2D to 3D Translation

Project Statement

I decided to continue to use the same 2D piece as my final for Shape Grammar because I thought there was already significant natural motion to it and I thought it would translate well to 3D. My concept was to slant the pieces, so they had a continual direction based on where the shape was facing. I was looking for a way to showcase the movement of the piece, while concurrently reflecting its rhythm. To maintain a pattern, all the pieces were slanted at a 30-degree angle, and I adjusted each height so they had a continual line. To add a twist, I decided the last piece would slant the opposite direction to lead off the reverse pattern. 


View detailed project process at 2D to 3D Translation Process


Overall, this was one of the most challenging projects, as working in 3D was a new approach for me and not one that I had as much experience as some of the other techniques. I very much enjoyed the conceptualization and felt my strengths shone through in that stage. I have not worked extensively in crafts, so the mechanism of bringing this project to life required me to leave my comfort zone and stretch my skill development. I very much want to keep working on this process, because I have so much room for improvement. I enjoyed the template-making process and appreciated the need and ability to problem-solve and find a way for the design to work.

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