Inventive Portraiture Process

For the beginning of this project, I started out by finding two emotions to go with. I decided to do two opposites: calm and stressed. I then did 50 quick shapes to see what I could come up with. 

The red starred shapes I found best represented stressed while blue represented calm. My next step was a few sketches to see how I could fit all the shapes out together without worrying about any color.


I wasn’t sure which idea I liked more, so next I made a better draft version of both feelings to see if I preferred one.









For my stressed piece (red) I wanted it to be disorganized, random, and chaotic, which I achieved by throwing shapes on top of one another. I tried to crowd shapes around the brain and mouth, because I feel like those are your two hardest parts of my head to use when I’m stressed.

For my calm piece (blue) I wanted to represent even, complete, and clean. I wanted every piece of this to feel deliberate and have a symmetric feel to the head.

I decided to settle on my stressed piece and to add some more pieces that improve on the shape of the head, and put more detail into the base shoulders.

Here you can see where my original shapes are in the piece.

And here is the final piece:


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