Growth & Development
Last week I highlighted the R3 (milk) growth stage. R4 is the next stage, occurring approximately 26 days after silking.
R4 – Dough
- This stage is about 26 days after silking.
- The kernel has thickened to a pasty (doughy) consistency from the earlier milky state (starch has continued to accumulate and kernel moisture content has decreased).
- The embryo of the seed is growing while the kernels are just beginning to dry at the top (dent).
- Kernels have accumulated 50 percent of their dry weight and have about 70 percent moisture.
- Unfavorable environmental conditions or nutrient deficiencies still can result in unfilled kernels and “chaffy” ears.
Disease pressure throughout the county continues to be very low. Continue to scout for:

Chaffy Ears
- Foliar diseases
- Weed escapes (especially Palmer and Waterhemp)
- Head smut
- European corn borer
- Barren stalks, poor pollination
- Nutrient deficiencies
Growth & Development
Soybeans are continuing to mature. Recent rains will help with seed fill. Last week I highlighted the R5 (Beginning Seed) growth stage. R6 is the next stage, occurring approximately 10 days after R4.
R6 – Full Seed

R6 Full seed
Pod containing a green seed that fills the pod cavity at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf
- Beans of many sizes can be found on the plant
- Total plant pod weight is maximized
- Large amounts of nitrogen are still being accumulated from the soil and remobilized to the seed
- Root growth is complete between R6 and R7.
As you continue to scout your bean fields, look for
- Foliar diseases – Sudden Death Syndrome, White Mold, and Frogeye Leaf Spot.
- Insect feeding – Grasshoppers.
- Weed escapes (especially Palmer and Waterhemp).
Click here for tips on identifying pigweed, palmer and waterhemp.