Artist Kara Walker Promises Art, Not Answers

“I am tired, tired of standing up, being counted, tired of ‘having a voice,’ or worse, ‘being a role model,’ Tired, true, of being a featured member of my racial group and/or my gender niche.” Those words come at the beginning of an artist’s statement making a splash on the internet since Tuesday afternoon, when it was released by Kara Walker — who, it so happens, has long been heralded as one of the most prominent and talented black female artists, praised for making work about her race and gender.

Kara Walker with her art installation at the Domino Sugar Factory in Brooklyn in 2014.


START AT HOME: Art from the Frank W. Hale Jr. Black Cultural Center Collection

The exhibition runs from August 22 through November 4, 2017. Artwork will be on view at the Urban Arts Space, the King Arts Complex, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Global Gallery, The Ohio State University Main Library, and Hale Hall.

A full slate of associated programming including talks, tours, educational opportunities, and more will be announced in the coming months.

Untitled by Shirley Bowen.

Presidential Arts and Humanities Council Resigns

The 17 members of President Donald Trump’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities resigned Friday morning in response to Trump’s reaction to the violence and protests in Charlottesville, which have included the equivocation of the white supremacists to counter-protesters, as well as Robert E. Lee to George Washington.

“We cannot sit idly by, the way that your West Wing advisors have, without speaking out against your words and actions,” the members wrote in a joint letter to the President. “Ignoring your hateful rhetoric would have made us complicit in your words and actions. We took a patriotic oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”


An Open Letter in Support of Dana Shutz

“The National Academy letter is a direct response to a six-page outline sent to Eva Respini, the curator of the ICA show, by a group of protestors. (Megan Smith, Allison Disher, Stephanie Houten, Pampi, and Vonds DuBuisson are the authors of that letter, which appeared online last week in the form of a Google Doc.) “We were hoping to hear the ICA resist the narrative that Black people can be sacrificed for the greater good,” the artists wrote, referring to the controversy that erupted over a Schutz painting at the Whitney Biennial earlier this year.”

National Academy Members Pen Open Letter in Support of Dana Schutz

Cindy Sherman Unlocks Her Instagram

“But the photographer Cindy Sherman — who knows more than most about the deceptions of selfies — has quietly been exploring Instagram’s potential for something more than self-promotion. She created a private account on the service last October while in Tokyo; last week, without warning, she unlocked her account and changed her handle to @_cindysherman . (She originally went by @misterfriedas_mom, in honor of her pet macaw.) At a stroke, she revealed not only quotidian ’grams of sunsets and lunches, but also more than three dozen distorted selfies, deformed by unnatural smudges, copious flares and kaleidoscopic reflections.

I can’t say why she decided to make public the nearly 600 photographs on her account, but I’ll call it an act of generosity from an artist who is less outgoing than most Instagram hounds. Her new mobile selfies are by turns outlandish, hilarious and poignant. They demystify the influences and experiments of a great artist, even as they also point to the gap between Ms. Sherman’s vital, unsettling practice of sideways self-portraiture and the narcissistic practice of selfie snapping.”

Collective Note-taking via Google Docs


Why I am Consciously Uncoupling from Academia

A powerful and eloquent read, particularly as I endeavor to begin my own career as a professor. I empathize with Dr. Powers even as I lived, for the last seven years, the “alt-ac” side of this equation (btw, that term drives me bonkers, non-academic work is not “less than” and it’s hard to argue that academia is not the gold standard when employing a term that does just that). Missing from this article is a discussion of the need to conduct research, write, and participate in the complex interplay of theory and practice—a fundamental necessity for the growth and development of any discipline or field.

“Committed teachers and scholars are walking away, and they’re not doing it silently. Silence will not pave the way for someone else, or make the environment more just. This is why I write this, because, like Audre Lorde, I believe that “what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal, and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood”. I add my voice to the choir of voices. I am consciously uncoupling from academia.” ~Jill Powers