Field Observations Thru July 7


Recent weather has delayed 2nd cutting in many fields.  Potato leafhoppers are very active.  Continue to monitor, where damage is increasing, cut as soon as weather permits.

Click here for alfalfa insect scouting calendar

Click here for more information on Potato Leafhopper


Plenty of moisture and some welcome warm weather – What a difference a week makes!

Warmer weather has slowed slug activity and the rapid corn growth is helping these plants escape (outgrow) this damage.

Our corn growth varies greatly throughout the county.  Most of the county is between V6 and V12. However, there are some fields at V12 and beyond.

V10 to V11 – The corn plant begins a steady and rapid increase in nutrient and dry-matter accumulation. The time between the appearance of new leaves is shortened, with a new leaf appearing every two to three days.  Demand for soil nutrients and water are relatively high to meet the needs of the increased growth rate. Moisture and nutrient deficiencies at this stage will influence the growth and development of the ears markedly. Fertilizer, especially phosphorus and potassium, is needed near the roots, which do not move appreciable distances in most soils. Dry soils also may make needed nutrients less available.

I have received a few questions about postemergence herbicide applications.  Click the links below for OSU Postemergence Herbicide Ratings.

Table 5. Postemergence Herbicides in Corn – Grasses

Table 6. Postemergence Herbicides in Corn – Broadleaves


Ok, many soybean fields just don’t look good, especially for this time of year.  While scouting your bean fields, check for seedling diseases and water-logged roots.

Warmer weather has slowed slug activity however beans are still growing slowly and may not be able to outgrow the feeding yet – Continue to monitor your bean fields for slug feeding.

Click here for slug information

Our Soybean  growth varies throughout the county.  Most of the county is between V3 and V6. However, there are some fields at and approaching R1.

V3 through V6 – The third trifoliolate (V3) stage takes place when three trifoliolates are unrolled. In case of damage to the growing point, axillary buds permit the plants to compensate for yield or final productivity.  The unrolling of six trifoliolates indicates the V6 stage. The root system continues to grow, even expanding across a 30-inch row spacing.  The V growth stages continue as long as a plant continues to produce trifoliolates. Determinate soybean plants complete most of their vegetative growth when flowering begins. Indeterminate plants produce trifoliolates until the beginning of the seed formation stage (late reproductive period).


When, When, When will the wheat be ready??  Wheat harvest is just getting started.  A little sunshine and continued warm weather would certainly speed up the process.

Planning on planting beans after wheat? 

Click here for the Double Crop Soybean Production Guidelines from Dr. Laura Lindsey.

Click here to view herbicide restrictions prior to planting.  Table 23 from the Ohio Weed Control guide lists these restrictions.

Misc. – Something you don’t see everyday.

I can honestly say that I have never seen one of these before! Click on the picture to see the video. If you know what it is, put your answer in the comment section.  Be sure to check back next week for the answer!

County Rainfall Update


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