When A Student Says “I’m Not a Boy or a Girl.”

“At some schools, teaching for and about transgender people is a battle, epitomized by nationwide debates over “bathroom bills.” But at others, educators aren’t battling against trans students or their needs. Instead, schools like Puget Sound are altering their policies to include transgender kids and, more broadly, to make gender a deliberate part of the curriculum. Students are leading the way, driving schools to adopt more inclusive teaching methods.”

Gender Fluid Artists Come Out

“Transgender and gender nonconforming expressions have been around forever,” said Erin Christovale, the co-curator of the roving film program “Black Radical Imagination” who recently started work at the Hammer Museum. “What’s new is that people are claiming these terms very proudly and these terms are starting to be valued.”


Art Once Shunned; Now Celebrated

Art Once Shunned, Now Celebrated in ‘Queer Archaeology; Queer Abstraction’

“The museum has a history it can be proud of, a radical one. From the start, it championed an outcast art and stood boldly, unfashionably, by it. Now it is complicating its earlier aesthetic direction without compromising its social mission, which is a tough act to pull off. Whether the museum is, or will continue to be, as advertised, the only art institution of its kind doesn’t matter. It’s a museum that both stretches “gay” and resists “normal,” and for that it’s invaluable.”

Visitors of Color Tumblr

Visitors of Color

We envision this as a space for museum folks to be able to learn from the perspectives of marginalized people. We also see this as a form of activism–giving folks who may not feel safe or welcome in our institutions a little bit of agency in their relationships with museums.

Although we’re called Visitors of Color, we wish to include voices from people of various marginalized communities–ability, gender, sexual orientation, class and so forth. Ultimately, we wish to allow space for the voices of marginalized people to be heard.

Our passion is museums, our focus is people, our position is intersectionality.

Read more about this project here.


“I was lucky enough to grow up in a home and school environment that went on frequent field trips to museums. However, my understanding of those initial feelings of discomfort weren’t informed until I began defining success for myself as an artist of...



Beyond Bullying



Why collect stories?


what happens when we think about LGBTQ sexuality in schools beyond risks like bullying, poor mental health, and dropping out


love, family, friendship and even our favorite movie and television stars?


of LGBTQ life come up and what does school need to do to make room for them?