Pre Research and Development

PR&D Lab 1: Programming Basics

1. Become familiar with the automatic control system hardware components.
2. Setup the AEV software.
3. Program the basic function calls in controlling the AEV.
4. Be able to upload programs on the Arduino and test.
5. Become familiar with troubleshooting techniques.
What we Achieved/ L
           During this activity Group R familiarized ourselves with the Arduino programming software as well as the device itself. We learned basic programming techniques for the AEV and used all of the basic function calls to control the vehicle’s movements. We uploaded and ran a basic program on the Arduino controller and motors and learned troubleshooting techniques in case there is an error.

PR&D Lab 2: Reflectance Sensors

1. Become familiar with the external sensor hardware components.
2. Become familiar with troubleshooting techniques.
3. Program function calls for using external sensors with AEV control.
What we Achieved/ Learned
           In this activity group R installed the external sensors on the AEV.
Then our team familiarized themselves and practiced troubleshooting errors between the Arduino device and the computer used to program it. Finally, they programmed and ran function calls that utilize the external sensors to measure distance.

PR&D Lab 3: Creative Design Thinking

1. Learn two techniques used for creative design thinking.
2. Become familiar with obstacles to creativity.
3. Become familiar with the components in the AEV kit.
4. Learn the basic of orthographic drawings.
5. Brainstorm on individual AEV concept sketches.
What we Achieved/ Learned
           As a group our members learned the brainstorming and notebook keeping techniques for creative design and thinking. The team researched ways to overcome obstacles to creativity and practiced brainstorming design ideas and learned the basics of orthographic projection from a separate acitivity.
Team R then made sure to familiarize themselves with the components of the AEV kit and sketched the following designs based on those constraints.
 (Pictured here is the beginning of the sample AEV)

PR&D Lab 4: Design and Analysis Tool

1. Become familiar with MATLAB based design analysis tool.
2. Be able to upload Arduino data into the design analysis tool.
3. Be able to conduct performance analysis of an AEV operation.
4. Be able to export plots for reports.
What we Achieved / Learned
          Team R learned and practiced using the analysis tool to assess data collected by the Arduino unit. Our members uploaded and ran a simple program through the Arduino unit and then loaded the data into the analysis tool. They then assessed the performance of the sample AEV design using this program and exported the graphs to a Z drive.

PR&D Lab 5: Concept Screening and Scoring

1. Become familiar with techniques for design decisio
n making.
2. Become familiar with a structured method to screen and score design concepts.
3. Perform concept screening and scoring methods with AEV design concepts
using the sample AEV as a baseline reference.
What we Achieved/ Learned
Criteria Refrence Design 1 (James) Design 2 (Ryne) Design 3 (Rishi) Design 4 (Paul)
Weight 0 0 0
Balance 0 0 + + +
Durability 0 + 0 0 +
Price 0
Aerodynamics 0 + + +
Sum +’s 0 2 1 2 3
Sum 0’s 5 2 2 1 0
Sum -‘s 0 1 2 2 2
Net Score 0 1 -1 0 1
Continue? Combine Yes No No Yes
Concept Scoring Sample AEV Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Weight Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score
Weight 25% 3 0.75 3 0.75 3 0.75 2 0.5 2 0.5
Balance 25% 3 0.75 3 0.75 4 1 4 1 5 1.25
Durability 10% 3 0.3 5 0.5 3 0.3 3 0.3 3 0.3
Price 20% 3 0.6 2 0.4 2 0.4 2 0.4 2 0.4
Aerodynamics 20% 3 0.6 4 0.8 1 0.2 4 0.8 5 1
Total Score 3 3.2 2.65 3 3.45
Continue No Yes No No Yes

Description of each Design

Model: This was a very simple, basic AEV design. It  had a long, flat center with wings that went up slightly on the sides. The propellors were located off the back of the wings.

James: Featured an interesting design that had a propellor on the front and on the back of the AEV. The underneath portion also had an aerodynamic shell, that would protect the battery as well as decrease wind resistance.

Ryne: Very similar shape to the initial model design. Had a 3D printed tip that went off the front to cut through the wind, and shield the Arduino against any potential objects coming from the front of the device.

Paul: The number one prototype as of now. Design features a sleek, 3D printed shell that runs across the front of the device. This piece is multifunctional. It    first serves to improve aerodynamics, and cut through the wind. Additionally, it    covers the Arduino and improves safety for the entire AEV. Lastly, the design looks sleek, and is aesthetically pleasing.

Rishi: Design similar to model, has large piece that comes off the front to cut through the wind. Piece could decrease balance for the entire design however.

PR&D- Decisions, hiccups and notes

  • Had to decide between the T shape and the L shape mount. In the end, we went with the T shape mount as we felt that it  was balanced much better, and would be able to keep the AEV light and more aerodynamic.
  • Started off using the T shape mount, and had it  placed toward the front. We are slightly concerned that the AEV may be unbalanced, and more weight is on the back. Once we placed the Arduino on the bottom, we can decide wether or not to switch where the T shape mount is placed.
  • Started off having trouble uploading the program onto the Arduino, but after a couple of attempts, the file successfully uploaded