Vladimir Kogan
Vladimir Kogan studies state and local government in the United States. His research focuses on the intersection of politics and public policy in areas including education and social policy. Kogan’s work has been published in top scholarly journals, including American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and Journal of Public Economics.
You can find his Google Scholar profile here.
- Education politics and policy
- State and local politics
Recent Research Reports:
Student Achievement and Learning Acceleration in Ohio (Sept. 12, 2024)
Abstract: As of spring 2024, the performance of Ohio students in English language arts (ELA) has mostly recovered to levels seen before the start of the pandemic (with the exception of eighth grade), and indeed now exceeds pre-pandemic achievement in several grades. In addition, large gaps in ELA achievement between student demographic subgroups and districts that emerged during the first year of the pandemic have substantially narrowed and are now near their pre-pandemic levels. Students with disabilities and English learners remain behind each group’s respective pre-pandemic baseline, however. In math, achievement remains considerably lower (except in ninth grade Algebra), and students have made minimal improvements in math over the past year in most grades. The remaining shortfalls represent about a month of learning in elementary grades and grow to between one-third and one-half of a school year in middle school grades. Achievement also remains lower in science and social studies in some grades, although the magnitudes vary.
Recent Commentaries:
- “Wrong (and Right) Lessons from Chicago’s School Closures,” Thomas B. Fordham Institute Education Gadfly Weekly (Oct. 10, 2024)
- “Stop Playing the Race Card on School Closures,” Thomas B. Fordham Institute Education Gadfly Weekly (Aug. 1, 2024)
- “School District Budgets Catch Long COVID,” The Hill (April 4, 2024)
- “Correct the Record: School Districts Need to Debunk Teachers’ Unions Misleading Talking Points,” City Journal (Feb. 16, 2024)
- “New NAEP Scores Reveal the Failure of Pandemic Academic Recovery Efforts,” The 74 (June 26, 2023)
- “Higher Education Bill Could Spark ‘Defensive Teaching’”, Columbus Dispatch (April 21, 2023)
- “The Choice in Education Governance Debates: Complacency or Reform?”, Education Next (October 4, 2022)