
Global Awareness:


Original Inquiry:


Academic Enrichment:


Leadership Development:

During my first year in college, I did not do very much leading; in reality, I received lots guidance and mentorship that helped me to be successful, and has affected how I view leadership today. As a sophomore, I had the opportunity to become a executive board member of a pre-med club I joined freshman year, and I learned a lot through the position about being a leader, both on my own and in a team. It has been a wonderful experience to learn from peers and to help the members in my club to learn more about the healthcare professions, as well as to help the freshman to acclimate to college and meet people with similar interests. I have also recently had the opportunity to become a Peer Mentor for OSU’s ASC Honors “Survey class,” a course required for all freshman that helps to be successful in college, as well as helping them to adjust to their news lives here at OSU. I am looking forward to being able to share my knowledge with OSU’s new class of freshman so that they can have a positive college experience!


Service Engagement:

As a freshman, I had many opportunities to volunteer through my learning community, the Health Sciences Scholars. We participated in OSU’s days of service, Community Commitment and the MLK Day of Service as a group with many other OSU students. As a group, we helped to clean up a park in then Columbus area, as well as assisted in preparing materials for education outreach at COSI. Through the Health scholars, I also volunteered at the Garden of Hope, a community garden that provides fresh produce to cancer survivors. The clubs that I am involved with also offer many chances to get involved in community service. Through WISE club, I have volunteered at Van Buren Homeless shelter on several occasions. Working with the kitchen staff was one of the best parts of my experience there; they had so much joy and passion for serving the people, and their enthusiasm for service was contagious!

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