NOTE: Authors with asterisks are student co-authors.
Authored Books
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Westerwick, A. (2020). Mediated communication & you: An introduction to internet & media effects. Oxford University Press. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2020). Choice and preference in media use: Advances in selective-exposure theory and research. Routledge. (Original work published 2015)
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2015). Choice and preference in media use: Advances in selective-exposure theory and research. Routledge. LINK
Knobloch, S. (2000). Schicksal spielen: Interaktive Unterhaltung aus handlungstheoretischer und persönlichkeitspsychologischer Sicht [Playing destiny: An analysis of interactive entertainment based on action theory and personality psychology]. R. Fischer. LINK
Knobloch, S. (1997). PR-Erfolgskontrolle durch Zeitreihenanalyse: Eine Methode zur Bewertung von Public Relations-Maßnahmen [Evaluation of public relations with time-series analysis]. Vistas. LINK
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Sude, D. J., *Pearson, G.D.H., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2021). Self-expression just a click away: Source interactivity impacts on confirmation bias and political attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior. LINK
Robinson, M., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2020). Instilling belief in the ability to change for the better: Narrative persuasion for sleep hygiene self-efficacy. Health Communication. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Robinson, M., *Frazer, R., & *Schutz, E. (2020). “Affective News” & attitudes: A multi-topic experiment of attitude impacts from political news and fiction. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. PDF
*Frazer, R. D., Robinson, M. J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Narratives’ impacts on attitudes: Do signaling of persuasive intent and fictionality matter? Communication Studies.
Westerwick, A., *Sude, D. J., Robinson, M., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2020). Peers versus pros: Confirmation bias in selective exposure to user-generated versus professional media messages and its consequences. Mass Communication & Society, 23(4), 510-536. LINK
*Luong, K. T., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Niewiesk, S. (2020). Superstars within reach: The role of perceived attainability & role congruity in media role models on women’s social comparisons. Communication Monographs, 87(1), 4–24. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Robinson, M. J., Willis, L. E., & *Luong, K. T. (2020). Beauty or business queen: How young women select media to reinforce possible future selves. Communication Research, 47(3), 323-345. [was submitted before first author was considered for editorship]. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Abdallah J.C., & Billings A.C. (2020). The football boost? Testing three models on impacts on sports spectators’ self-esteem. Communication and Sport, 8(2), 236–261. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., & *Polavin, N. (2020). Confirmation bias, ingroup bias, and negativity bias in selective exposure to political information. Communication Research, 47(1), 104-124 [was submitted before first author was considered for editorship]. LINK
Robinson, M.J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2020). Seeking inspiration through health testimonials: Improving mothers’ self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and behavior in handling children’s sleep behavior. Health Communication, 35(12), 1455-1465. LINK
*Luong, K. T., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Frampton, J. (2019). Temporal self impacts on media exposure & effects: A test of the Selective Exposure Self- and Affect-Management (SESAM) model. Media Psychology. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Liu, L., Hino, A., Westerwick, A., & Johnson, B. K. (2019). Context impacts on the confirmation bias: Evidence from the 2017 Japanese snap election compared with American and German findings. Human Communication Research, 45(4), 427-449. PDF
*Sude, D. J., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Robinson, M. J., & Westerwick, A. (2019). “Pick and choose” opinion climate: How browsing of political messages shapes public opinion perceptions and attitudes. Communication Monographs, 86(4), 457-478. LINK
Mothes, C., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Pearson, G.D.H. (2019). The PFAD-HEC model: Impacts of news attributes and use motivations on selective news exposure. Communication Theory, 29(3), 251-271. PDF
Wilson, B., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Robinson, M. J. (2019). Picture yourself healthy–How users select mediated images to shape intentions and behaviors. Health Communication, 34(8), 838-847. PDF
Ang, P., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Aguaded, I., Muñoz-Uribe, J., Wasserman, H., & Athique, A. (2019). Intellectual balkanization or globalization: The future of communication research publishing. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(4), 963-979. LINK
Pearson, G., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2019). Is the confirmation bias bubble larger online? Pre-election confirmation bias in selective exposure to online versus print political information. Mass Communication and Society, 22(4), 466-486. LINK
Pearson, G., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2018). Perusing pages and skimming screens: Exploring differing patterns of selective exposure to hard news and high credibility sources in online and print news. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3580-3596. PDF
Westerwick, A., Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Confirmation biases in selective exposure to polital online information: Source bias versus content bias. Communication Monographs, 84(3), 343-364.PDF
Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Steer clear or get ready: How coping styles moderate the effect of informational utility. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61(2), 332-350. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Lavis, S. (2017). Selecting serious or satirical, supporting or stirring news? Selective exposure to partisan versus mockery news online videos. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 54-81. PDF
*Luong, K. T., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Can the media help women be better at math? Stereotype threat, selective exposure, media effects and women’s math performance. Human Communication Research, 43(2), 193-213. PDF
Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). When misery avoids company: Selective social comparisons to photographic online profiles. Human Communication Research, 43(1), 54-75. PDF
Westerwick, A., Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Change your ways: Fostering health attitudes toward change through selective exposure to online health messages. Health Communication, 32(5), 639–649. PDF
*Robinson, M. J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Bedtime stories that work: The effect of protagonist liking on narrative persuasion. Health Communication, 32(3), 339-346. PDF
*Veldhuis, J., Konijn, E., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Boost your body: Self-improvement magazine messages increase body satisfaction in young adults. Health Communication, 32(2), 200-210. PDF
Sarge, M., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2017). Mechanisms of influence for weight loss in popular women’s health media: A content analysis of health and fitness magazines. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 10(4), 260-272. LINK PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Willis, L., & *Kennard, A. (2016). Media impacts on women’s fertility desires: A prolonged exposure experiment. Journal of Health Communication, 21(6), 647-657. PDF
*Kennard, A. R., *Willis, L. E., *Robinson, M. J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2016). The allure of Aphrodite: How role-congruent media portrayals impact adult women’s possible future selves. Human Communication Research, 42(2), 221-245. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., *Johnson, B. K., Westerwick, A., & Donsbach, W. (2015). Political online information searching in Germany and the U.S.: Confirmation bias, source credibility, and attitude impacts. Journal of Communication, 65(3), 489-511. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Johnson, B. K., *Silver, N., & Westerwick, A. (2015). Science exemplars in the eye of the beholder: Selective exposure to online science information affects attitudes on science topics. Science Communication, 37(5), 575-601. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Johnson, B. K., & Westerwick, A. (2015). Confirmation bias in online searches: Impacts of selective exposure before an election on political attitude strength and shifts. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(2), 171-187. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2015). The selective exposure self- and affect-management (SESAM) model: Applications in the realms of race, politics, and health. Communication Research, 42(7), 959-985. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2015). Thinspiration: Self-improvement versus self-evaluation social comparisons with thin-ideal media portrayals. Health Communication, 30(11), 1089-1101. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Sarge, M. A. (2015). Impacts of exemplification and efficacy as characteristics of an online weight loss message on selective exposure and subsequent weight loss behavior. Communication Research, 42(4), 547-568. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Johnson, B. K. (2014). Selective exposure for better or worse: Its mediating role for online news’ impact on political participation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19(2), 184-196. PDF
*Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2014). Glancing up or down: Mood management and selective social comparisons on social networking sites. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 33–39. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Kennard, A. R., Westerwick, A., *Willis, L. E., & *Gong, Y. (2014). A crack in the crystal ball? Prolonged exposure to media portrayals of social roles affect possible future selves. Communication Research, 41(6), 739-759. PDF
*Willis, L. E., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2014). Weighing women down: Messages on weight loss and body shaping in editorial content in popular women’s health and fitness magazines. Health Communication, 29(4), 323-331. PDF
Hoplamazian, G., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2014). The color of their collar: Effects of social status portrayal in advertising on self-esteem. Howard Journal of Communication, 25(4), 378-398. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Johnson, B. K., & Westerwick, A. (2013). To your health: Self-regulation of health behavior through selective exposure to online health messages. Journal of Communication, 63(5), 807-829. LINK
*Sarge, M., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2013). Impacts of efficacy and exemplification in an online message about weight loss on weight management self-efficacy, satisfaction and personal importance. Journal of Health Communication, 18(7), 827-844. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Glynn, C. J., & Huge, M. (2013). The Matilda Effect in science communication: An experiment on gender bias in publication quality perceptions and collaboration interest. Science Communication, 35(5), 603-625. PDF
Hastall, M. R., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2013). “Caught in the act”: Measuring selective exposure to experimental online stimuli. Communication Methods and Measures, 7(2), 94-105. LINK
Hastall, M. R., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2013). Severity, efficacy and evidence type as determinants of health message exposure. Health Communication, 28(4), 378-388. PDF
Appiah, O., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Alter, S. (2013). Ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation: Effects of news valence, character race, and recipient race on selective news reading. Journal of Communication, 63(3), 517-534. PDF
Westerwick, A., *Kleinman, S., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2013). Turn a blind eye if you care: Impacts of attitude consistency, importance, and credibility on seeking of political information and implications for attitudes. Journal of Communication, 63(3), 432-453. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Gong, Y., *Hagner, H., & *Kerbeykian, L. (2013). Tragedy viewers count their blessings: Feeling low on fiction leads to feeling high on life. Communication Research, 40(6), 747-766. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Glynn, C. J. (2013). The Matilda Effect—role congruity effects on scholarly communication: A citation analysis of Communication Research and Journal of Communication articles. Communication Research, 40(1), 3-26. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2012). Selective exposure and reinforcement of attitudes and partisanship before a presidential election. Journal of Communication, 62(4), 628-642. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Hoplamazian, G. (2012). Gendering the self: Selective magazine reading and reinforcement of gender conformity. Communication Research, 39(3), 358-384. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Kleinman, S. (2012). Preelection selective exposure: Confirmation bias versus informational utility. Communication Research, 39(2), 170-193. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Crane, J. (2012). A losing battle: Effects of prolonged-exposure to thin ideal images on dieting and body satisfaction. Communication Research, 39(1), 79-102. LINK
*LaMarre, H., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Hoplamazian, G. (2012). Does the music matter? Examining differential effects of music genre on support for ethnic groups. Journal of Electronic Media and Broadcasting, 56(1), 150-167. LINK
Hastall, M. R. & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2011). Evidence presentations in risk communication from a selective exposure perspective. International Public Health Journal, 3, 2-12. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. & Westerwick, A. (2011, June). Social comparisons at your fingertips: The importance of ingroup/outgroup status [Conference session]. Proceedings of the 3rd International ACM/ICA Web Science Conference, New York, NY, United States. [15% acceptance rate]. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Meng, J. (2011). Reinforcement of the political self through selective exposure to political messages. Journal of Communication, 61(2), 349-368. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. & *Romero, J. P. (2011). Body ideals in the media: Perceived attainability and social comparison choices. Media Psychology, 14(1), 27-48. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Hastall, M. R. (2010). Please your self: Social identity effects on selective exposure to news about in- and out-groups. Journal of Communication, 60(3), 515-535. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Meng, J. (2009). Looking the other way: Selective exposure to attitude-consistent and counter-attitudinal political information. Communication Research, 36(3), 426-448. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Hastall, M. R., & *Rossmann, M. (2009). Coping or escaping? Effects of life dissatisfaction on selective exposure. Communication Research, 36(2), 207-228. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., David, P., Eastin, M. S., Tamborini, R., & Greenwood, D. (2009). Sports spectators’ suspense: Affect and uncertainty in sports entertainment. Journal of Communication, 59(4), 750-767. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Taylor, L. (2008). The blame game: Elements of causal attribution and its impact on siding with agents in the news. Communication Research, 35(6), 723-744. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Appiah, O., & *Alter, S. (2008). News selection patterns as a function of race: The discerning minority and the indiscriminating majority. Media Psychology, 11(3), 400-417. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Keplinger, C. (2008). Murder for pleasure: Impacts of plot complexity and need for cognition on mystery enjoyment. Journal of Media Psychology, 20(3), 117-128. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Musto, P., & *Shaw, K. (2008). Rebellion in the top music charts: Defiant messages in rap/hip-hop and rock music 1993 and 2003. Journal of Media Psychology, 20(1), 15-23. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Alter, S. (2007). The gender news use divide: Americans’ sex-typed selective exposure to online news topics. Journal of Communication, 57(4), 739-758. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Keplinger, C. (2007). Thrilling news: Factors generating suspense during news exposure. Media Psychology, 9(1), 193–210. LINK
Dillman Carpentier, F., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Blumhoff, A. (2007). Naughty versus nice: Suggestive pop music influences on perceptions of potential romantic partners. Media Psychology, 9(1), 1-17. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2007). Gender differences in selective media use for mood management and mood adjustment. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 51(1), 73-92. LINK
Sundar, S. S., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Hastall, M. (2007). News cues: Information scent and cognitive heuristics. JASIST Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(3), 366-378. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Keplinger, C. (2006). Mystery appeal: Effects of uncertainty and resolution on the enjoyment of mystery. Media Psychology, 8(3), 193-212. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Hastall, M. (2006). Social comparisons with news personae: Selective exposure to news portrayals of same-sex and same-age characters. Communication Research, 33(4), 262-284. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Brück, J., & *Hastall, M. R. (2006). The gender news use divide: Impacts of sex, gender, self-esteem, achievement, and affiliation motivations on German news readers’ exposure to news topics. Communications – The European Journal of Communication, 31(3), 329-345. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Alter, S. (2006). Mood adjustment to social situations through mass media use: How men ruminate and women dissipate angry moods. Human Communication Research, 32(1), 58-73. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Coates, B. (2006). Minority models in advertisements in magazines popular with minorities. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 83(3), 596-614. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Dillman Carpentier, F., *Blumhoff, A., & *Nickel, N. (2005). Selective exposure effects for positive and negative news: Testing the robustness of the informational utility model. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(1), 181-195. LINK
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Sharma, N., *Hansen, D., & *Alter, S. (2005). Impact of popularity indications on readers’ selective exposure to online news. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49(3), 296–313. LINK
Knobloch, S., Callison, C., *Chen, L., *Fritzsche, A., & Zillmann, D. (2005). Children’s sex-stereotyped self-socialization through selective exposure to entertainment fare: Cross-cultural experiments in Germany, China, and the United States. Journal of Communication, 55(1), 122-138. LINK
Knobloch, S., *Patzig, G., *Mende, A.-M., & *Hastall, M. (2004). “Affective News” – Effects of discourse structure in narratives on suspense, curiosity, and enjoyment while reading news and novels. Communication Research, 31(3), 259-287. LINK
Zillmann, D., *Chen, L., Knobloch, S., & Callison, C. (2004). Effects of lead framing on selective exposure to Internet news reports. Communication Research, 31(1), 58-81. LINK
Knobloch, S., *Weisbach, K., & Zillmann, D. (2004). Love lamentation in pop songs: Music for unhappy lovers? Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 16(3), 116-124. LINK
Knobloch, S., & Zillmann, D. (2003). Appeal of love themes in popular music. Psychological Reports, 93(3), 653-658. LINK
Knobloch, S., *Hastall, M., Zillmann, D., & Callison, C. (2003). Imagery effects on the selective reading of Internet newsmagazines: A cross-cultural examination. Communication Research, 30(1), 3-29. LINK
Knobloch, S., *Dillman Carpentier, F., & Zillmann, D. (2003). Effects of salience dimensions of informational utility on selective exposure to online news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 80(1), 91-108. LINK
Knobloch, S. (2003). Mood adjustment via mass communication. Journal of Communication, 53(2), 233-250. LINK
*Dillman Carpentier, F., Knobloch, S., & Zillmann, D. (2003). The rebellion in rock and rap. A comparison of traits predicting selective exposure to rebellious music. Personality & Individual Differences, 35(7),1643-1655.
Knobloch, S., & Zillmann, D. (2002). Mood management via the digital jukebox. Journal of Communication, 52(2), 351-366. LINK
Knobloch, S., Zillmann, D., Gibson, R., & Karrh, J. (2002). Effects of salient news items on information acquisition and issue perception. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 14(1), 14-22.
Zillmann, D., Knobloch, S., & *Yu, H.-S. (2001). Effects of photographs on the selective reading of news reports. Media Psychology, 3(4), 301–324. LINK
Zillmann, D., & Knobloch, S. (2001). Emotional reactions to narratives about the fortunes of personae in the news theater. Poetics, 29(3), 189-206. LINK
Vorderer, P., Knobloch, S., & *Schramm, H. (2001). Does entertainment suffer from interactivity? The impact of watching an interactive TV movie on viewers’ experience of entertainment. Media Psychology, 3(4), 343-363. LINK
Schönbach, K., Lauf, E., Stürzebecher, D., & Knobloch, S. (1999). Evaluating 350 newspapers – factors contributing to their success: A summary of a large-scale empirical study. Document Design, 1(2), 75-84. LINK
Articles in Leading German Journals in Communication Research and Psychology
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2007). Kognitive Dissonanz ‘Revisited’: Selektive Zuwendung zu einstellungskonsistenten und -inkonsistenten politischen Informationen [Cognitive dissonance revisited: Selective exposure to attitude-consistent and counter-attitudinal political information]. Publizistik, 52, 51 – 62.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., *Hastall, M. R., *Grimmer, D., & *Brück, J. (2005). Der Einfluss der Selbstwirksamkeit auf die selektive Zuwendung zu Nachrichten [Informational utility: The influence of efficacy on recipients’ news selection]. Publizistik, 50(4), 462-474.
Knobloch, S. & *Fritzsche, A. (2004). Cowboy und Prinzessin seit Adam und Eva. Geschlechtsstereotype Unterhaltungspräferenzen von Vorschulkindern [Cowboy and princess since Adam and Eve: Gender-typed entertainment preferences among preschoolers]. Medienpsychologie, 16(2), 68-77.
Knobloch, S. (2003). Werbestrategien der deutschen Medien – Einsatz von Media-Werbung, Eigenwerbung und Cross-Promotion [Advertising strategies of German media: Advertising, self-promotion, and cross-promotion]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 51(1), 38-54.
Knobloch, S. (2002). ‘Unterhaltungsslalom’ bei der WWW-Nutzung: Ein Feldexperiment [‘Entertainment slalom’ while surfing the WWW: A field experiment]. Publizistik, 47(3), 309-318.
Knobloch, S., *Patzig, G. & *Hastall, M. R. (2002). “Informational Utility” – Einfluss von Nützlichkeit auf selektive Zuwendung zu negativen und positiven Online-Nachrichten [Informational utility: Impact of utility on selective exposure to negative and positive online news]. Medien- & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 50(30), 359-375.
Knobloch, S., Vorderer, P., & Zillmann, D. (2000). Musikgeschmack und Freundschaft unter Jugendlichen [Musical taste and friendships among adolescents]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 31(1), 18-30.
Knobloch, S., & Knobloch, M. (1999). Computergestützte Befragung: Der Computer in der Funktion von Interviewer und Fragebogen [Computer-aided surveys]. Rundfunk und Fernsehen, 47, 61-77.
Vorderer, P., & Knobloch, S. (1996). Parasoziale Beziehungen zu Serienfiguren: Ergänzung oder Ersatz? [Parasocial relationshipts to TV series characters: Complementary or compensatory?] Medienpsychologie, 8(3), 201-216.
Other Journal Articles
Knobloch, S. (2001). Nachrichtenrezeption: Licht- und Schattenseiten eines Forschungsfeldes. [transl.: News reception: A research overview] Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, 50(1-2), 9-12.
Vorderer, P., & Knobloch, S. (1998). Ist interaktive Fernsehunterhaltung spannend? [Is interactive TV entertainment suspenseful?] Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft SPIEL, 17(1) [special issue on entertainment], 58-80.
Knobloch, S. (1996). Was wäre ohne PR passiert? Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Evaluation von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [What would have happened without public relations? A contribution to the discusson of PR evaluation]. Public Relations: Brief der Deutschen Public Relations-Gesellschaft, 1, 10-13.
Book Chapters in English
*Luong, K. T., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Emotion regulation in online communication. In R. Nabi & J. Myrick (Eds.), Our online emotional selves: The link between digital media and emotional experience. Oxford University Press.
Sude, D., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Selective exposure and attention to attitude-consistent and attitude-discrepant information: Reviewing the evidence. In J. Strömbäck (Ed.), Knowledge resistance in high-choice information environments. Routledge.
*Luong, K. T., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). Selection of entertainment media: From mood management theory to the SESAM model. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Oxford handbook of entertainment. Oxford University Press.
Robinson, M. & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). News as entertainment format: Applying affective disposition theory and the affective news extended model. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Oxford handbook of entertainment theory. Oxford University Press.
Robinson, M. J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (in press). The role of affect and the self in selective exposure to media messages. In K. Döveling, C. von Scheve, & E. Konijn (Eds.), Handbook of media and emotions (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Westerwick, A., & *Sude, D. (2019). Media choice and selective exposure. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 146-162). Routledge.
*Robinson, M. J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2016). Mood management through selective media use for health and well-being. In L. Reinecke & M. B. Oliver (Eds.), Handbook of media and well-being (pp. 65-79). Routledge.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Westerwick, A., & *Johnson, B. K. (2015). Selective exposure in the communication technology context. In S. S. Sundar (Ed.), Handbook of the psychology of communication technology (pp. 407-424). Wiley-Blackwell.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2014). Selection, perception, and processing of political messages. In C. Reinemann (Ed.), Handbook of communication sciences (Vol.18, pp. 507-526). De Gruyter Mouton.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Brück, J. (2009). Gender role perpetuation through selective media exposure. In C. Holtz-Bacha, G. Reus, & L. B. Becker (Eds.), Wissenschaft mit Wirkung–Beiträge zu Journalismus- und Medienwirkungsforschung (pp. 85-99). Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2008). Information seeking. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia of communication (pp. 2264-2268). Wiley-Blackwell.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2008). Informational utility. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia of communication (pp. 2273-2276). Wiley-Blackwell.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2008). Mood management. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia of communication (pp. 3156-3160). Wiley-Blackwell.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2007). Choice in media use. In J. Jensen Arnett, B. J. Wilson, J. Brown, K. Roe, & L. M. Ward (Eds.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 169-170). Sage.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2007). Music listening, gender effects on. In J. Jensen Arnett, B. J. Wilson, J. Brown, K. Roe, & L. M. Ward (Eds.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 586-587). Sage.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2007). Music, rebelliousness and. In J. Jensen Arnett, B. J. Wilson, J. Brown, K. Roe, & L. M. Ward (Eds.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 570-571). Sage.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2006). Mood management: Theory, evidence, and advancements. In J. Bryant & P. Vorderer (Eds.), The psychology of entertainment (pp. 239-254). Lawrence Erlbaum.
Knobloch, S. (2003). Suspense and mystery. In J. Bryant, D. Roskos-Ewoldsen, & J. Cantor (Eds.), Communication and emotion (pp. 379-395). Lawrence-Erlbaum.
Knobloch, S., & Mundorf, N. (2003). Enjoyment of music and music television. In J. Bryant, D. Roskos-Ewoldsen, & J. Cantor (Eds.), Communication and emotion (pp. 491-509). Lawrence-Erlbaum.
Vorderer, P., & Knobloch, S. (2000). Drama, suspense, and conflict. In D. Zillmann & P. Vorderer (Eds.), Media entertainment: The psychology of its appeal (pp. 59-72). Lawrence-Erlbaum.
Book Chapters in German
Mothes, C., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2015). Kurzfristige und langfristige Effekte von Nachrichten auf politische Informationsinteressen [Short- and long-term effects of news on political information interests]. In O. Jandura, T. Petersen, C. Mothes, A.-M. Schielicke (Eds.), Publizistik und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (pp. 105-123). Springer.
*Whitaker, J., *Velez, J., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2012) Mood management und selektive Mediennutzung im Kontext neuer Medien [Mood management and selective media use in new media contexts]. In L. Reinecke & S. Trepte (Eds.), Unterhaltung in neuen Medien [Entertainment in new media] (pp. 30-47). Herbert-Halem-Verlag.
Hastall, M. R., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2012). Verknüpfung von Verhaltens- und Befragungsdaten in experimentellen Selektionsstudien [Connecting behavioral and survey data in selective exposure experiments]. In W. Loosen & A. Scholl (Eds.), Methodenkombinationen in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Praxis (pp. 229-245). Herbert von Hallen. PDF
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & *Keplinger, C. (2006). Mörderische Geschichten. Der Einfluss von Unsicherheit und Ausgang auf den Genuss von Kriminalerzählungen [Murder stories: Determinants of mystery enjoyment]. In H. Schramm, W. Wirth, & H. Bilandzic (Eds.), Unterhaltung durch Medien: Studien zu Rezeption und Wirkung (pp. 129-148). R. Fischer.
Knobloch, S., *Nguyen-Blaas, L. V., & *Hastall, M. (2004). Mitfühlen oder Mitspielen: Wahrnehmung von Medienfiguren in Trickfilm und PC-Spiel bei Grundschulkindern [Feeling with or playing with? Children’s perception of media characters in cartoons and PC games]. In E. Prommer & L. Mikos (Eds.), Vom Publikum zum User — Mediennutzung und Medienrezeption in konvergierenden Medienumgebungen (pp. 321-346). R. Fischer.
Knobloch, S., *Hastall, M., Zillmann, D., & Callison, C. (2003). Informationsselektion im Internet-Zeitalter – Eine web-experimentelle Überprüfung des Einflusses von Bildern auf die Zuwendung zu Online-Nachrichten in Deutschland und den USA [Information selection in the Internet age: A web-experiment on the impact of images on selective exposure to online news in Germany and the US]. In W. Donsbach & O. Jandura (Eds.), Chancen und Gefahren der Mediendemokratie (pp. 279-291). UVK Medien.
Zillmann, D., & Knobloch, S. (2000). Das Nachrichtenschauspiel: Reaktionen auf Ereignisse um Prominente und Interessengruppen in den Nachrichten [News as nonfiction theatre: Reactions to events involving the public cast and public groups]. In A. Schorr (Ed.), Publikums- und Wirkungsforschung: Ein Reader (pp. 295-313). Westdeutscher Verlag.
Knobloch, S., & Schneider, B. (1999). Besonderheiten von Medien als Wirtschaftsunternehmen [Specifics of the media as business companies]. In B. Schneider & S. Knobloch (Eds.), Controlling-Praxis in Medienunternehmen (pp. 3-17). Luchterhand.
*Schmitz, H., Knobloch, S., & Vorderer, P. (1999). Gutes Gefühl statt guter Geschmack: Die Bewertung von Spiel- und Fernsehfilmen durch die Zuschauer [Good feeling instead of good taste: The evaluation of movies by viewers]. In D. Wiedemann & L. Mikos (Eds.), Mattscheibe und Bildschirm – Ästhetik des Fernsehens (pp. 157-179). Vistas.
Vorderer, P., & Knobloch, S. (1998). Wie erleben Rezipienten interaktive Fernsehfilme? [How do recipients experience interactive TV films?]. In H. Schanze & M. Kammer (Eds.), Interaktive Medien und ihre Nutzer (Vol. 1, pp. 157-174). Nomos.
Knobloch, S., Stürzebecher, D., Schönbach, K., & Eggert, A. (1997). Inhalt und Gestaltung von Tageszeitungen 1989 und 1994 [Content and design of daily newspapers in 1989 and 1994]. In K. Schönbach (Ed.), Zeitungen in den Neunzigern: Faktoren ihres Erfolgs – 350 Tageszeitungen auf dem Prüfstand (pp. 31-52). ZV Zeitungs-Verlag Service.
Schönbach, K., Stürzebecher, D., Knobloch, S., Schneider, B., & Peiser, W. (1997). Die Untersuchung des Zeitungserfolgs [Investigation of newspapers’ success]. In K. Schönbach (Ed.), Zeitungen in den Neunzigern: Faktoren ihres Erfolgs – 350 Tageszeitungen auf dem Prüfstand (pp. 23-30). ZV Zeitungs-Verlag Service.
Knobloch, S. (1996). PR-Erfolgskontrolle durch Zeitreihenanalyse: Ein Vorschlag zur Evaluation von Public Relations [Evaluation of public relations with time-series analysis]. In G. Schulze-Fürstenow & B.-J. Martini (Eds.), Handbuch PR (chapter 1.614). Luchterhand.
Knobloch, S. (1996). Überlegungen zur Charaktersynthese von non-fiktionalen Medienfiguren [Considerations of components of non-fictional media characters]. In P. Vorderer (Ed.), Fernsehen als Beziehungskiste (pp. 49-52). Westdeutscher Verlag.
Schönbach, K., & Knobloch, S. (1995). Die Deutsche Welle und ihr Publikum: eine Bestandsaufnahme der Funktionen des Deutschsprachigen Programms [The Deutsche Welle and its audience: An analysis of the functions of the German program]. In W. A. Mahle (Ed.), Deutschland in der internationalen Kommunikation (pp. 183-191). Ölschläger.