Growth & Development
Corn development continues to vary throughout the county. Last week I highlighted the R2 (Blister) growth stage. R3 is the next stage, occurring approximately 20 days after silking.
R3 – Milk Stage
- Occurs approximately 18‐20 days after silking.
- The kernel is colored yellow with the inside containing ‘milky’ white fluid.
- Kernel moisture content is approximately 80%
- Starch is beginning to accumulate in the kernel.
- Stress is not as severe at R3 as at R1; however, yield reduction can occur due to a reduction in the number of kernels that ultimately develop and to the final size and weight of the kernels.
- Very little root growth occurs after R3.
Disease pressure throughout the county continues to be very low. At this stage of growth, with little to no disease pressure, and new crop corn under $5 can we justify at least $25 per acre for a fungicide application?
Read more on disease scouting here.
Growth & Development
Like corn, soybean development continues to vary throughout the county. Beans are looking much better than they were a few weeks ago. Last week I highlighted the R4 (Full Pod) growth stage. R5 (Beginning Seed) is the next stage, occurring approximately 10 days after R4.
- Seed is 1/8 inches long in the pod at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf .
- Rapid seed filling begins, while root growth slows.
- Dry weight and nutrients begin redistributing through the plant to the developing seed.
- 50% defoliation can decrease yield by 15-17%.
- Symptoms of many diseases, including white mold and SDS begin to show up at this growth stage.
- This is a good growth stage to determine the severity of disease.
- Treating most diseases with fungicides is not recommended at this time.
All of the bean fields that I have seen this week look very similar to this one. I am seeing very little (if any) disease pressure. Current and projected weather conditions may change this. As you continue to scout your bean fields, look for Sudden Death Syndrome, White Mold, and Frogeye Leaf Spot.
It’s that time of year when weeds are beginning to show their ugly heads above the soybean canopy in many fields. During your scouting, if you find Palmer Amaranth or Waterhemp you should do whatever you can to prevent these devastating weeds from going to seed, including removing the entire plant from the field.
Click here for tips on identifying pigweed, palmer and waterhemp.