on the parameters after reading the prompt. That all changed, however, when we met on Miro. many great ideas were shared and it opened my mind to different ideas. One new part I enjoyed was using the laser cutter. Using the exacto knife does not provide the most specific cut for me, so being able to get precise lines exactly how I wanted was an exciting element to the project. I would love to continue using this technology in the future. 

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