Progress Report

I have now attended six total fencing club meetings, which amounts to a total of twelve hours invested in the sport. While I can’t say I’ve become a master I do feel I’ve made progress. I now have a low En Garde stance which burns my thighs to no end, and have grown more skilled with my blade placement. In particular I have developed my skill for keeping my épée pointed at my opponent’s chest. In regards to foot work I still have a long way to go. My advances and retreats still feel clunky and a little awkward as I need to think through the movement every time I do it (front foot out and placed on the heal then push off of my back leg and plant the front foot and the reverse for a retreat) as a result my double advances (two quick advances back to back) often fall short of graceful. Additionally my parry moves still lack the speed and precision of the coaches. While the blade should move in small tight circles I tend to make a much wider arc with my weapon, which allows my opponent to easily read my thoughts. Despite these issues I have won a few bouts, the first against a far more experienced opponent who was using his non-dominant hand (which in my opinion only counts for ~half a win)  and one against the second newest player (after myself). The bout went back and forth for a while before I slowly pushed my opponent to the back of the mat then launched into a flèche (a move where one player essentially charges the other) which made my opponent step out of bounds and so forfeit the point. Despite the win one of the certified coaches who works with the club reprimanded me for the more advanced move as I still hadn’t mastered my basics. A point I had to forfeit because he was correct.  While I have missed the past few practices (due to several midterms) I am hoping to return to the sport soon and continue my growth as a fencer.

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