Most Popular In Opinion
Donald Trump is leaving his critics in the dust
Trump’s critics view him as uninformed, but they miss the can-do qualities the American people crave in their president.
The alt-right is wrong about Star Wars
The alt-right must be the only people in the galaxy shocked at the parallels between the Nazi Party and the villains in Star Wars.
I was wrong on Brexit
I wrote things about which I had my doubts in order to help my friends stay in power.
Aleppo’s fall is our shame, too
The West’s decision to keep Syria on the path to destruction and authoritarianism marks the end of international law.
Donald Trump’s master in Moscow
Trump is too vain to recognize that he’s nothing more than the easily manipulated means to Putin’s nefarious ends.
Carly Fiorina is one of the guys when it comes to groveling for a job
In a quest to become national intelligence director, Carly Fiorina is looking past any sexism she experienced first-hand from Donald Trump.
Who will stand up to Donald Trump?
He’s the most dangerous man in America and no one is challenging him. Why?
Democrats should have secured their e-mail from hacking
“If their leaked e-mails are held to have affected the election result, they are responsible, not the hackers.” — E. J. Szekely
Donald Trump could be good for the economy
The effect of Trump’s policies on growth could be considerable.
The Siberian candidate
The Russian connection could become a permanent black cloud over the Trump presidency.
New Red Line cars are a welcome boost, but state must invest more
“New cars are a positive step, but the state shouldn’t stop there when investing in transportation.” — James Roosevelt Jr.
Is Miss World silencing Anastasia Lin?
For the second year in a row, a human-rights plea is being silenced.
The decline of war and violence
In the first quartet of 2016, the level of war violence has fallen by more than half.
Mass. should compensate those wrongfully convicted
The process for receiving compensation is lengthy and confrontational, and not everyone is eligible, like those who pleaded guilty because of bad legal advice.
Don’t blame climate change for extreme weather
Researchers say “the soundbite of ‘climate change means more extreme weather’ is a massive oversimplification of the true state of the science.”
A choice of evils
Should democracies use torture to protect against terrorism?
Mass. improves plan for Allston, but transit challenges remain unsolved
MassDOT is moving in the right direction, but it won’t be done until the necessary improvements are included — and funded.
Repeal of Affordable Care Act could be a death sentence for thousands
The study “estimated that lack of health insurance led to nearly 45,000 unnecessary deaths.” — John E. Hill